I read a sentence that deeply touched me: "The world is so vast, and the probability of one person meeting another person is no greater than winning the jackpot." In the vast sea of ​​​​people, meeting each other is a kind of luck, and there are a few people who know each other.

2024/05/2315:15:34 article 1530

I read a sentence and was deeply touched:

"The world is so vast, the probability of one person meeting another person is not greater than winning the jackpot."

In the vast sea of ​​​​people, meeting is a kind of luck, and how many people can meet one another? When someone who understands both cold and hot, encourages and supports you appears, no matter how dull your days are, they will become dazzling.

It is a blessing to be lucky enough to meet these four people in life, and we must be friends with them for a lifetime.


Those who believe in you

Leo Tolstoy said: "To be a true confidant, you must trust each other."

Trust is the bond that maintains emotions. It allows people to let go of all defenses and make the relationship between two people intimate. Infinitely.

In the TV series "天道", the male protagonists Ding Yuanying and Han Chufeng gradually developed from college classmates to close friends who cherish each other.

Ding Yuanying wanted to start private equity fund . Han Chufeng teamed up with several friends to raise funds and provided him with a guarantee, providing him with a platform to display his talents.

's guarantee means that if Ding Yuanying fails, Han Chufeng will have joint risks.

Next, Ding Yuanying asked Han Chufeng to invest together, and Han Chufeng paid for it without saying a word and followed Ding Yuanying. At the end of the story, Ding Yuanying helped Han Chufeng make a lot of money.

Because of mutual trust, the two talk about everything.

Ding Yuanying's business plan was only revealed to Han Chufeng; Han Chufeng also revealed his intention to become the president of Zhengtian Group to Ding Yuanying.

The two of them treat each other with sincerity, take care of each other in life, and achieve each other in their careers.

There is a saying that goes well: "Being trusted by others is the highest honor of being a human being. You will gain 10 million motivations to survive."

Trust is the highest level of appreciation and recognition.

Being trusted by others is the highest honor and can best reflect a person's value.

Having trust is like having an invisible spiritual pillar, allowing people to face all difficulties calmly and live more comfortably and confidently.

If you want your relationship to be long-lasting and stable, you must be worthy of the person who trusts you and do your best to maintain this trust.

I read a sentence that deeply touched me:


People who help you

Life is never smooth. Everyone has a time to ask for help, but not everyone will help you.

Some people will cheer you up when you are prosperous, and leave you without saying goodbye when you are down;

Some people will sound the alarm for you when you are proud, and stand up for you when you are frustrated.

No matter what situation I am in, my true feelings for you are the same as always, and those who lend a helping hand to you are my true friends.

Lao Chen and Dalin have known each other for more than ten years. Even if the two people are at each other's throats when they meet, once the other party has a problem, the other one will definitely step forward immediately.

Over the years, Lao Chen's business has grown bigger and bigger, he has made many friends, and he usually spends a lot of money. Dalin reminded him many times to keep a low profile and focus more on company operations.

html One year ago, Lao Chen invested a lot of money and purchased several large-scale equipment. Unexpectedly, an accident caused a significant reduction in orders and business was bleak.

Lao Chen was burdened with huge debts and various expenses. He was very embarrassed. His friends who were usually close friends were nowhere to be found.

After Dalin learned about it, he immediately used his savings over the years to help him turn around. He also contacted the machine purchaser to transfer the equipment to him and help him tide over the difficulties.

The friendship between Lao Chen and Dalin corresponds to the saying: "Wealth is not a real friend, but friends are real wealth."

Money cannot buy real happiness. Having someone to help you is the real blessing.

People who are willing to help you sincerely want to treat you well and help you get out of trouble. This is a debt of conscience.

Even if a tree is thousands of feet tall, never forget its roots; if a person is brilliant, never forget his gratitude.

Knowing how to treat others favorably and repay kindness in return is the best response to kindness. It will make this friendship last forever and your own blessings will become deeper and deeper.

I read a sentence that deeply touched me:


People who understand you

There is a passage in "One Hundred Years of Solitude" that is touching:

" Life has never existed independently of loneliness. Whether we are born, grow up, fall in love, or succeed or fail, until the end, loneliness is like a shadow. The same exists in a corner of life.

