If you don't want to work hard anymore, come and take a look.

If you don't want to work hard, come and take a look.

Inspirational Quotations

No one is a king at the beginning

No one should be a bronze in his whole life

The geniuses you see

are just teenagers who immerse themselves in studying

Shining light is not the right of the sun

You can do the same

Although five It was very dark at the time

But the score of 700 is really dazzling

There is always someone who can memorize the book that you can’t memorize

There is always someone who can do the questions that you can’t do


The school you want to go to is also Only others can go

The life you want can only be lived by others

You study until 11 o'clock at night without opening your eyes

They stay up until 1 o'clock and review three times

You suffer even if you write an ancient poem

They pick up their pens and criticize you

You feel tired when you pay twice as much

They pay 4 times as much as you

It makes you feel ashamed

You can't get up early at 7 o'clock in the morning

They start self-study at 6 o'clock in the morning

People who work hard will never regret it in this life

People who are decadent are so miserable that they collapse

Work hard enough Powerless

Work hard enough to move yourself

The hardships you have experienced

The tiredness you have experienced

will light up the road to the future

There is no youth and frivolity

Only the winner is king

Inspirational music

1. Chasing dreams with a pure heart

2. Proud of you

  1. My sky

4. The proud young man

  1. Your answer

6. The unknown man

  1. The ordinary road

8. The sea and the sky are vast

The world is uncertain, and you and I are both dark horses.

Finally, I wish everyone a successful landing.