In this short life, if you can always have a pure heart, a happy heart, and a normal heart, then life will be full of good scenery. Life will not be smooth sailing. In times of adversity, find a fulcrum, hold a glass of wine, watch the mud in the rain, and still move forward with

In this short life, if you can always have a pure heart, a happy heart, and a normal heart, then life will be full of good scenery.

Life will not be smooth sailing. In times of adversity, find a fulcrum, hold a glass of wine, watch the mud in the rain, and still move forward tenaciously; in times of good times, climb to the top of the mountain, light a cigarette, and look at the vicissitudes of life in the distance, neither arrogant nor impatient .

A philosopher once said: "Your mentality is the master of your life." Although life cannot be entirely supported by mood, mood can control life.


Plant a bunch of sunny flowers in your heart

The younger sister of classmate Hou Fen comes from a wealthy family and has grown up in honey since she was a child. In addition, he is well-behaved, obedient, and extremely intelligent. He has always been a top student during his studies, and he is "someone else's child."

But then the hardships of life suddenly hit her. Four years after their marriage, her husband cheated on her, and her family's business was in disarray.

Hou Fen was at a loss, as if the sky was falling.

When she was crying to her brother, he, who was already very haggard because of running the family business, took his sister to a flower garden, pointed at the blooming flowers and said:

"Since something happened to our family, I often come here. Look at the flowers, see them smiling in the morning, blooming in the rainstorm, and growing in the sunshine." After

finished speaking, neither of them spoke anymore, and they just stared at the flowers in the flowerbed quietly until the sunset. .

At this time, my brother said to Hou Fen sincerely: "Changes in life will be everywhere, and hardships in life will come unexpectedly. We must learn to face it, plant a bouquet of flowers in our hearts, and our hearts will smile."

Hou Fen Listening to my brother's encouragement, I seem to feel the power brought by flowers.

Later, Hou Fen divorced her husband resolutely, and then devoted himself to work, appearing in front of everyone like a flower.

She always remembered her brother's words: "Plant flowers in your heart."

Ji Xianlin said: "Sometimes, this ocean of starlight seems to have reached the edge of darkness; I thought that beyond this, there is no limit. There is endless darkness. However, if you look up for a moment, there is still a field of stars. "

The scenery is like this, and so is life.

When suffering comes, as long as you have hope and face it head on, the wind and clouds will surely dissipate.

Plant a bouquet of flowers in your heart. Even if you encounter difficulties in life, you will still have flowers in your heart and the sunshine will pour into your heart!


Plant a tall tree on your body

Nan Xiang has suffered from polio since he was a child. He is a little lame in his right foot and walks with a limp.

Because of this, when I was in school, I was often laughed at by others.

There was a time when she was extremely lonely and depressed. Her low self-esteem affected her academic performance. She was at the bottom of the class in almost every exam.

When she was in fifth grade, the new class teacher, Teacher Liu, learned about Nanxiang's situation.

One day during lunch break, Teacher Liu called Nanxiang to her office and drew a tree on paper, with the trunk resembling a human figure.

Teacher Liu fondly teased Nan Xiang’s bangs and said: “Life is a long road of growth. If you want to grow well, you must be like this tree, with tall trunks and defeat cowardice with strength.”

Liu The teacher gave the painting to Nanxiang and wrote a sentence, "Plant a tree on your body and stand strong and straighten your back."

Nanxiang's little heart has been infused with powerful power since then. Ignore the ridicule from the outside world and concentrate on your studies. After graduating from high school, he was admitted to a 985 university.

Nanxiang, who has been working for many years, still keeps Teacher Liu’s painting.

The simple words on the painting have become Nanxiang’s motto.

There are many roads to take in life. Some of them may be muddy and winding, but only by moving forward firmly can you finally reach a flat road.

Writer Han Han said: "All walls in the world are doors, and only light can open everything."

The painting that Teacher Liu gave to Nanxiang, the tree and the inscription on it, are the light that opens the door for her. .

Each of us must plant a tree on our bodies so that we can stand tall and strong against the ups and downs of life no matter the storm.


Cultivate the grass of kindness in your heart

We say that those who plant grass will reap spring. What is meant by planting grass is planting kindness, planting help, and forming good relationships.

Aunt Lan has always been kind and helpful to others. Even if she is in a difficult period, she will be eager to help her neighbors if they are in trouble.

Aunt Lan often said that charity is the foundation of life.

Ten years ago, Aunt Lan moved into a new community. Her enthusiasm quickly made everyone in the community familiar with her. Whenever Aunt Lan was mentioned, everyone would praise her.

In the past ten years, Aunt Lan has actively participated in all matters in the community, no matter how big or small.

Seeing her enthusiasm, her wife asked her puzzledly, what are the benefits of helping others like this?

Aunt Lan sincerely confessed her heart to her husband: "Every time I help someone, it is equivalent to planting a grass. If I help more people, it will grow into a grassland."

Grass is the forerunner of vigorous vitality in spring, kindness It is synonymous with good luck;

Kindness is the timely rain in life and the sower of laughter in life.

Under Aunt Lan's influence, her husband, like her, has become helpful, and the couple always do good deeds as a pair.

During the epidemic this year, the community was closed for more than a month. Aunt Lan and her husband took the initiative to join the ranks of volunteers and worked non-stop for the residents of the community every day.

Many people who have received help from the old couple have also helped others in their own way.

Just let us know in the WeChat group if someone is short of salt or oil, and someone will bring out their own oil and salt and send it to them. During

, everyone helped each other and had fun.

Shortly after the lockdown was lifted, Aunt Lan fell ill and was hospitalized for an operation. After she was discharged from the hospital, people sent her nutritional supplements every day, and some people offered to help her with nursing care and housework.

Aunt Lan and her wife were deeply touched by everyone’s enthusiasm.

Aunt Lan’s kindness is like nurturing green grass and harvesting a large piece of grassland.

Not only do they get help from others, but they also let this kind of kindness spread among people.

The ancient Roman poet Horace said: "You have to laugh first before you can cause smiles on other people's faces."

If you have green grass in your head, there will be greenery around you.

About the author: Eyes of Night, a man with poems, distant places, wine and stories. Use warm words to warm your heart and lungs!