Many times we feel lonely, not because there is no one to accompany us, but because no one understands us.

No one cares when you are wronged, and no one speaks when you are in pain.

If someone understands it, he can drive away the gloom in your heart and bring you sunny days and warm sunshine.

Zhang Ailing's most important confidant in her life was Yanying. Many of the illustrations in her books were completed by Yanying, who had witnessed her two weddings.

But later, Zhang Ailing was living in poverty and confided in Yan Ying. Instead of taking care of her, Yan Ying always showed off her elegance and beauty.

This undoubtedly made the already lonely Zhang Ailing even worse, so that in the end the two of them stopped communicating with each other.

Another pair of Zhang Ailing’s friends, Mr. and Mrs. Song Qi, knew how to respect her pride and comfort her unbearable situation. They silently supported her, provided her with accommodation, and helped her introduce jobs.

This moved Zhang Ailing so much that she even handed over her posthumous affairs to Song Qi and his wife, and made a will to hand over her property to them.

Some people say: "It is better to be loved by thousands of people than to be understood by one person. Someone understands, which is a spiritual resonance, a beauty that can only be understood but cannot be expressed."

Everyone has a landscape in their heart, and it is rare for someone to understand it. Fit.

TA can sense your happiness, anger and sorrow, and can also see through your forced smile; TA can protect your weaknesses and put on armor for you.

understand, it is a silent confession, an invisible force, which is better than a thousand words.

Some people understand that the world is worth it.

I read a sentence that deeply touched me:


The one who loves you

Actor Wang Lei and Li Xiaomeng have been in love for 7 years and married for 9 years, and they are still as sweet as first love.

When the two of them first started dating, Wang Lei was still a newcomer in the entertainment industry. He only had six to seven thousand yuan per month in performance fees. He drove a second-hand car and often couldn't start the engine in winter.

Once Li Xiaomeng celebrated her birthday, Wang Lei wanted to give her a better birthday gift. He fell in love with a platinum bracelet set with diamonds at a glance, and the price was 5,200 yuan! But he only has about 6,000 yuan in total.

He hesitated for a while when he arrived at the door, but finally decided to buy it, which would save him money in the future.

When he is free, Wang Lei always spends more time with his wife. When shooting in other places, he would always tell Li Xiaomeng what he saw, heard and felt.

If he is not around and something happens, Wang Lei will immediately call Li Xiaomeng to enlighten her, adjust her mentality, and avoid her random thoughts.

Someone said: "There are two kinds of people in the world worth cherishing: those who are not rich, but are willing to give everything to you; those who are busy, but are willing to be free for you."

Money is not a measure of love, but it can reflect it. No matter how much a person loves you, you can also see his quality.

People who love you always want the best for you; people who don't care about you will care about you.

The most precious thing in the world is time. If a person is willing to spend time on you, he means that he is willing to pay attention to you and use the simplest actions to interpret the most sincere love.

The desire to share is a naked confession. I put you in my heart and care about your feelings and responses, so I will fully expose my thoughts to you.

When those trivial details are savored one by one, the hearts of the two people are invisibly connected.

I read a sentence that deeply touched me:


I agree with a saying:

"Cherish the people who are good to you. If you lose them, you really can't find them back. The world is so big, if someone treats you well, it is your pride; the human heart is so small, and they have the intention to pretend to be you. Your pride. "

There is no love without reason in this world, and every friendship deserves to be respected and appreciated.

Dedicate it faithfully to those who believe in you, give it to those who help you sincerely, give it to those who understand you thoughtfully, and leave it to those who love you sincerely.

Only by heart-to-heart communication can you feel no regrets;

Only by warming your feelings with love can your love last forever.

Be kind to people who treat you well, so that relationships can develop in a virtuous circle and last for a long time.

For the rest of your life, I hope you will be accompanied by your loved ones on the road, and everything you get will be happy and fulfilled!

About the author: Xu Xiaoxu can swallow fireworks and pretend to be literary and artistic.

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