Heroes come from the people:Seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections

2024年06月26日18:30:12 动漫 9917


seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections

Heroes come from the people:Seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections - 天天要闻

张福青老人生前的房间 (受访者供图) late zhang fuqing's room, photo by the interviewee

Heroes come from the people:Seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections - 天天要闻

年轻时的张福青(右)在祖屋前  young zhang fuqing (right) in front of his family home

Heroes come from the people:Seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections - 天天要闻院子里的杏花已开放  apricot trees in the yard are currently in bloom

Heroes come from the people:Seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections - 天天要闻

摄影师蔡山海拍下的文字  zhang’s writings, photographed by cai shanhai

Heroes come from the people:Seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections - 天天要闻张宏刚在父亲写满字的屋子前  zhang honggang in front of his father's house where the walls are covered in writings

Heroes come from the people:Seventy-year old takes to walls to record his life and reflections - 天天要闻

张福青老人的遗嘱  zhang fuqing's will

极目新闻记者 沈外 唐佳燕

翻译:刘佳铭 赵燕鸽 陶然(湖北大学)

reporters: shen wai, tang jiayan, jimu news

translators: liu jiaming, zhao yan’ge, tao ran (hubei university)

what can an ordinary person leave behind in the world?


during the qingming festival in 2024, cai shanhai, a freelance photographer, noticed a funeral being held in a farmyard while driving through the gaoling village of shanxi province. out of curiosity about local customs, cai shanhai walked into this yard.


tucked within this seemingly inconspicuous courtyard, he was surprised to find neatly and meticulously written writings all over the walls, door frames and even beams. these were all written by the deceased who once lived here. the writings covered a range of topics, from daily trivialities, like farming and loans, to philosophical questions like “how big is the universe?”. all of them were signed “zhang fuqing”. cai shanhai was moved by these writings, which he photographed and posted online, receiving over 70,000 likes. netizens said, this old man truly turned his mundane life into poetic verses.


what was he like? why did he write on the walls of his house?


jimu news reporters contacted the elderly man's family on april 11. the ordinary yet remarkable life of an old farmer was no longer a mystery: his name is zhang fuqing. he had received education from an early age, and spent his entire life as a farmer. he dreamt of travelling places and each year he would buy maps, noting down every new high-speed rail that was launched. however, in his later years, he suffered from coronary heart disease and was the sole caretaker of his wife who had a mental illness.


in this humble northern village, zhang fuqing renovated his family home and did farm work. fellow villagers would shoot him judgmental glances as he wrote seemingly useless words on the brick walls, doors and windows with a brush. for 20 years, these walls became pages where he recorded his thoughts, and every so often he would mumble to himself as he wrote his reflections.


the guardian of the family house


“at the end of spring, he would clear dry firewood on the roof to drain the rain. if it rained for several days, he had to seal the roof with mud to prevent leakage. underground water pipes had to be oiled once a year in the spring to prevent rust. in the winter, manure had to be dug, and the two cellars had to be prepped for winter to prevent freezing. before summer or in the middle of fall, he had to install an open fence along the pig pen to prevent pigs from overheating and contracting illnesses. while in the winter, he had to install a plastic sheet fence around the pig pen to preserve heat, prevent freezing and ensure the pigs’ steady growth. following snowstorms, he also needed to climb to the rooftop and clear the snow. at night, he had to feed the dogs and lock the gate.”


this south-facing antique-style courtyard covers five hundred square meters, with brick walls forming a single story house. the east room, nearest to the road, serves as a guest room, while the west room doubles as a pig pen and storage space. in the center lies the main courtyard. zhang fuqing and his wife, du zhongxiu, lived in the room on the west side of the main courtyard. in daixian county in northeastern shanxi province, such courtyards are very typical. but for zhang fuqing, it is a cherished legacy passed down from his ancestors.


zhang honggang, the eldest son of zhang fuqing's, grew up here. his father often reminisced, stating that this house has a history of over a hundred years, passed down from their ancestors.


at the end of the qing dynasty, zhang fuqing's grandfather migrated here from hebei. starting from scratch, he built a successful business and became a prominent figure in the local community. he then constructed their family house. with no biological children, the elderly man adopted zhang fuqing's father. when zhang fuqing's father was 8 years old, his grandfather passed away due to illness, followed by his grandmother.


