Text - Love words written in the preface. I am here, waiting for the wind, waiting for the rain, waiting for the summer, and waiting for you... I touched you lightly, but unexpectedly they scattered like dandelions. From now on, your appearance is everywhere. On the way to see yo

Article - Love words written in the preface

I am here, waiting for the wind, waiting for the rain, waiting for the summer, and waiting for you...

touched you lightly, but unexpectedly scattered like a dandelion. From now on, your appearance is everywhere. On the way to see you, the sun is warm, the clouds are lovely, and the evening breeze must be sweet too. The sea water has an end, the moon is missing, and the world has its shortcomings. But with you here, I can make up for it.

But, I seem to have lost my happiness, and also my happy self.

I want to post my complaint in a circle of friends, but it doesn’t seem appropriate. I want to find someone to talk to about my depressed mood, but I can’t find anything even though I searched through my entire address book. Find that person. So, as usual, I swallowed all my emotions, silently opened Douyin, and followed other people's stories. I hope the wind of February can blow away a lot of unhappiness!

You will definitely do it...

Never think that you are ordinary. Remember that as long as you have a correct outlook on life, be well-educated, be filial to your parents, love life, maintain confidence and self-discipline, it doesn’t matter what others say.

You and I have experienced hardships and joys, year after year.

Women! Don't worry about things all day long, you will get old easily, let nature take its course, be happy, your mood will be better, your skin will be better, and you will be energetic. People who love you will love you more ...

The world is changing, and people's hearts are changing. , I am also changing and getting better and better ~ Be a positive person, what you miss is the scenery, what you continue is life!

"I used to feel that I couldn't live without WeChat, but now I can't live without Douyin , because WeChat has lost the news I was looking forward to, and Douyin has become a tool for me to spend time ."

"As long as it gets better , why not slow down?"

can make you a gentle person

must have given you the ultimate love

can make you a violent person

must have made you suffer all the grievances

Of course you have to work hard ! "Only you " is the only light in this trivial life.

As long as it gets better, everything you do is worth it.

will definitely get better and better.

The root of everything lies in yourself. No matter what, you can cure it by yourself.

Some people like you because you are good-looking, and some people like you because they see you cry, know that you are hardworking and ordinary, and allow you to be neither beautiful nor well-behaved, but still want to give you my shoulders and candies.

Yes, how lucky do you have to be to meet the latter?

I have encountered both. The former makes me furious. Sometimes after losing my temper, I feel incredible about myself. Later I met the latter, but unfortunately the timing was wrong. Just let the wounds heal slowly on their own!

will encounter many worries and obstacles...

is right.

may be "difficult" but it will be encountered. Thank God! I thought I would never see it in my life, but I still met it.Do you want to treat me like this for the rest of your life?

I really want to meet such a person? But I encountered the latter and suffered a lot... I was not the lucky person.

Every woman wants to be gentle, but reality makes you do the opposite.

Real life is like this ~ gentle women are pampered, and violent women are forced out!

is so right! I don't know how to control myself. Advanced animals must learn to adjust their mentality . When you are strong enough no one will affect you.

Every sentence touches my heart

It can make you a gentle person

It must have given you the ultimate love

I don’t believe it. An irritable mother explains~ One makes me gentle One makes me cute Which one is right?

The kind of people you meet also depends on you.

If you are not tied by children,"Do you also want to change a city,Change a mobile phone number, change a circle, start a new life, and plan again. Life? "

If you hold me in your arms, love me to the core, and protect me, I am willing to blindfold you and not distinguish whether you are a human or a ghost. The me before and the me now are completely different. What happened in the middle?

makes you a gentle person, and some people become sensible because they cannot get love. You think the worst thing in life is losing the person you love the most, but actually the worst thing is losing yourself because you love someone too much. No matter what kind of experience, you will gain growth.

As time goes by, , people’s hearts grow old. , Many people have never believed in

things now. , , are like fate , are like fate.

Since it is life, it is inevitable to have ups and downs. "No matter how beautiful the vows are, they can't be compared to a heart that is integrated into life. No matter how many promises you make, they can't be compared to the people who love you all the time...." Since this is life, warmth and warmth are inevitable. Only by working hard can you overcome heaven, earth and life!

No matter what state you are in, you must understand that the goal of life is health and happiness!

Author: #爱你的人#

A person who likes words and tea, a freelance writer, I will interpret your emotional stories and write your stories into a collection of poems. Welcome to pay attention and consult!