30 days, 720 hours, 43,200 minutes, time flows in my heart and disappears in the hard work. The fiery June, with many people's blessings and hopes, but also with farewell and new life, slowly goes away.

Time flies so fast, June will pass soon, at the moment when the fingertips slide over the keyboard, at the moment of meditation. Time passed like this.

30 days, 720 hours, 43,200 minutes, time flows in my heart and disappears in hard work. The fiery June, with many people's blessings and hopes, but also with farewell and new life, slowly goes away. Tomorrow will be a new month, July, and it is still so passionate and fiery. In June, many people took the college entrance examination and won the gold list, and some failed, carrying the expectations of their families and confusion about the future. In fact, life is about moving forward. Although you don't know what the road ahead is, going back will lead to an abyss. Instead of hesitating, it is better to move forward bravely, maybe things will turn out again. June is the season for short-sleeves and ice cream. I like the cool feeling, like being immersed in a world of ice and snow.

I don’t like greasy heat, I like coolness. Drink a glass of ice water and share the joy of coffee with friends. Once a cup is enough, you can cool your heart. June just likes to eat watermelon in the air-conditioned room and smell the fragrance of the fruit. At this moment, she suddenly feels very happy. June is the season of farewell. A large number of graduates leave campus and travel around the world, but do good deeds and don’t worry about their future. Although I feel reluctant to leave, I still need to embark on a new journey. I hope that the rest of my life will be filled with joy. I like the feeling of being young. Everyone has been young at one time or another. A young boy is full of high spirits. Although he is young, he is extremely cute.

Everyone has experienced the era of vitality, boldly doing what they like and becoming the person they want to be. This is the courage and strength given by June. Goodbye June, may time be kind to you and me, may you be treated gently by this world. Many people cannot learn worldly sophistication and sophistication, but they live with peace of mind. Mr. Yang Jiang said: The most wonderful scenery in life is the calmness and calmness of the heart. When a person reaches middle age, the best state is to live a low-quality life and a high-quality soul. When I was young, I read Rabindranath Tagore's poem: Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. Having tasted the fireworks of the world, I feel that life is impermanent and we should cherish the present moment. In June, let the past pass away and welcome the gorgeous beauty of July.

June, many people may not like June, but after all it has come, it releases life, blooms beauty, and fulfills summer. Listening to Liang Jingru 's song "Summer" brings me back to my naughty childhood. Summer is always full of childlike fun. Being tanned in the sun, breathing in the water, and walking in the rain have all become the most beautiful poems of summer. Just take a photo and you will see beautiful scenery everywhere, no filter needed, the sky is so blue and the flowers are so delicate.

June can make everything extremely beautiful, yet so fleeting, like an epiphyllum, blooming quietly without the need to prove that you have been there. June will eventually pass away, but what remains are memories. May those beautiful fragments remain in our hearts. June takes away our sadness and all misfortunes.

May July bring you new joy