There is a saying: "The early bird catches the worm." My mother often said this. She is a person who insists on getting up early. Now she is over 70 years old, and she still insists on getting up at six o'clock in the morning regardless of winter or summer. Her simple philosophy

There is a saying: "The early bird catches the worm."

My mother often talks about this saying. She is a person who insists on getting up early. Now she is over 70 years old, and she still insists on getting up at six o'clock in the morning regardless of winter or summer. Her simple philosophy is: get up early and do your best work.

When I was a child in the countryside, my mother would wake up every day and be fully prepared for the family's day. The clothes were washed, breakfast was served, the house and outside were cleaned, and the chickens, ducks, cows and pigs were fed.

She explains the meaning of getting up early with her life's practice: A person who insists on getting up early will have more chances of success than others.

01 The prerequisite for getting up early is to go to bed early‍‍

The report shows that 69.1% of young people are unwilling to go to bed until after midnight, of which 33.2% go to bed after 1 am. Young people who can go to bed before 11 pm, Only 5%.

69.4% of young people stay up more late at night after work than when they were in school. The areas hardest hit by staying up late are young people in the freelance, Internet, and financial industries.

What did these people do if they refused to sleep?

Survey results show that 70% of young people stay up late watching dramas and watching videos, more than half stay up late browsing social media, and some stay up late doing online shopping and playing games. Only about 20% of people stay up late working, reading and studying.

The result of staying up late is getting up late. Many people's mornings start at noon, and life is basically reversed in black and white. They basically cannot see the sunrise throughout the year. When asked "What is your ideal sleep state?" 61.4% of young people chose "early to bed and early to rise".

People who often stay up late will obviously experience mental and psychological sequelae such as fatigue, sleepiness, memory loss, inattention, slow reaction speed, and high mood swings. They will also suffer from physiological sequelae such as skin deterioration, baldness and hair loss, and body weight gain. .

Staying up late is not the original intention of young people. Some people use their mobile phones until they die and refuse to put down their mobile phones to sleep. They are just "sleeping late obsessive-compulsive disorder" and "staying up late as a revenge".

Someone on the Internet joked: I don’t want to sleep because I don’t want the day to end; I don’t want to get up because I don’t dare to let a new day begin.

02 People who get up early are more likely to achieve success

I really appreciate a sentence I saw online: If self-discipline is the standard for success, then getting up early is the low-profile for self-discipline.

One day a reporter asked Kobe : "Why are you so successful?" Kobe asked back: "Have you ever seen what Los Angeles looks like at four in the morning?" The reporter shook his head. Kobe said: "I know what Los Angeles looks like at 4 o'clock in the morning every day."

It was the sweat shed during training at 4 o'clock in the morning one after another that poured out Kobe's basketball legend.

Life is limited, and the only thing we can have fairly in our life is time. Regardless of whether you are poor or rich, everyone has 24 hours every day. The more you use, the more you earn.

We might as well do a time calculation.

If you insist on getting up an hour early every day, it will be 365 hours a year. Calculated based on 6 hours of effective work and study time every day, you will have 61 more effective days than others every year. 10 years is 610 days. Use these "stolen" time to improve yourself. You can't imagine how good you will become.

The time in the morning is fresh and free of impurities. There is no interference from phone calls, WeChat, or emails, there is no pressure from work, and there is no entanglement in trivial matters in life. This period of time is completely mine. After resting and recuperating from sleep, a person's physical strength, energy, thinking, and spiritual experience are all in an optimal state, making it easier to turn on the "focus mode."

Staying up late for an hour seems to belong to oneself, but it belongs more to the body and cannot be compared with the efficiency of getting up early.After a day of hard work, you are physically tired and mentally exhausted, just like a battery that is about to run out. How much energy will you have left to carry out such brain-burning things as learning, creating, and researching?

03How to get yourself up early

In the book "The Tool of Time", such an interview was recorded.

The author interviewed Wei Linke, a former Navy SEAL: "You are already a successful person now. Why do you insist on getting up early after retiring for so long?"

Wei Linke replied: "When you were in the army, you had to be at 4: 45 When I get up, I always feel that an enemy is waiting for me and I have to get up earlier than him. Now, although I am not in the army, I feel inexplicable when I think of so many competitors when I wake up. Sense of superiority. ”

In recent years, the concepts of “time management” and “self-management” have entered the vision of our young people. If you want to establish a competitive advantage in this rapidly changing society, you must scientifically manage your time. Getting up early, studying efficiently, and improving yourself are effective ways to overtake in corners and establish competitive advantages.

No one is a saint, we are all lazy. Only by actively empowering people to get up early can they get out of their comfort zone. The following two points will help you get up early:

  • Give meaning to getting up early and provide strong psychological motivation for getting up early

The desire for success and excellence is a powerful motivation for you to get up early, read books, study courses, listen to lectures, and do sports in a planned way , all give you a great sense of gain and satisfaction. Your continuous progress will make getting up early full of charm.

If you get up early just to play with your mobile phone or pay off yesterday's "debt", there will be no sustainable motivation to get up early.

  • uses getting up early to force you to go to bed early, forming a virtuous circle.

Follow the rules of habit development and change a little bit on the original basis every day. For example, first advance your wake-up and bed time by 30 minutes, and then add another 30 minutes after a period of time. Finally, form a fixed work and rest time and move the sleeping time period forward. In this way, step by step, you can go to bed early and get up early.

Franklin said: "I have never seen a person who gets up early, is diligent, cautious, and honest complains about bad luck. Good character, good habits, and a strong will will not be defeated by the so-called fate."

Cognition changes thinking, and thinking changes behavior. Only by taking the initiative to change your behavior pattern can you make a qualitative change.

I hope you say goodbye to sleep procrastination and obsessive-compulsive disorder as soon as possible, switch from "owl" mode to "rooster" mode as soon as possible, and internalize getting up early as your behavioral habit.

A better you starts from getting up early every day. (Author: Shi Jian) ​​