#numberoneweekly# I want to snuggle up next to you and send the gentleness of spring to your heart. I want to borrow the spring breeze to dye your heart with the fragrance of ten miles of flowers. Let your life be filled with sunshine. I want to hold your hands and send my wishes

I want

Hold your hands

Borrow the rising sun from the morning

Walk into the summer together

Avoid the vast sea of ​​people

Watch the bees and butterflies flying

Chase together and let the flowers bloom

I want

Let the scorching sun scorch and ignite youth. The flame

ignites the faint dream in the heart

Renders the swaying fleeting time

with the colors of summer

Let the colorful flowers fill the eyes

Sow love in the heart

I want

to walk through the autumn with you

Ask a white cloud

Borrow Come, the long autumn sky

white clouds, how far do you have to drift

When will the care in my heart end

When will I be able to walk through the windy, cold and rainy autumn

I want

I want to let my soul

accept your heart The shock of feeling

Ask about the long road to the end of the world

Borrow a trip to the distance

Use your heart to look into the distance

Look into the distance where your inner dream is

I want to

go with you to see the scenery of the north

Borrow from the snowflakes flying in the sky

Look at the red plums , blooming in the wind

Place the subtle fragrance of the red plums

gently on your heart