born in 1947, zhang fuqing was the son of his father’s second wife, who remarried from nieying town. he was the fourth child in his family, with two step-older brothers and one stepsister. being his mother’s only son and as his father aged, he chose to stay behind to care for his parents and consequently became the guardian of the family house. over time, the house left by his grandfather was divided due to road construction, and the house where zhang fuqing lived is a portion of it.


zhang honggang recalled that, in 1998, his father began repairing the house while writing words onto the brick walls. the most recurring theme in these writings was the ongoing renovations.


zhang fuqing recorded on the cornerstone of the house: on april 23, 2005, fuqing renovated this house in just 24 days, spending 8000 yuan. in 2011, various improvements were made, including the installation of curtains, color steel tiles, the purchase of a stove, and the mounting of a pair of lantern holders on the front door. in the winter of 2017, when the toilet sewage froze, a toilet bowl and a woodshed were installed...


2008 marked a turning point, as zhang developed coronary heart disease, and his wife was diagnosed with schizophrenia. despite his own health issues, he cared for his wife, who struggled to communicate. in 2018, he was hospitalized due to worsening health.


as repairing the house walls became increasingly challenging, everyday tasks required help from neighbors. his words on the wall reflected his frustration, “in the future, when building the west wing, add nine layers of bricks to the higher wall, matching the height of the east wing. when constructing the roof, be sure to cover the cellar entrance, extending 1 meter deeper than the rooms in the east wing... perhaps these are just dreams of mine!”


it was not until before his passing that zhang believed the house was impeccably constructed. he hoped that future generations would continue the tradition of maintaining the house meticulously. yet, there was still a lingering sense of regret: “at 77, i want to repair the walls, add two feet in height, and plaster the back wall with 1600 bricks.”


unpretentious words


zhang honggang still recalls his late father’s habit of writing on the walls — he would dip a brush in ink and begin to note down his thoughts at any given moment. sometimes, while repairing the house beams, he would pause to jot down ideas directly onto the wood. as age caught up his lumbar spine weakened, he often had to write a sentence in fragments, repeating it several times. once finished, he would apply a layer of varnish to prevent the words from fading due to sun and rain.


the writings initially only adorned the walls but gradually spread to the lintels, window frames, and eventually the beams and chimney. over time, new writings covered older ones.


the villagers grew accustomed to the writings in zhang fuqing’s home, though they admitted, “we can’t understand anything he writes.” in their eyes, zhang fuqing was simply an ordinary farmer who cultivated four or five mu of corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. the only peculiar habit he had was writing on the house.


“he wrote it all for us (descendants), because he feared that we wouldn’t see it.” recalling his father’s unusual behavior, zhang honggang said that his father had always been “special” in his actions, disregarding others’ opinions. “despite life’s hardships, he never complained.”


in the 1950s, the zhang family faced adversity. his grandparents struggled to support the family and ensuring all three children received an education. zhang fuqing studied in a private school until he was seventeen or eighteen, a rare “school graduate” in the village at that time. however, for various reasons, he did not further his education but instead turned to farming. “my parents worked hard to put me through school, but i lacked the skills to excel further.” zhang fuqing once confessed.


guo limei once oversaw the editing of the zhang family genealogy and recalled zhang fuqing’s enthusiasm for this task. in the genealogy, zhang fuqing detailed the twists and turns of his marital journey, having been married three times and feeling despondent at one point. tragically, his second wife passed away after giving birth to their eldest son, zhang honggang. under his elderly mother’s encouragement to remarry, zhang met his final wife, du zhongxiu. du zhongxiu gave birth to their second son, zhang hongying, a great source of joy to the family.


zhang honggang recalled that despite being a farmer all his life, his father placed great emphasis on culture and education. at the age of thirteen, zhang honggang went to junior high school in the county, which was miles away from his home. so his father persuaded a friend's son from the same village to go with him and later supported zhang honggang’s high school education. zhang fuqing was extremely proud of this, often recounting it on the brick walls. zhang honggang also remembers that when the family was poor, his father enjoyed watching tv and would often take him to other people's homes to watch tv. in 1989, when his father earned some money selling seeds, the first thing he did was purchase a television.


