At the beginning of July, we stand in the middle of 2022. In the past six months, world events have been happening one after another, family and country affairs have been disrupted, the Internet has been bombarded, and the bombs around us have made people dizzy and busy, making t

Starting in July, we stand in the middle of 2022.

In the past six months, world events have been happening one after another, family and country affairs have been disrupted, major news on the Internet, and bombshells around us have made people dizzying and too busy to put down their mobile phones.

But you are still you.

But are you still you?

Looking back on the first half of the year, is your first feeling full or in a daze? Are you busy and happy, or are you busy and miserable? Or, are you living a leisurely, elegant and comfortable life?

What has happened in the past six months that you will never forget? Who occupies your heart? Which node witnessed your joint growth? Which moment do you still feel heartbroken when you remember it?

July has arrived, and we stand in the middle of 2022.

What can we do to be more conducive to embracing a better tomorrow?

What can we do to better seize the happiness of tomorrow?

Take a minute to look back on the past six months.

Take a minute to determine your goals for the second half of the year.

Take a minute to click on the options below to clarify your thinking and be full of fuel for tomorrow!