People are inherently good at being lazy, and few people can control their truly lazy selves. As long as they can be lazy, lie down, and paddle, most people are not willing to pay, sweat, or work.

people are inherently good at being lazy, and few people can control their truly lazy selves.

As long as they can be lazy, lie down, and paddle, most people are not willing to pay, sweat, or work.

Dong Yuhui once talked about his role model who was also his boss, Yu Minhong, and sighed: Teacher Yu Minhong’s self-discipline is not something ordinary people can achieve. His planning for life and his energy are all made by me. Not enough!

He also once said the school motto of 西外: Diligence, optimism, solid skin...

Whether it is diligence or self-discipline, for every normal person, it is possible to persist for a while, but it is difficult to persist for a lifetime.

So, if you want to become truly self-disciplined, what should you do?

You have to choose something you like and are interested in.

Interest is the best teacher. You like to do it. When you do it, you will feel happy, so you must first choose something you like.

Secondly, the things you like must be positive, something that will bring you motivation, and something that will bring a turning point in your life. Some people say, I like playing games, is that okay?

Everything has two sides. If you are addicted to games for a long time, it will not only not help you, but also harm your life.

If you play the game to the extreme, it is not impossible to become a professional game competitor.

Since I was a child, I have heard adults and teachers say that we should cultivate interest in reading and learning. That is because reading can change our destiny and is positive.

If you find something that interests you, you will naturally take the initiative to do it, and self-discipline will be easy to develop.

You must have a dream in your heart

As big as the dream is, the stage is as big as the stage

You must have a dream in your heart, whether you are a child, after working, or after getting married, you should establish different dreams at different stages of life.

The power of dreams is great. Dreams have an inexplicable power that drives you forward and keeps working hard.

If you have a dream, you will be more self-disciplined. When you get closer and closer to your dream, even if it is a small step, you will continue to take it firmly, and you will be more self-disciplined in life.

You have to believe in yourself

Believe in yourself, you can do it, inner recognition is very important!

I have seen too many people. It’s not that they don’t have dreams, it’s not that their grades are bad, it’s not that they can’t accomplish anything...

It’s that they don’t believe in themselves, and they are saying to themselves: I can’t do anything, and I can’t do anything. Failure!

It doesn’t matter what the outside world says or what the outside world says about you.

Your inner recognition of yourself is the most important.

Only those who are determined will go further, encounter more beautiful scenery, meet the people they want to meet, and complete the dreams they want to realize...

If you say you can, you can. No matter how far it is, even if the journey is long and difficult, as long as you see the moment you want to see, you will feel that everything you have experienced along the way is worth it.

So, you have to believe in yourself, and self-discipline will follow.

Good people supervise and guide

Some people have poor self-discipline. It should not be said that it is some people, but most people have poor self-discipline.

From the time we go to school to the time we work, there will be various people supervising us and restraining us with various disciplines. We are afraid that you will be lazy, disobedient, and not work...

So, no matter what stage you are at, You can find a partner and work hard together, or you can find someone who can supervise you, urge you, and guide you, and you will be more self-disciplined.

A good environment will also affect you and make you more self-disciplined.


Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as those who are willing

are self-disciplined. It is not easy but it is not difficult either. I hope you can arrange your life in the future and be a self-disciplined and positive person.