1. Don’t bother yourself. In this life, simplicity is happiness. Being free from illness and disaster means everyone is happy. 2. After walking through this narrowest and most difficult time, the hardships you have endured will take you to where you want to go. 3. Growth means ac

1. Don’t bother yourself. In this life, simplicity is happiness. Being free from illness and disaster means everyone is happy.

2. After walking through this narrowest and most difficult time, the hardships you have endured will take you to where you want to go.

3. Growth means accepting parting ways, accepting the impermanence of the world, and accepting the sudden feeling of powerlessness.

4. Sometimes, what we are waiting for is not the person or thing, but the time to let ourselves change.

5. Don't judge others. You should give others more opportunities to speak. Only by being modest and prudent can you win more friends.

6. Things in the world are never absolute, and the results completely vary from person to person.

7. Admit your own mediocrity and strive to develop in a good direction. You can be confused, but please don't waste it.

8. You don’t have to be too entangled in life. When you have experienced something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before.

9. Sometimes, instead of having to fight for a moment, it’s better to just say it to yourself. Look around, this world is not worth it, but you are.

10. No matter it is about a matter or a person, never speak superficially or deeply. Only when it is appropriate.

11. No amount of great principles can compare with the sense of security that a piece of money gives people. Earn the kind of life you want.

12. Making dreams come true is the most important thing to do now.

13. Life is never for others to see. No one will be responsible for your life. Your life needs to be steered by yourself.

14. It is better to fall down once than to speak ten thousand words. In fact, even one meter of detours in life are indispensable.

15. I always feel that others see you clearly, but in fact it is you who care about yourself.

16. Time may not be able to prove many things, but it can certainly reveal many things.

17. People's hearts are relative, and feelings are mutual. You can't keep those who want to leave, and you can't wake up those who pretend to be asleep.

18. Maintain self-discipline. Sooner or later, your achievements will be beyond the reach of others.

19. Life is a journey. It doesn’t matter whether the end point is the top of a slope or the bottom of a valley. What matters is that the scenery along the way is beautiful and full of vitality.

20. A good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others. Everything should be done in moderation. If you are too kind, you will lack perspective. If you are too humble, you will be weak.