I was very busy some time ago. I was so busy that I never went downstairs. Then I finished my work and was too lazy to go downstairs. I stayed at home to rest for several days. My whole body was about to get moldy. I have nothing to do today and went downstairs to take a look and

I was very busy some time ago. I was so busy that I never went downstairs. Then I finished my work and was too lazy to go downstairs. I rested at home for several days and my whole body was about to get moldy.

I have nothing to do today and went downstairs to take a walk and buy some food.

As soon as I walked out of the building, I felt the sun was so fresh and the air around me was so comfortable. It seemed different from what I had seen before.

often sits next to the stairs, and a few aunts beside the green wall are still there.

Everything is so harmonious and beautiful. I truly feel that life is peaceful and can be expected.

Life is so beautiful, it all comes from a grateful heart. I am grateful for all the encounters in my life and all the people along the way.

The ladies greeted me warmly and asked me if I had traveled far and was I not in good health? Still sick?

showed their warm concern and warm greetings to them. I am very touched and grateful.

If you feel that life is beautiful, sadness will escape. Since the sun is shining, smile in return. Keep smiling because life is so beautiful and there's no reason not to keep smiling.

Tell yourself that life is so beautiful, don’t get angry because of people who don’t care, ignore them, and let yourself go.

Remember what you were busy with some time ago? ?

is busy arguing

is busy getting angry

is busy escaping. Think about it now.

There is nothing that cannot be overcome, only that there is no going back. No matter the good and painful times in the past, they are all in the past. Just smile. Live in the moment and live well.

Three or five good friends, happily having a meal, chatting about each other's lives, and talking about their little troubles.

Don’t watch it if you don’t like it, don’t chat if you can’t chat with it. Don't let yourself get angry. Because the body is your own. No one else can give you a healthy body, only you can give it to yourself.

It’s okay, read more books, read the news, read the humanities and history, constantly improve yourself, and have a different small world.

If you develop a habit over time, you will feel that life is so comfortable and beautiful!

You will be more grateful that the world is still so beautiful, and keep yourself away from turbulent family wars and spiritual poverty.

In fact, life has always been beautiful. This is because you have mistaken the focus. There is no need to look up at other people's scenery and become unbalanced.

Only when your mentality is balanced can you feel the beauty of life. When you are not impatient or impatient, you are the most sober, romantic and comfortable!

Everyone is the same! ! !