Zhangjiajie Promotes Culture, Tourism in Japan

2024年05月17日11:01:38 动漫 3659

Zhangjiajie Promotes Culture, Tourism in Japan - 天天要闻

hunan's zhangjiajie city held a conference to promote culture and tourism in tokyo, the capital of japan, on may 14. with the theme of "wonderland zhangjiajie," the event was attended by more than 100 people, including liu ge'an, secretary of the cpc zhangjiajie municipal committee; chen zheng, minister counselor of the chinese embassy in japan; ouyang an, director of tokyo office of the china national tourism office; and, representatives from the japan tourism agency of the ministry of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism, japan national tourism organization (jnto), japan association of travel agents (jata), and japan's travel circle and media outlets.

at the conference, zhangjiajie's tourism recommender briefed attendees on the city's cultural tourism resources and related products in japanese, enabling the participants to have a first hand experience of the unique charm of the chinese city. the highlight of the event was a lucky draw, during which more than 10 individuals won cultural creative products and ticket packages to visit zhangjiajie.

after the conference, participants engaged with the zhangjiajie delegation. tourism enterprises from japan and zhangjiajie conducted in-depth discussions on how to further promote zhangjiajie's tourism products in japan and expand the japanese tourism market. japanese travel agencies expressed confidence in promoting travel routes focused on zhangjiajie. 

zhangjiajie city is located in the northwest of hunan province, china. it is a rapidly developing tourist city, known as "an expanded bonsai, a mini wonderland". zhangjiajie serves as a window to the outside world, a reception room, a leader in tourism of hunan province, and a beautiful calling card of china. zhangjiajie has six golden calling cards, namely, a unesco world heritage site, one of the world's first batch of world geoparks, the location of "zhangjiajie landform", china's first national forest park, one of the first group of china's 5a-level tourist attractions, and an example of a civilized scenic spot in china. there are more than 300 scenic sites, including wulingyuan, tianmen mountain, grand canyon, maoyan river, and qixing mountain. it also boasts 818 intangible cultural heritage items and 9 shows, such as charming xiangxi and tianmen fox fairy.

this article is from the hunan provincial government www.enghunan.gov.cn.


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