


1. You are a cloud ___ in the sky. Unexpectedly you fall into my heart. 你是天上的一片云,偶尔投在我的湖心。

2. Love letter straight from your heart, keep us so near while apart, I’m not alone in the night, when I can have all the love you write. I memorize the very ___, I kiss the name you sign. 情书来自你心中,牵住两地相思情。有你信中无尽爱,夜影孤灯不冷清。默默地背诵一行,热吻印在你的芳名。

3. In the first date, eyes are the busiest and mouths are most ___. 初见,最忙的是眼睛,最闲的是嘴巴。

4. I like your beautiful and bright eyes as your eyes can speak and the ___ are filled with infinite deep love. 我喜欢你一对水灵灵的眼睛,因为你爱用眼睛说话,双瞳中还充溢着无限深情。

5. Whenever I see your joyful eyes shining bright, my heart is not ___. 看到你被爱的欢乐点亮的眸子,像扑闪、飞进的火星,我的心便不再孤寂。

6. Words are unnecessary. What is needed is just gazing at each other with deep feelings. Such gazing makes everything ___ and leaves two beating hearts. 无须太多的语言,只要那深情的注视,一切便会烟消云散,只留下两颗跳动的心。

7. I wonder when our shy eyes stop ___ at each other stealthily. O, let me declare loudly: we both fall in love. 还要多久,我们隐藏灼人眼波,偷偷地互相看着彼此的眼睛?让我们宣布我们的爱。

8. In a pleasant season and with green grass covering the hills, I am running freely in ___ of shining stars. I long for the brightest: your eyes. 在野草青青的季节,满山遍野地疯跑,去寻觅星星的落脚点,渴望拾起你眸中 – 最晶亮的那一颗。

9. Your first smile to me is like a spring thunder of love ___ throughout my heart. 我对你绽出的第一个微笑,是在我心灵上滚动的第一声爱的春雷。

10. Your smile is a song, a love song singing for youth. The melody ___ in my heart and mind without stopping. 你的微笑是一首歌, 青春的恋歌。那优美的旋律,经久不息地回荡在我的心谷和脑海。

11. I really appreciate that your unsophisticated, unrestrained, friendly, clever and soft-___. Additionally, your smile is fascinating and charming. 我真心喜欢你的质朴、自然、诚挚、机敏和温情,还有你那令人陶醉、充满魅力的笑。

12. In the scorching sun, your tenderness is a shade of greenery and a cloud of moisture. In prolonged sufferings, your smile is a cup of tea and a clear ___ of spring. 在烈日的烤炙下,你的柔情是一片绿荫,是一朵滋润的云;在焦渴的煎熬中,你的微笑是一杯凉茶,是一股清澈的泉。

13. Understanding among people is usually done bit by bit, but I ___ you all just at first sight. 有的人,只能一点点地了解,而对你,瞬间一瞥,便永远地看到了完美。

14. In my heart, you are a delicate and elegant essay and a beautiful and ___ picture. 在我的心上,你是一篇飘逸恬静的散文,是一幅清雅素淡的图画。

15. In darkness of fantasy, you make me see the first light at dawn, and you ___ the mystery of Venus. You are the first ray of sunshine in my life, shining at the bottom of my heart. 你使我在幻想的夜,看到初露的晨曦;你使启明星的眼睛失去了神秘;你是我生命中的第一缕阳光,流动于我发热的心底。

16. You are like a poem or serenade. The pleasant ___ floats in silence and brings me happiness and joy. 你像首诗,像首小夜曲,宁静中传出飘逸的旋、柔和的音符,为我们带来幸福和欢乐。

17. You are a ___ of golden sunshine, lighting up my journey of life. 你是一缕金色的阳光,照亮了我人生的历程。

18. You are the white flower in the hand of flying Apsaras. The flower falls on the sea of my feelings with a ___ making spray of happiness. 你是飞天捧着的洁白花朵,降在了我的心间,我那感情的海哟,飞溅起幸福的浪花。

19. I do not love you. Yet, when you are gone, I hate the sound (though those who speak be dear ) which breaks the lingering ___ upon my ear. 我并不爱你!可在你离开之后,你音乐般的话音总在我耳边回响。不管哪个我亲近的人开口,我会怨他把这缭绕余音打断。

