Have you ever felt that time flies very fast now? 01. Half a year has passed, and we haven’t had time to meet each other, and we rarely even have phone calls or WeChat messages. You are busy in your world, and I am away and missing you in my words.

Have you ever felt that time flies so fast now?


Half a year has passed, and we haven’t had time to meet in person, and we rarely even have phone calls or WeChat messages. You are busy in your world, and I am away and missing you in my words.

Maybe I will fly farther and farther like the flying kite from now on, and what remains in your hands are the threads of these words; maybe the long river of time will pull out a long shoreline, and you are at this end of the river, and I followed the current slowly to the other side of the river.

How are you now? Looking back on the years when we met and traveled together, it was a time of burning passion. I feel very lucky and grateful.

Recently, I often reminisce about our past, and also imagine the future of who I will meet. I feel that these years are too bullying, especially for a sentimental and honest person like me.

Perhaps it is because I am getting older, my memory is not as good as before, my reading is getting slower and slower, my work efficiency has also been greatly reduced, my progress in learning is even slower, and it is difficult to complete daily updates and homework on time.

And every day seems to be busy. Before I can take a closer look at how I spent the day, the countdown has started within one hour. I thought it had only been two or three days since I updated, only to realize that a week had passed.

I can’t wait to start writing to collect memories right away, so that words can record every beautiful thing in this life. But when I finished writing this article, it was already early morning the next day.

It’s July, and the life of each of us is destined to be sunny. I think whether you are happy or not, it is good to be happy and touched, gain and grow. Let us live in the present and cherish everyone around us. , use words to preserve the tenderness of this moment.


My study of writing has officially entered the second year, which is equivalent to me entering the second grade from the first grade of elementary school.

Don’t underestimate this change, it means that if you once took it as a joke, I am really serious about it; what I once loved and tried has now been transferred to in-depth learning;

And, I feel it more and more clearly The importance of learning, I am a practitioner of lifelong learning and lifelong growth.

Learning is a state of life, a state that makes people young, full of passion, hard work and full of expectations. No matter what age you are, no matter what you study, it is excellent.

I am very happy that I am still learning to write. I am also very happy that I still love literature up to now. I am also very happy that I have become a writer and am more determined to pursue my literary dream.

And my study has also positively affected the children. My persistence has made me a role model mother. My persistent pursuit has also infected and inspired many people around me, and maybe you who are reading this.

In the first year of study, I was a little scared and nervous, and even a little confused and ashamed to mention it. Now, I finally let go of the baggage of those idols, and it feels like I have really returned to the pure reading state of my childhood.

It is precisely because I don’t understand it that I need to learn more systematically. Fortunately, I have plenty of time now, so I can start over and enter the learning state systematically. It takes at least three to five years to learn any craft. I believe that every day can make a difference.

Many people once said that I am a sales genius. In fact, that is because I have been on the front line of sales for many years. Many people once thought that I was the most mature general manager, but they did not know that I was in the general manager position. It lasted for more than ten years.

Some people once thought that my career path to the position of president was due to luck, but few people know that in addition to diligence and hard work, I also entered Fudan and Wharton three times. .

A friend once said that since he stopped following me, there has been no career growth. I think that’s all because I didn’t insist on studying. I believe that reading and studying means growth and progress, and can really change a person.

If you feel confused now, or feel that you can't see the direction or hope, start learning something, or go to university to study, it may help you get out of this state.

I really don’t know what to study, so I start reading or writing something. If you still don't know what to do, maybe you can talk to me about it.


It is really a very happy thing to have friends come from far away. An old colleague and old friend knew that I would be leaving Shanghai soon, so she drove here specially to see me.

We met on the bank of the beautiful Huangpu River. While strolling on the boulevard, we lamented the growth and changes of everyone over the years. The people and things in the past are still so familiar and close.

A few years ago, we had a magical encounter. At that time, my husband and I drove from Yunnan to Tibet, and then took the Qinghai-Tibet Line to Sichuan. On the shore of the beautiful Qinghai Lake, I met their family driving by themselves. Today we joked again that maybe one day we will meet by chance somewhere in the ends of the earth.

In our life, we will meet many, many different people. There are always some people who will miss you, and there will always be some people who are missed by you. Please cherish every encounter, even if it is to say goodbye, it is a very rare fate.

The emotions between people are sometimes difficult to explain in words and words. Even if we just pass by each other, even if we only travel together for a short time, maybe we will become each other's noble people in life.

My little baby’s godfather is also a former colleague of mine. When he saw me pregnant ten years ago, he said to me: “I must be your baby’s godfather!” In just one sentence, he The whole family has become our closest relatives.

My husband and I have also become godfathers and godmothers to our friends’ children. Since then, the children have had older brothers, sisters, sisters and younger brothers. The happiest thing is that we adults, in addition to being friends, have a strong family relationship. .

Please don’t miss everyone we meet easily. Not everyone can walk into your life casually and be sincere and sincere to you; please don’t look down on anyone around you easily, especially inadvertently. ridicule and demand, maybe that person is the noble person in your life.

There is another small thing. Today I decided to cut off my long hair. This is equivalent to cutting off the tail of my "capitalism" and erasing the last traces of the past. Over the past many years, long hair has long been a unique part of me, adding a rare touch of gentleness to my aggressive and aggressive style.

Maybe this can be regarded as a kind of farewell! Say goodbye to a period of time, say goodbye to a life, and say goodbye to a state. Just like meeting friends, although they all know it is to say goodbye, they don't feel sad at all, because without goodbye, there is no future. Saying goodbye now is to better meet each other in the future.

Some people get lost as they walk, and some people meet again as they walk; some people forget it as they say it, some people believe it as they say it; some dreams disappear as they are being dreamed about. , some dreams come true as you do them.