Text/Xia Mo 01. Preface: Being a human being is like the endless flow of water. It can not only benefit all things, but also adapt to the square and round, and can adapt to survive no matter where it is. A person's life cannot always be smooth sailing. Learning to bow your head i

Text/Xia Mo

01, Preface

Being a human being is like the endless flow of water. It can not only benefit all things, but also adapt to the square and round, and can adapt to survive no matter where it is.

A person's life cannot always be smooth sailing. Learning to bow your head is not a sign of weakness, but a kind of tolerance.

Balzac said: "Complacency, arrogance and credulity are the three major hidden dangers in life."

Some people, when they are young and full of energy, always think that they can do anything, and they don't know how high the sky is. Only when reality slaps you hard on the face will you realize how ridiculous your arrogance is.

The sign of a person's maturity is to put away his sharp edge and move forward with both strength and softness.

Real life is cruel, and face is the most elusive thing. Learn to lower your head in order to better raise your head. On the road of life, if you give up some things, you will definitely gain something.

Only when a person learns to lower his head and take things lightly can he see the path under his feet clearly and go further.

Really smart people are good at "bowing down".

02. Learn to bow your head, reflect, and recognize yourself.

On the road to life, there are many roads and many choices. None of us know whether the path we are taking is right or wrong.

People who learn to bow their heads and reflect can often see themselves clearly, see the road under their feet clearly, and walk more steadily.

The king of Yue, Gou Jian, did not listen to the advice of his ministers at that time and insisted on launching a war against the state of Wu, , which ultimately failed miserably. But he did not become depressed due to the hatred of his country's subjugation, but learned to reflect on himself.

So, on the surface, he bowed his head and surrendered, but in fact, he was struggling to survive. Finally, when he got the chance to counterattack, he destroyed the Wu Kingdom.

Those who know how to reflect can always see clearly their own weaknesses and strengths, as well as the situation. Reflection can help a person wake up in time when he takes a detour.

Cicero said: "Everyone makes mistakes, but only fools will persist in their mistakes."

Bowing your head does not mean surrender, but a kind of wisdom for survival. Learn to introspect yourself, see yourself clearly, use your strengths to build a ladder for yourself, use your strengths and avoid weaknesses, so that you can move more smoothly.

Really smart people are never afraid of taking the wrong path, because they are good at drawing inferences from one instance, good at bowing their heads to reflect, and good at seeing themselves and the road ahead.

03. Learn to lower your head to add value and improve yourself

On the road of life, the better you are at learning with your head down, and the more humble you are, the easier it is for you to look up. How did

people become stronger? Most people learn to lower their heads and improve themselves little by little in silence, so as to accumulate more and more achievements.

It takes a lot of courage to admit that you are ordinary. However, after admitting that you are ordinary, you can lower your head to add value and constantly improve yourself, which is an ability. The road under

needs to be walked step by step. In life, people who are good at studying with their head down will always work hard quietly and then surprise the people around them.

In the journey of life, there will always be times when you are confused and cannot find the exit. Instead, you should learn to keep your head down and learn.

A truly smart person is good at bowing his head and knows how to lower his posture and improve himself.

When people are at a low point, they blindly doubt themselves, deny themselves, complain about themselves, and cannot solve any problems. After all, the pain of an ant is insignificant.

Only by learning to lower your head and add value and improve yourself through hardships can you become a truly strong person and change your destiny.

04. Be good at walking with your head down and walking with others.

A truly smart person is good at keeping his head down when interacting with others.

Be kind to others, keep a humble attitude, and walk with your head down, you will make more friends and learn more knowledge. If you are good at keeping your head down, you will not easily make enemies.

On the road of life, if you are arrogant and sharp, you will easily be jealous of others and cause unnecessary trouble. The more capable people are, they also know how to walk with their heads down.

When you walk with others, learn to be low-key and humble, you will often learn more knowledge and be more easily accepted by others.

Mo Yan said: "A person needs to know his own position, just like a person needs to know his own face. This is the most sober consciousness."

Lowering your head may seem cowardly, but in fact you are learning and growing.

After all, on the road of life, there are people outside people and mountains outside mountains. As a human being, learn to bow your head, maintain a humble attitude, and open up the world, so that you can become better and better.

A truly smart person knows how to keep his head down, learn the strengths and specialties of others, and constantly absorb the light of others, so that he can continue to grow and become a stronger person.

05. Summary

The more a person knows how to keep his head down, the easier it will be to succeed.

The road of life is difficult and bumpy. In addition to having the perseverance to move forward, you must also be able to withstand grievances, withstand trials, and learn to bow your head.

Lower your head when necessary, and raise your head only when it is critical.

Society is more complex than we imagine. People who can really stand on their own often have the wisdom to bow their heads. They can bend and stretch, and correct mistakes when they happen. I will never stop learning and am willing to put down my body and study humbly.

If a person is too ambitious, he will definitely fall down in the future.

The more a person knows how to keep his head down, the easier it will be to succeed, because growing silently can avoid many problems, so that he can become a blockbuster without making a sound.

In this life, dignity and face are valuable only when one is truly strong.

Smart people have long learned to lower their posture and overcome strength with softness. Only when a person has the wisdom to look down at the road can he have the courage to look up and do things.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional mentor, psychology scholar, over 1 billion popular emotional writer on the Internet, and manager of happy women. He has focused on emotions, gender, and answering questions for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.