20. If I express myself with words of friendship, you will think that I am too indifferent. If I tell all my heart ___ a love fire, you will say that I am to rash. 若我对你开口,以友谊的桂冠,你想我说得太冷淡;若我道出那爱情的灼灼烈焰,你说我讲得太大胆。

21. I have no enough courage to ___ that word out of my mouth to the bees in my garden. I am too shy and too stupid to face my life. 现在我没有足够的勇气在我的花园里将那个字对蜜蜂说破。我实在害羞,实在无知,实在无脸面生活。

22. I want to sing, but I have sung no song till today. These days I am ___ my musical instruments and composing the song. Now it is time to sing, but my heart is aching. 我要唱的歌,直到今天还没有唱出。每天我总是在乐器上调理琴弦。时间已经到来,歌词已经填好,痛苦的愿望在我的心中。

23. I dare not ask a kiss, I dare not beg a smile, least having that, or this, I might grow proud the while. No, no that __ share of my desire shall be only to kiss that air that lately kissed you. 我不敢去奢求一吻,我不敢去乞求一笑,怕有了这笑,或那吻,我会立刻变得骄傲。不,不,那最大的一种心愿我想要去乞求仅是亲吻那点微风,它刚刚亲过了你。

24. I highly value your first kiss as it is your unique treasure. 珍重你的初吻,犹如珍重你仅有的一件法宝。

25. I know you are a cloud in wind and rain. However, I cannot reach you so I am willing to be a moon hiding ___ you. 风里来,雨里去,知你是一片云,但无法捕捉,我愿化作月亮,去躲藏。

26. I wonder what strings suit you, and what tunes please you. No melody or tune can ___ my heart. 不知道为你配什么样的和弦才算顺心,不知道为你弹何种节奏才算合意,无论什么样的和弦与节奏,都弹不出我的心。

27. Passionate feelings are often compared to rough currents and gentle brooks. A shallow stream ___ noisily. Deep water runs silently. 情感常被最好地比作洪流与溪水;浅则呱呱作响,深则沉沉地静默。

28. I am asked why I send fairy promise with ___ on to you, my happy princess. I will tell you privately that sweet love contains some tears. 问我为何送你这一年中甜蜜的公主这朵报春花缀满露珠?我会对你悄声说:爱的甜蜜掺着泪露。

29. Regretfulness will remain if you have no enough courage to have heart-to-heart ___ to your rose of love. 没有勇气向心爱的玫瑰吐露真情,遗憾便走向未来。

30. My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep, the more I give them to you, the more I have, for both are ___. 我的慷慨像大海无边无际,我的爱情像大海高深莫测;我给与你越多,我将会越富有;因为爱情和慷慨在我无尽又无休。

31. I am never away from you. Even now, I shall not leave you. In another land, I shall be still that ___ who loves you, love you beyond measure, beyond measure. 我从未与你分开,即使现在,我也不会你开你。在另一片土地上,我仍将是那个爱你的人,爱你,深深地,深深地。

32. Change as you list, you winds; my heart shall be the faithful ___ that still points to you. 风啊,随它去变;我的心里却有忠实的罗盘永远指向你。

33. I love everything that is you; the letter – that is you. And the dear, foolish words – that is you. And the voice in the dark – that is you! And the ___! That is you. 我爱属于你的一切;那书信 – 是你。那亲切傻傻的言语 – 是你。 那个黑夜中的声音 – 是你!还有那颗心!那都是你!

34. How do I love you? Let me count the ways. I love you to the depth and breadth and height my soul can ___. 问我爱你有多深?让我告诉你:我的爱如天高、如地宽、如海深。

35. I looked and saw your love in the shadow of your heart, as a diver sees the ___ in the shadow of the sea. 在你心灵的阴影中我看见你的爱情,仿佛潜水者在海水的阴影中看见珍珠。

36. O, whistle and I’ll come to you: my lad! O, whistle and I’ll come to you: my lad! Though father and mother should get mad, o, whistle and I’ll come to you: My ___! 啊, 你吹口哨我就来,我的郎;啊,你吹口哨我就来,我的郎;哪怕爹娘都气发疯。啊,你吹口哨我就来,我的郎。

37. Till the seas go dry, my dear, and the rocks melt with the sun; and I will love you still, my dear, while the sands of life shall ___. 纵使海水干涸流尽,太阳将岩石烧为灰尘,亲爱的,我永远爱你,只要我一息尚存。

38. I’ll never forget you. Let both of us form a couple. You ___ in my heart, in my heart, in my heart just like a rose on a stick. 我永远不能将你遗忘。咱们永远对对双双。你在我的心中,心中,心中,就像玫瑰长在枝上。

39. 把你的心紧紧靠着我的心,于是火焰将燃烧在一起。Close your heart to mine so that love fire will get ___.

