As long as there are differentiated activities, there will always be conflict. Therefore, anything composed of ideas, whether in books, social groups, or churches, is always a material activity.

There is always duality in our hearts: good and evil, men and women, happiness and pain, the real me and the expected me, etc. As long as there are differentiated activities, there will always be conflict.

These boundaries are generated from the activities of thought. Therefore, anything composed of ideas, whether in books, social groups, or churches, is always a material activity.

Life is so unreal and uncertain that we long for deep satisfaction, love and that thing called eternity. The mind conjures up something sacred and then pursues it and worships it. We think that if we do certain things, follow certain methods, and focus on one thought, we will get this thing.

Jupiter is the largest and most important planet in the solar system. Astronomers tell us that the average diameter of Jupiter is 139,822 kilometers, which is about 11 times the average diameter of the Earth. In 1953, the Miller-Urey experiment proved that the combination of lightning and compounds present in the primitive Earth's atmosphere can form organic matter that can serve as the building blocks of life, and all of these materials were found in the atmosphere of Jupiter.

Jupiter, as a "spark" of energy, promotes the growth of life in the soil. This is how Jupiter works within us—the eureka moment. Especially those who are engaged in art, design, and creative industries, the quality of their works will be particularly high when inspiration strikes. This is the role of Jupiter. We get inspired, "This is who I am, and I just want to shine with exuberance, a vibrant joy."

In astrology, Jupiter is the social planet of wealth and luck. Often accompanied by good luck and rewards, it is a force for optimism and expansion. In China's Taoist culture, Jupiter is personified as a "lucky star"; in ancient Indian Vedic astrology, Jupiter is called the "sacrifice to the lord of immortals" and is a religious teacher who inspires spirituality, often called "guru" . Represents religion, charity, philosophy, traditional morality, faith, and supernatural things.

The ascendant in the first house represents the self, which is shaped by parents, society, background culture, etc., and is a "false self" that lives with a mask. In order to survive in society, I need to do it through willpower, hard work, ambition, competition, jealousy, violence, I need money, I need to accumulate things. When the rising represents me, the energy I put into something or a certain belief to make it happen, and the energy represented by Mars can be regarded as a fruitful one. This is the reason why I will accept tradition and surrender to authority, because in tradition, imitation, and surrender, I will gain a sense of security.

I will also feel safe in fantasy. It was obvious that all my pursuits were illusions created by my mind. Just like believing in God, Jesus , God, it will give me a feeling of protection, like living under the wings of God. However, this is an illusion after all.

This is what the 1st house represents and what I am asking from the 9th house. This never-ending mental activity is based on knowledge, and it has always been regarded as a kind of progress, progress, and evolution. The ninth house rules our spiritual guidance, and Sagittarius is all about self-discovery, a symbol of the pursuit of beliefs, ideals, and acceptance of intuition. Jupiter guards everything, including foreign cultures, the spirit of exploration of unknown areas, philosophical expansion, and the pursuit of truth.

And what is the real "I"? I am the world, and the world is one with me, and one with all things. Human nature is inherently good, and goodness is wisdom, happiness, and love. People's kindness can often bring about positive relationship interactions, good character, and a happy life. If I have good intentions in my heart, then everything I do is appropriate, including my relationships, my actions, and the way I think.

In the early life environment, when you want to express your true self, you are ostracized, rejected, ignored or humiliated. You are not allowed to live according to your heart and follow the joy of inspiration, then we will The outside world looks for things it thinks will work. This is the root cause of fear.

Because you have never understood the conflict between "the real me" and the "expected me", you have never discovered what you should live for. You have always mistakenly believed that you must find this or that in the outside world in order to be happy. You think Venus could replace Jupiter in value, but Venus can only derive necessary satisfaction from this material world. Jupiter's job is to help us live a real life and become the best version of ourselves by following our inner voice and the inspiration of "I know what is right for me". .

In this crowded road of life, how can we breathe freely and let our singing not struggle in the air. Jupiter, which rules the ninth house, gives us soul pursuits based on material things. One can expand one's horizons through extensive reading, or gain insights through meditation and the manifestation of all things in the universe. Because Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, philosophy, higher knowledge and spirituality.

None of us can choose where we are born, what kind of family environment we will grow up in, or who our brothers and sisters will be. But we can choose the kind of people we make friends with; we can choose what food we eat and how we take care of our bodies; we can choose how to use our skills and resources to make ourselves happier and more productive. significance. The only thing we need to do is to deeply explore and observe ourselves, understand and recognize the true self behind the mask, and achieve self-sufficiency and complete self-nature.

All life experiences and experiences are under the influence of our thoughts and concepts. The truth of the universe revealed in [ Surangama Sutra ] is: no destiny is completely fixed on the trajectory determined at birth. Destiny is based on choice itself. Every choice you make determines the energy group you attract and enter, thereby entering the direction of your destiny.

Our choices are conscious activities in the mind, so the mind must put everything in the right place, and then we can have insight into the entire activity of consciousness. Therefore, astrolabe only provides the background, and it is the conceptual awareness that determines how to interpret it.