Keigo Higashino said: "Everyone wants to be born into a good family, but there is no choice. Whatever card fate deals you, you can only try your best to play it well."

Keigo Higashino said: "Everyone wants to be born into a good family, but there is no choice. Whatever cards fate deals you, you can only try your best to play it well."

There is no smooth road in life, and there will be more or less mistakes along the way. There are twists and turns, but as long as you are willing to work hard and persevere to the end, you can reach the end no matter how difficult the road is.

However, if you have tried some roads and know that they are wrong, there is no need to spend too much time "hitting the south wall" there. It is better to let yourself go as soon as possible and choose a path that suits you again.

There is not only one way to go in life. If you can’t take this way, there are other ways to go. If you dare to try, you can always find a life path that suits you.

1. Do your best and don’t embarrass yourself.

There is a saying that goes well:

"After you have worked hard and paid, you can wave your hands proudly and stride away. There is no need to wait until you are scarred before you know how to leave."

There are some ways, There is no need to keep moving forward knowing that it is wrong. Not all efforts in will be rewarded. Sometimes putting efforts in the wrong place will only make you make more mistakes.

It is better to act according to your ability, stop the loss in time and choose the path to take again when you know that there will be no results if you continue to work hard.

Although the process of trial and error is a bit time-consuming, if you dare to try and start over, you will be able to find your own life path faster than if you follow the same path until it becomes dark.

Therefore, don’t think that it is a waste of time to try to see if it is suitable, and don’t go all the way. Try more while you are young, so that you will not regret it when you are old.

However, for every choice in life, you must take responsibility once you make a choice. Don't regret the results, as that will only make you live in regret.

people are alive, don't make it difficult for yourself.

Only by knowing how to do what you can can achieve a better self.

2. Don’t struggle when things happen, let yourself go

Life is both bitter and sweet. Although

is difficult to satisfy everyone's expectations, it does not mean that everything goes smoothly.

When faced with unsatisfactory situations in life, the more entangled you are, the worse it will be. It is better to learn not to struggle when things happen, and let others go while letting yourself go.

Let the unsatisfactory things pass by like a fleeting cloud, and face the unknown with an optimistic attitude.

Many times, if you don’t fight and struggle with yourself, life will get smoother and smoother.

You must know that if you compete for a moment, even if you win, you will only get temporary pleasure. After the pleasure passes, there will be endless troubles.

Some people brag in a moment of impulsiveness at a banquet, but end up bragging to the sky, agreeing to be responsible for tonight's expenses, and paying tens of thousands of yuan for their impulsiveness.

won with words, but lost with wallets.

If you know your mistakes and don't correct them, you will only make yourself continue to make mistakes.

As Matthew Said said: "If we can't change our understanding of failure, our desire for success can only be in vain."

So, don't be brave, don't compete when things happen, only learn to Only by letting go can life become smoother.

3. Keep your feet on the ground and follow the path you want to take.

Camus said:

"The true generosity towards the future is to dedicate everything to the present."

Only by working hard to live well in the present can we embrace a happy future.

As long as we live, there will be times when we go the wrong way, and there will also be times when we go the right way. If we are wrong, we must stop losses in time, and if we are right, we must persist to the end.

There is no need to be stupid, knowing that it is the wrong path but still going to the dark side, or looking for trouble to compete blindly. In the end, it is you who will be in trouble.

If you have this time, it would be better to spend it on making yourself better.

is down-to-earth, step by step, and live the life you want according to the lifestyle you like.

Although there are many shortcuts in life, so-called shortcuts are sometimes more difficult to follow than ordinary roads.

Instead of spending time talking about heresy, it is better to cultivate yourself deeply, make yourself better, and give you more choices in life.

Work hard and become a better self.

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