40. My heart, with its lapping waves of song, longs to ___ this green world of the sunny day. 我的心,溅着歌的波浪,想要拥抱着晴天的绿色世界。

41. Let your love see me even though the ___ of nearness. 让你的爱情看见我罢,即使前面隔着一层亲近的障碍物。

42. In the thrill of little leaves I see the air’s invisible dance, and in their ___ the secret heart beats of the sky. 在细叶的颤栗中,我看见了空气的隐形舞蹈,还在它们发出的微光里,看见了天空秘密的心跳。

43. I have ___ the vessel of my heart into this silent hour – it has filled with love. 我把我的心之器皿浸在这静静地时间里 – 它已盛满爱了。

44. My heart ___ her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, “I love you.” 我的心在这世界的岸边激起她的波涛,还在上面用泪水签上她的名字道:“我爱你。”

45. That we wished to fly in heaven, two birds with the wings of one. And to ___ together on the earth, two branches of one tree. 在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。

46. Your figure is ___ on the film of my heart. It is so clearly presented at the bottom of my heart. 你的身影,在我心的底片上曝光 – 摄得那么真,印得那么深!

47. Wherever you go, my heart is ___ you. Each of your footprints always makes me excited. 不论你去何处,我的心追寻着你的踪影,你落在地上的每一个足印,都会使我激动不已。

48. I am willing to let you ___ all my things, and even my heart, but not my eyes. I will use the eyes to see you. 我的心灵,我的一切,我都愿让你拿去,只求给我留下一双眼睛,让我能看到你。

49. Wherever I am, below or else ___ you, wherever you are, my heart shall truly love you. 无论我在哪里,不论高贵还是卑贱,无论你在哪里,我真诚爱你在心间。

50. Violets love banks in the ___. Wild cherries love their green grassland. Scarlet creepers love elms. I love you. 紫罗兰恋着明媚的河岸,野樱草恋着芳草地;猩红的爬山虎恋着榆树,而我却恋着 - 你。

51. I keep dairy, which brings out all kinds of things that lay ___ deep in my heart. You are everywhere in my heart. 写过许多日记,记住我的心迹,倾吐着一腔情意,张张页页上都有你。

52. I would be the jewel that trembles at her ear; I’d hide in ringlets day and night, and ___ her neck so warm and white. 我多想变成颗珠宝,挂在她耳垂下晃荡;日夜在她的卷发中隐藏,挨着她温暖洁白的颈项。

53. My deep love to you carries me away into a reverie. Your gentle and sweet words make me in high ___. 永远永远地对你,我魂牵梦萦,你那柔语低言使我神爽心清。

54. With my head in sunshine and on sea waves, green grasses and your arm, I ___ love tightly. 枕着阳光,枕着涛声,枕着芳草,枕着你的手臂,把我爱之梦紧紧地抱在胸怀。

55. You are fire, burning so high and bright that I am sure my body and heart will ___ in such a red fire. 你是一片火,燃得那么热烈,红的那么耀眼。我毫不怀疑,我的身心将熔化于你的火中。

56. Autumn is coming. Everything is ripe and even our love is ___ in such a harvesting season. 秋天到了!一切都成熟了!连太阳也像红色的果实般成熟了!我们的爱情,可也在这收获的季节成熟。

57. Love sought is good, but ___ unsought is better. 求得的爱是美妙的,不求自来的爱则更妙。

58. Doubt you the stars are fire; doubt that the sun does move; doubt truth to be a ___; but never doubt I love. 你可以疑心星星是火把;你可以疑心太阳会转移;你可以疑心真理是谎话;可是永远别疑心我的爱。

59. You are my ___. I love you. 你是我生命,我爱你。

60. Be a god and hold me with a ___! Be a man and fold me with your arm! 做个神,用张符,留住我!做个人,用臂膀,搂住我!

61. Escape me? Never – beloved! While I am I, and you are you, so long as the world contains us both, me the loving and you the loath, while the one eludes, must the other ___. 逃离我?永不 – 我爱! 当我是我,而你是你,只要这世界拥有我二人,我来爱,你不肯,当一人逃避,另一人必随。

