The present is our future, and every second of every day is our life. But as Mel said in his TED Talk: “If you can make your decision in five seconds, you can be anything you want to be.

Now is our future, every second of every day is our life.

But as Mel said in his TED talk : "If you can decide your affairs in five seconds, then you can be anyone you want to be."

When you encounter what you want to do, don't hesitate, The countdown starts immediately after five seconds. Slowly, we can change our lives.


After all, there is a gap between what we think and what we do, and this gap often divides us into different levels.

It is also because of this gap that we are divided into different groups.

People who think about it but don’t do it often delay their own growth because of their hesitation.

missed the best opportunity, thereby delaying his own life.

But now is the future, and the future is our life.

If we want to control our future, then we must control our current life.

Musk once said:

"No matter how brilliant the idea is, tens of thousands of people around the world can think of it, but only by doing it can you be different from others."

Don't underestimate it The horror of waiting will ruin your moment.

Only if you hesitate less can you take more actions and change your life.


Life is actually very funny: when you hesitate, you will feel that there are thorns ahead; but when you step forward and drive into the distance, you will find that the front is unimpeded and very open.

But actually this is because our brains like stability.

When things become uncertain, we will deliberately magnify the risks of our actions to stop ourselves from moving forward.

But in fact, as long as you take the first step, you will slowly find that the road behind is not that difficult, and you will find that it is very easy.

You can set a rule for yourself: time everything you do.

When recording the time from start to finish, you will clearly find out how much time and energy you have spent on this matter.

Therefore, you can only live your own life by constantly challenging yourself and constantly breaking through your limits.

In fact, for those things that seem extremely difficult, you can only become better if you take action, find problems in action, and solve them. .

With this kind of execution ability, you can live a better life and experience a better life.

"After all, in today's society, too many people who are disappointed with life are often unwilling to even take the first step."

The reason why you don't get what you ask for is not because of your inability, but because of your ability to act. It’s just not enough, I don’t dare to practice it, I don’t dare to take action.

But in fact, doing so will only slowly consume you, slowly consume your emotional feelings, and make you gradually decadent.

The difference between people is actually just that some people choose to move forward in the face of difficulties, while others choose to retreat.


In front of Westminster Abbey in England, there is such a touching saying that makes us think deeply:

"When we were young, we hoped to change the world, but we found that we could not even change our own families.

Finally, I realized that if I want to change my life and the world, then I must first change myself

change myself, and then with the help of my family, I can help this country, and finally change "This world"

In fact, we pursue the perfection we want too much, which will make us fall into greater sorrow and disappointment.

After all, we can never wait for the best time. After all, the moment is the time we should change the most. when.

As Bacon said to his students:

"If there is really a best time, then this time must be now. If you want to plant a tree, the best time is now and the past few years. ”

But if we didn’t plant trees in the past, then we would have to live well in our present.

think, they are all questions; only when we take action will we have the answers.

When you no longer worry about gains and losses, you will continue to make progress tomorrow, and grow bit by bit every day, then you will eventually get a satisfactory answer and a happy ending.

"Act immediately after counting down for 5 seconds, which means leaving no room for yourself, no chance to shrink back in fear, allowing us to get rid of our emotions and live a better life that belongs to us. When we get rid of our Only through negative emotions can we live a better life that belongs to us. Author of

| Some things about psychology, never give up love and freedom in life.

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