#Meet More Beautiful Childhood# The young man is trying hard to recall his childhood. His childhood was spent in the countryside, which is his hometown.

My family raises chickens and ducks, but I don’t want to eat meat, so I use more eggs to improve the food.

When I was a boy, I spent time with my grandparents, herding cattle with my grandfather, weeding in the vegetable garden with my grandma, and picking up rice ears in the fields after harvesting. Cutting the grass for the cows, watching grandpa break up the eggs that the family is reluctant to eat, opening the cow's mouth, and feeding it to the cow. The boy's childhood is filled with joy, sadness, and at the same time, the loneliness of lacking peers.

Cows are the most important thing in the family The young man still remembers the experience of going to the vegetable garden to weed with his grandparents in the summer. He would go out at six or seven o'clock in the morning. The vegetable field was on a hillside not far from home. The mountain was not high, but the vegetation was dense, and the sun was blocked until 9 o'clock. Only then will it be exposed to the sun on the hillside. Finish weeding before nine o'clock and then go home to cook. After dinner, grandparents will go to work in the fields, fertilize or check the growth of the seedlings to see what fertilizer to apply in the next stage. If there are too many barnyard grasses, weeds must be weeded.

For grandparents, the day's work has just begun.

For a boy, the happiest time of the day is the morning when he spends time with his grandparents. The sun is too hot at noon and the work is too heavy, so his grandparents will not take him with him. The boy will have to spend the whole morning by himself. Play by yourself, wait until grandma comes back to make lunch, wait for grandpa to come back and eat lunch, then take a rest. The boy will watch grandma washing dishes and watching grandpa smoking a pipe.

As soon as the noon sun passes, grandparents go out to work again, and only the boy is left at home. At this time, he is usually still taking a nap. The boy often has to endure the pain of waking up and not being able to find his grandparents. This is because the boy feels lonely and scared. .

The young man did not dare to cry. He knew that his crying could not call his grandparents back. They worked in the terraced fields on the mountain and their voices could not travel that far. The young man doesn't know that these may be his last few years without worries. More than ten years later, he will grow up, get married, and have a series of worries that adults have.

The boy likes to play on the hillside. Here are his good friends, the little ant, grasshopper, the little spider, and the little frog. They can't speak, but they spend a wonderful summer time with the boy.

Beans, sweet potatoes, taro and pumpkins are planted on the hillside. This season is when pumpkins bloom. The boy knows that pumpkins will bloom two kinds of flowers. One kind will grow into pumpkins when the flowers fade, and the other will not bear pumpkins. This Flowers grown are called lying flowers, and they will only fade away slowly, but they can be used for cooking, and the dishes they make are delicious.

The young man pinched a few flowers of lies. He knew that the flowers of lies could never be pinched out, and they would bloom one after another.

In summer evenings, grandparents would come back early to cook. After dinner, when the family sat in the courtyard to cool off, grandpa would tell him stories, and grandma would sit beside him and listen quietly. The boy had heard many Tang Dynasty stories and Ming Dynasty stories from his grandfather. His grandfather told him about Luo Tong's campaign to conquer the north, Xue Rengui 's conquest of the east, Xue Gang 's rebellion against the Tang Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang Poyang. The battle in the lake, Zhu Di Jingnan, talking about Chenghua Liting, and all the way to King Chuang Li Zicheng , the young man did not know when he had fallen asleep. At this time, the moon hung high in the night sky and the stars were shining brightly.

A question that teenagers often ask their grandparents is: "What is on the other side of the mountain?"

Grandparents always answer: "The other side of the mountain is the sea."

Many years later, the teenager has left the mountains and is in the city. Working here, he often misses his hometown and his grandparents. Only then did he realize that the other side of the mountain was never the sea. The other side of the mountain was his hometown, the boy's hometown.