The whole world is holding back: the warmth brought to us by a man named Ove

There is a kind of warmth, it is so unpretentious, so silent and unassuming, but it can really move people.

"A Man Called Ove Decided to Die" brought us a long-lost warmth and touch. Through the language of plaintiff, the author Buckman tells people how an ordinary person faces all kinds of social problems. The life I have lived through injustice is like a cup of warm coffee in the warm sun in winter, which warms the years.

The protagonist Ove is 59 years old, eccentric, paranoid, irritable, going his own way, and always complaining about everything in life.

After the unexpected death of his beloved wife, Ove was disappointed with society and life. He tried to commit suicide several times, but was interrupted by various unintentional accidents.

is the love and need of the neighbors, awakening the warmth in his heart. In fact, he is kind and upright. He takes care of everyone's heart with his heart and helps everyone who encounters difficulties with his actions. This strange old man used his paranoia and strength to cover up his love for the world, and he made us feel the warmth of the world.

Let's read this warm and healing "A Man Named Ove Decided to Die" together, I believe it will bring you warm and moving.

1. Stick to your heart and love the world in your own way

However, there are always some people who will always keep their original intentions, always stick to themselves, and be a kind person who is worthy of conscience.

The protagonist Ove is such a person, even if he is framed or misunderstood, he still sticks to his principles.

In the eyes of the world, Ove is an antique. He uses his own requirements to regulate the behavior of the people around him, but no matter who comes to him for help, he always swears in his mouth, but his body can't stop.

Ove, a man who loves the world in his own way.

He is like a lonely practitioner, in this noisy world, sticking to his original heart, loving what he loves and hating what he hates.

2. There are always some destined people who break into your life, disrupt all your plans, and warm your years.

Ove is determined to die, and his neighbors accidentally save him time and time again for all kinds of trouble and help.

Ove had to drive the neighbor to the hospital, help the neighbor fix the heater, help Parwana get the driver's license,

prevent the old neighbor from being sent to the nursing home and take in the homeless young man , take in kittens. . . . . .

In the process of helping neighbors time and time again, Ove warms others, but also warms his lonely heart.

And the neighbors warmed Ove in the same way. When the little girl in the neighbor called him 'grandpa', he must be happy at this moment.

There are always some unexpected surprises and touches in life, which warm your years.

3. Even if the society betrays him, he still repays the society with kindness

Facing Tom's frame, the fake insurer's Deception, the bureaucracy and inaction of those white shirts, a fire destroyed the house, the wife died unexpectedly. . . . . . . All these sufferings and misfortunes made Ove's patience to the limit, and he began to get tired of this "world that is outdated before it expires".

He decided to kill himself, to find a wife. However, every time the neighbors needed him, he offered to lend a helping hand without hesitation.

Helping the neighbor unload the truck, heating and ventilating the neighbor's house, helping the guy repair the bicycle, desperately helping the neighbor's fire, giving the neighbor's little girl an iPad...

People say Ovie's world is not good Black is white, just as you don't know his story, you don't know this person, but he has brought a lot of warmth to the world.

There will always be many episodes in life, and no matter what, we should not give up the yearning for a better life.

The tree on the tree said: "You have to remember the person who holds an umbrella for you in the heavy rain, the person who helps you block foreign things, the person who hugs you silently in the dark, makes you laugh people,The person who chatted with you all night, the person who came to visit you in the car, and the person who cried with you, always put you first. It is these people who make up the little bit of warmth in your life, it is these warmth that keep you away from the haze, it is these warmth that make you a kind person. "

For the rest of our lives, let us remember those warm moments in our lives and become a person who warms each other.
