My 39th original article, I would like to share with you that when entering and exiting the elevator, people outside have entered before the people inside have stepped out. When getting on and off the subway, all the people who got on the train were stuck at the door opening. As

My 39 original article, I would like to share with you

When entering and exiting the elevator, people inside have not yet come out, and people outside have entered.

When getting on and off the subway, all the people getting on the train were blocked at the door opening. As soon as the door opened, they crowded onto the train without waiting for the people inside to get off.

In the "weighing" section of the supermarket, there are always people who skip the queue and push their way to the front unscrupulously, without caring about other people's feelings.

Have you ever encountered the above scenarios? These are extremely uncivilized behaviors. With the progress of society and the improvement of national cultural level, why does such behavior still exist? Some people say it’s due to low quality, while others say it’s due to a “sense of superiority”. In fact, many times, these "bad habits" are caused by habit.

How was the burly elder brother subdued by the uncle?

Once, I went to the supermarket for shopping. At the beginning, I picked some eggs and lined up behind a person to prepare for weighing. Seeing that the people in front have finished weighing, it's my turn. At this time, a burly older brother came out from behind me and got in front of me. Although I was very unhappy at the time, I still didn't have the courage to reason with him. He was holding a tray of eggs with one hand. Due to excessive force, an egg placed on the edge accidentally rolled out of the tray and hit the ground heavily. The weigher and I both looked at him with surprised eyes, but he just smiled awkwardly and had no intention of apologizing. When the weigher saw this, he had a look of helplessness on his face and said to him, "Forget it, you go find the cleaners and clean it up." After seeing the eldest brother walking away, the weigher complained again, "There are only a few people there, so we have to jump in line. Who are these people?"

After I weighed the eggs, I went to pick out fruits and vegetables. There were a lot of people at this time, and there was already a long queue in front of the weighing stage. After I picked out my items, I pushed my shopping cart and stood in line behind me. When I was about ten people away from the weighing platform, I saw a big brother preparing to intervene again before the people in front of me could react. When an uncle in his fifties saw it, he shouted to him, "Hey, I'm talking about you, go to the back and line up." The eldest brother quickly explained, "I just need a cabbage and some green onions, it will be quick." The uncle continued, "Everyone is the same, don't waste time." Seeing that the uncle was so determined, the eldest brother walked towards the back angrily. I took a closer look. Isn't this the big brother who just broke the eggs? He had just cut in line at the egg weighing station and caused a "little incident", but he did not regret it. When he got here, he still wanted to jump in line. Fortunately, someone was finally able to "cure" him.

When encountering this kind of situation, we always think that it is only a few minutes anyway, "it is better to do less than to do more", and do not want to cause trouble for ourselves. Just "turn a blind eye" and let him go. The person who jumps in line seems to be doing the "right thing" when no one raises objections or stops him. This only increases his arrogance and makes him become more and more unruly, and he naturally develops The "bad habit" of jumping in line has been eliminated. If someone bravely stands up, stops being accustomed to his behavior, and points out his mistakes to his face, he will know what to do.

Takeaway Guy "What a painful realization"

There is a young man living downstairs, who is a takeout deliveryman. Once I saw him driving in the wrong direction on the sidewalk and honking his horn at the pedestrians in front of him. This was a very unfriendly behavior and he had no regard for the safety of others and himself. This will definitely not work if it continues like this. It is too It's dangerous. As his friend, but also out of concern for him. I sent him a WeChat message telling him the dangers of doing this and asking him not to behave like this again in the future. Although he promised me verbally, he would still do "extraordinary" things when it came to urgent orders.

Yesterday, he sent me two photos, one was the traffic police ticket and the other was his injured arm. It turned out that he had a traffic accident while driving on the wrong side, but fortunately it was not serious. I was a little angry and worried and said to him, "Don't be sad, go to the hospital quickly." Then, he replied to me, "Brother, I will never go retrograde again."

As the saying goes, "If you don't see the Yellow River, your heart won't die, and if you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears." My thousands of words of persuasion are not as effective as his one "personal experience". This is like when we were young, our parents told us a lot of earnest words, but we still made mistakes. Under the protection of love, it is difficult for us to feel the real harm of "bad habits". Therefore, there is a saying that "bad habits are caused by parents."

Teacher Liu Run said, "After years of evolution, the social attributes of human beings have gradually formed a set of agreed-upon norms, which are called morals. People in every era will draw the lowest line - the bottom line - for the social norms in morality. The bottom line is the law."

Moral norms and laws can only be used as a reference line for our behavior, but what can really change our thoughts and affect our behavior is the inner "scale". Only by not being self-centered and being altruistic can we survive in society better.

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