Today’s Digest Do you know why you want to read? "What you read is not a book, but a future and the joy of your parents in their old age. It is the confidence when making choices." The knowledge and accomplishment you can have is very important. The best luxury for a woman is to

Today’s Digest

Do you know why you want to read?

"What you read is not a book, but your future and the joy of your parents in their old age. It is the confidence when making choices."

The knowledge and accomplishment you can have is very important

The best luxury for a woman is to have knowledge.

Maybe you have already forgotten the books you have read and the roads you have traveled, thinking that these are all passing away, but in fact, if you read more, knowledge and self-cultivation will quietly take root in your mind, and it will transform into your temperament. Here, in the conversation, in the gestures, in the movements, in the smiles.

The changes brought about by the improvement of knowledge can be said to be the ultimate temperament of a woman!

After all, time is easy to pass by, and no matter how exquisite the appearance is, it cannot withstand the torrent of time. Only by cultivating both internal and external aspects, constantly accumulating learning, and knowing the world without being sophisticated can these thoughts become noble qualities that will accompany you throughout your life.

How much knowledge a person has determines how blessed that person is. Those who make life better will definitely have those who are rich in heart, broad-minded, and knowledgeable.

Aesthetic taste cultivates temperament

"Not having aesthetic ability is a terminal disease, and knowledge cannot save it."

Aesthetic taste is reflected in every aspect of life, and it determines people's lifestyle and quality of life.

The taste in dressing and the elegance in posture are all enriching his life every moment.

If you want to be an elegant woman, you need to pay more attention to your physical condition.

Consistent exercise can help you build a stronger body.

Treat your lover like flying a kite

The poet will not sing about love until he kisses a girl; but after getting a girl, he begins to long for freedom again.

People are always so dissatisfied with desires. They want stability and freedom. After getting one thing, they will want another thing, endlessly.

Men have such a bad nature in their bones: they love what they can’t get even more, and they ignore what they can get easily.

If you stick to him all day long, like a nanny, taking care of his daily life, and like his mother, asking him what time he will come home every day, then you will only end up being disliked.

Give him a certain degree of freedom in many things, just like flying a kite. Hold the kite string firmly in your hand, but he will not dare to leave your side.

Dear, please wake up

"Work hard and make money!

Money is a good thing, it can make you look brand new!

decent and confident, sunny and bright!"

"I will not disturb him, nor will I contact him , let it go. "

" Time is the best medicine. After many years, when you look back at your former self, you will definitely smile and shake your head. "

" The feeling of giving up on someone is probably that I will still be heartbroken when I see you again. I will like it, but I will no longer insist on having it. When I turn around, I will be relieved. "

" Let go of any expectations and your heart will always be calm. "

"The wind will make an appointment, the flowers will not be missed, and every year will not be missed. .

Look at the sunset, listen to the evening breeze, and spring comes again! "

Your love must be worthy, for example, only give it to yourself

"No matter what kind of relationship,

you must first make yourself rich enough to live alone.

The second is to please yourself first, make yourself happy, and then you are qualified to love others, because everyone only lives once in this world. The third is if you and he are not the same. If you are in love or very much in love, then don’t contact him, and you will automatically eliminate him. "

" Many articles say that you need to "cut off the relationship", and the same goes for relationships.

You should cut off a relationship that is not suitable for you in a timely manner. , you can have a chance to find a relationship that suits you. "

" But I hope that if you have done the first two points, you should carefully protect your relationship when you find someone, and just have a clear conscience."

"Earn money well, live well, and don't punish yourself for other people's mistakes. "

What is my love for you like?


always said that I was as stupid as a pig, too naive, and would not let me play with anyone who was a little bit thoughtful. "

" You don't want to be too virtuous. People who love you don't need you to be too sensible. Being too sensible is equal to being humble and cannot be exchanged for love. "

I still feel that falling in love with someone is magical, isn't it?

"Love has no clear definition, but your appearance makes my love meaningful.

There is not much light in my world, but your appearance illuminates my life. "

"If you really fall in love with someone naturally, you will feel that he is the best.

When you see him, there will be light in your eyes, and when you see him, you will be inexplicably happy.

He accepts you gently and responds to you. He never finds fault with you and never asks you to change yourself.

He can see your shining points, appreciate you, encourage you, affirm you, and let you grow unconsciously.

You will become better and better and more confident because of him. That kind of pure emotion, not mixed with interests, is really beautiful.

The essence of love is a kind of appreciation, which comes from one person's appreciation of another person's vitality. Appreciation produces love, and love produces action.

He is very talented and charming. Together with him, we discovered more interesting things. "

"Thank you for loving me.

made me better. "