1. Except for the people who care, no one wants to see you living a better life than him. 2. No one will be jealous of a stranger's rapid rise, but some people will be jealous of the people around them who suddenly become richer than themselves. 3. When a person is used to you be

1. Except for those who care, no one wants to see you living a better life than him.

2. No one will be jealous of a stranger's rapid rise, but some people will be jealous of the people around them who suddenly become richer than themselves.

3. When a person is used to you being nice to him, and if you don't treat him as well as before, he will hate you.

4. You slap a certain person every day, and one day you forget to slap him, and he would like to kneel down and thank you.

5. When a person tells others about his or her pain, others only agree with it on the surface and use it as conversation material behind their backs.

6. Failure is acceptable, but the success of a friend is even more suffocating.

7. In this colorful era, if you don’t have a good-looking skin, no one is willing to take the time to understand your three views.

8. Why do the ancients say that beauties have a bad life since ancient times? It’s just because no one wants to care about the ugly person.

9. In this society, kind-hearted people always think that it is their own fault for rejecting others.

10. If you want to quickly recognize a person's true face, you need to quickly get involved in a relationship of interest with him.

11. What can be changed in a person is called a shortcoming; what cannot be changed is called a weakness.

12. There are two types of people in the world. One is a wolf who wants to wear sheep's clothing, and the other is a sheep who wants to wear wolf's clothing.

13. People with lower cognitive levels will always have inexplicable self-confidence.

14. Many people are unwilling to think with their own heads. It is these people who don’t like to listen to other people’s opinions.

15. In fact, what many people need is not advice, but well-meaning echo.

16. Many people don’t hate privileges, they just hate that the person with privileges is not them.

17. Some people will have judgmental emotions when they do not receive certain benefits. When they are an interest group, they will maintain this relationship all the time.

18. When a sober person integrates into a group, his IQ will automatically decrease.

19. Many people do not do bad things because the environment does not give them such opportunities.

20. Don’t tell others your sad things easily. Most people are just listening to jokes.

21. Those who are willing to help you when you have difficulties will lend a helping hand again when you have difficulties next time. And those who you take the initiative to help want to get his help, this becomes unknown.

22. Everyone lives with a mask. You never know how the person you care about every day will evaluate you behind your back.

24. Being too accommodating to others is tantamount to chronic suicide. Kindness must have fangs.

25. Even if you love someone again, the more you learn to keep a certain distance, when your love becomes a habit for others, they will develop natural animal feelings.

26. Everyone is born ignorant, and stupidity is formed by acquired education.

27. People who show off their power often have low self-esteem inside. People who are carefree often lack love in their hearts. People who are extremely glamorous often have fragile hearts.

28. The so-called high emotional intelligence means that you tell lies, but others can accept them readily. However, when you have low emotional intelligence, you tell the truth and have to apologize to others.

29. When everyone measures something, there is an emotional component. Especially the ones you are interested in or like.

30. Everyone likes to preach to others, but rarely reflects on their own shortcomings.

31. The more sensible a person is, the fewer people will understand him. The more capable a person is, the more work he will get. The more sensible a child is, the less people will feel sorry for him.

32. Everyone in the upper class praises others, everyone in the middle class squeezes others, and everyone in the lower class despises others.

33. People always like to praise the smell of meat when eating it, but hate it when washing dishes.

34. Everyone thinks that what they see is true, and they firmly believe it.

35. The more a person wants to have something, the less he can get it. Vice versa is also possible.

36. Those who tell the truth should always be cautious like a villain, while those who tell lies should always speak righteously like a gentleman.

37. When you are weak, there are many people who bully you. When you are strong, those who flatter you will be those who bully you.

38. Being angry is using other people's process to punish oneself. Being distressed is using one's own mistakes to torture oneself. Worry is using unknown things to scare oneself.

39. It’s not that the road becomes easier when you have more friends, but that the road becomes easier when you have more friends.

40. Change yourself and you will change the world.

41. A person's mentality determines what kind of time he sees. Positive and optimistic people generally see the world in a positive way. People with melancholy hearts always see things very pessimistically.

42. Everyone tries to change others, but finds that even they themselves have not done well.

43. When you are in trouble, you know your friends; when you are proud, your friends know you. See yourself clearly in great joys and sorrows, see your friends clearly in great ups and downs.

44. If you do something good to someone, he may forget it after a while, but if you do him a little bad, he will remember it for a lifetime.

45. If you help others seven points, some people will think you still owe three points.

46. Everyone has two ears, but some people like to hear one side of the story.

47. What you get when you give in is basically pushing your limits. Don’t expect to get any respect or heartache in return.

48. Happiness comes from comparison, especially in this land.

49. This era forces everyone to measure the value of those around them.

50. Regarding the strong, no matter what they say, whether it is unreasonable or reasonable, they are all golden words.

Regarding human nature, we must learn to live against human nature and do things in accordance with human nature.

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