Many people think that when it comes to saving money, it’s an either/or option. You can choose to live a life that saves money, or you can choose a life that doesn't save money. Most people think that there is no need to save money and that they should be comfortable. However, th

Many people think that when it comes to saving money, this is an either-or option. You can choose to live a life that saves money, or you can choose a life that doesn't save money. Most people think that there is no need to save money and that they should be comfortable.

However, this is a wrong concept, ‍♂️because you have no chance to choose. For most people, economic freedom has not been achieved. In life, you are actually calculating whether the money is spent appropriately.

In fact, everyone will calculate whether they have spent enough money in life.

Some people always laugh at others when they see others saving money, thinking that if life is not so busy, saving money like this every day will make life boring. As a human being, you should learn to enjoy life. But is this the case? Does the person who said this just buy whatever she wants? When she goes shopping, does she just buy something she likes without asking the price?

No, in fact, most people need to make calculations when spending money. Because most people have not achieved economic freedom, they have to choose between buying this and not that. You have to fight in your heart between buying this and wanting to buy that.

How can you achieve economic freedom if you don’t save money?

Spending money lavishly will only make money disappear faster. When you make money, if you don't control where the money goes and you start buying a lot of things, then you cannot achieve economic freedom.

I know a friend who made some money recently. If she used this money to buy a house, it would be enough. But she thought she had made money, so she started to buy all kinds of things that she wanted to buy before but had no money to buy. Dozens of express deliveries were received every day. I advised her to buy a house quickly and stop spending money lavishly, but she said, How can she make money if she doesn't spend money? People can only make money if they learn to spend money. You see, I make so much money just because I know how to spend money.

But when she ran out of money, she began to regret not buying a house, because in the end, she found that her money was spent faster than she expected. She still had to continue renting a house when she could have had a house. Yes, but because of her lavish spending, she returned to her previous life of renting a house.

So if you have money, don’t spend it randomly.

Saving money is actually for a better quality of life.

I know a woman who is very powerful. She is the kind of person who has a stable job and earns a fixed salary every month, but she spends money very frugally. When others persuade her to be nice to herself, she says, She wants to save money for the future.

She saves money every month, and now she has bought two houses and has a deposit of 300,000 yuan. But the people who laughed at her savings at first had no savings and no extra house. And the quality of life is not as good as hers.

She said that she just wanted to spend her money wisely and did not want to buy some messy things.

saves money. In fact, it is more about letting you learn to spend money correctly. Spend what you have to spend.

What can save money, what can save money. That is the cost of food and clothing. Whether you have hundreds of clothes or dozens of clothes in your wardrobe, quantity cannot determine your taste. No matter how much you buy, others may still decide that you are not fashionable enough.

But in learning, you can get returns if you invest money in learning.

So when you invest money in food, drink, fun, or study, the returns you receive are different. I think with this return, everyone can know which one is better, and which one is just a waste.

So spend your money where it should be spent. Stop wasting money and learn to save money on food, drink and fun.