in the main hall, zhang fuqing wrote on a piece of white paper — “popularize culture, elevate oneself through education, maintain family harmony, love and protect the country, embrace science, dispel superstitions, practice scientific farming, foster stability and unity, and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the nation.” he covered it with plastic sheeting, as a family’s guiding motto.


in this ordinary northern yard, the elderly man’s thoughts often soared, contemplating the vastness of the universe: “how immense is the universe? the sun’s surface temperature is 6,000 degrees celsius; its core reaches 15 million degrees celsius. its volume is 1.3 million times that of the earth, with a weight 330,000 times greater. it would take an airplane 20 years to reach the sun. the moon is one forty-eighth the size of the earth, and there are 200 billion stars……


apricot blossoms in the yard and later years


“our eldest son settled in ordos, while the younger one works in haidian, beijing. they are pursuing their own paths, each more than 400 kilometers away from us. we remain at home due to health issues, supported by our sons as we embrace our twilight years.”


zhang honggang, the eldest son, ventured alone to ordos after the graduating from high school, while the other son zhang hongying pursued opportunities in beijing, returning home only a few times each year. meanwhile, their father zhang fuqing had to care for his mentally ill partner and manage daily chores. he struggled with tasks like filling a water mattress or paying the phone bills, often relying on his sons or neighbors for assistance. in the years leading up to his passing, even tasks like cleaning the chimney required the help of nearby neighbors. “i’m getting older, and since i use a dumb phone i don’t know how to pay bills with it.” zhang said.


while physically unable to farm, zhang fuqing kept himself busy. by the fall of 2018, the 71-year-old uprooted daylilies from the courtyard, replacing them with alkeker. he meticulously tended to the herbs and watered the almond trees, also combating pests during spring planting and after harvesting apricots.


every winter, he pruned the apricot trees and fertilized them with chicken manure during spring. before the onset of winter, he would plant chinese roses, grow cucumbers nearly year-round, plant cabbages ten days before the beginning of autumn, and scallions and spinach after the first frost in autumn. “each year, after the apricot blossoms fall, i apply pesticides once, and a second time at the start of autumn. thin out the fruit when the flowers fall, four inches per tree; the bigger the fruit the sweeter it is; prune the tree once a year”. every corner of the yard is filled with these ordinary agricultural tasks, serving as reminders for zhang, as well as gentle instructions for his descendants.


“my father’s greatest passions in life were calligraphy and maps.” said zhang hongying, the younger son. in the spring of 2024, he passed away due to a cold.


back in the yard, the sons discovered that their father had already made meticulous arrangements for his funeral. as early as the fall of 2018, anticipating the possibility of another hospitalization, zhang fuqing bought cedar wood from huguan county in southeast china for use in constructing his coffin. in his will, he instructed his sons, “after my passing, hongying, please take care for your mother’s emotional well-being. consider finding a companion to care for her, or arrange for her to reside in a nursing home. then, ask an honest and upright man to run a store in the east room of my house. i am content with the filial piety you both have shown me during my lifetime and hope that you, my sons, will remain united. raise your children well, becoming responsible heads of your households, characterized by love and solidarity.”


following his father’s wishes, zhang honggang penned a memoir in his honor. “after your passing, you unexpectedly moved thousands of people. father, may your proud soul rest in peace.”


on the seventh day after his passing, the eldest son returned to the family home again. remnants of his father’s presence lingered in every part of the house. under the eaves, his father's reminders were still visible: “after snowfall in winter, it is essential to clear the snow from the roof. place the ladder securely on the east wall land and climb it for safety. if you’re working on the rafters and the north cement surface is frozen, climbing the roof is dangerous.” as he crossed the threshold, a message was inscribed there: “prevent rats from entering.”


before zhang fuqing’s passing, the apricot flowers he had planted had yet to bloom. now, upon his return, zhang honggang found the yard adorned with two apricot trees boasting their white blossoms, filling the air with a delightful fragrance. zhang honggang could almost envision his father walking beneath the blooming apricot trees.



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