62. Left untouched for too long, the affections ___ imperceptibly or the lock gets rusty. 如果让爱长久地锁于心中,它便会无声无息地消失,心房的门锁也因此变得锈迹斑斑。

63. You are so close, but still a ___ away. What I’m dying to say: you bet I’m crazy. 你离我近在咫尺,却又像远在天边。我渴望对你讲:我爱你已疯狂。

64. This is my hand, in ___ is my heart. 这是我的手,手中有我的心。

65. You are my reason to live. All I own I would give, just to have you ___ me. 你是我活着的缘由。我会贡献出我的所有,只希望能得到你的爱慕。

66. Drink to me only with your eyes, and I will ___ with mine; or leave a kiss but in the cup, and I’ll not look for wine. 以你的双眼与我干杯,我就用双眼相酬;或只留一个吻在杯中,我从此不再找酒。

67. Look into my eyes, you will see what you ___ to me. Search your heart, search your soul, and when find me there you’ll search no more. 望着我的眼,可看见深情眼中留。心相通,意相投,你心中只有我,别无他求。

68. Come to live with me and be my love. And we will all the pleasures ___: golden beaches, glittering streams and white fishing rods. 来与我同住,做我的爱人,我们将品尝别样的欢欣;金色的沙滩,晶莹的溪流、带着丝线和银白的鱼钩。

69. I have been loving you. Today I love you. Tomorrow I shall love you. I make an ___ that my love will be ever-lasting. 我一直都在爱你,今天我爱你,明天我爱你。 我发誓,永远爱你。

70. My river is running to you. Am I welcome? O, the great sea. Please ___ me. 我的河在向你奔来,欢迎么?嗨,大海啊,请接纳我!

71. Since we parted yester eve, I do love you, love, believe. Twelve times dearer, twelve hours longer, one dream deeper, one night stronger, one sun ___, thus much more than I loved you, love, before. 自从昨天傍晚我们离分,我真的爱你,爱人,请相信,十二分更珍贵,十二时更绵长 – 一个梦更深沉,一个夜更浓香,一个太阳更真 – 因此远远超过我爱你,爱人,在从前。

72. I ___ you. I want the words from the bottom of your heart. What you tell me should be said only once in your lifetime and should be understood only by me. 我只要求你,对我说一句真诚的话,一句一辈子只能说一遍的话,一句只有我才明白的话。

73. I love the moon because it is ___, bright and round. I love you because you are innocent, kind and beautiful. 我爱月,爱它纯,爱它明,爱它圆;我爱你,爱你真,爱你善,爱你美。

74. Farewell! You are too ___ for my possessing. 再会吧!你太宝贵了,我无法高攀。

75. Yet him for this my love no whit disdains; suns of the world may ___ when heaven’s sun stains. 我的爱却并不因此把他卑贱,天上的太阳有瑕疵,何况人间!

76. And ___ love when it is built a new, grows fairer than at first, more strong, far greater. 被毁灭的爱,一旦重新建造过,就比最初更美丽、更强、更宏伟。

77. The drew of the morning sunk chill on my brow; it felt like the warning of what I feel now, your vows are all broken and share in its ___. 那清晨的滴滴寒露冰结在我的额头 – 那感觉似乎预兆着我在此时的感受。你的誓言都破碎了,轻浮是你的传名:我听人提你的名字,也为你无地自容。

78. Love that does not reveal itself is as ___ as the flowers that grow among the thickest on the moors in summer. 无人知晓的爱是如此苦涩,如稚嫩的百合生长在灌木丛中、在夏季的荒野。

79. I do not love you! – No! I do not love you! And yet when you are ___ I am sad. 我不爱你,真的!我不爱你!然而你不在的时候,我满心忧郁。

80. Say, what can I do for you! Weary you, grieve you? Lean on your shoulder, new burdens to add? Weep my tears, over you, making you say? Oh, hold me not, love me not. Let me ___ you. I love – you so, dear , that I only can leave you. 说吧,我能为你做些什么?烦扰你、伤痛你?靠上我的肩膀,添上新的重负?将泪水撒向你,使你不堪愁苦?噢,不要抱我,不要爱我。让我复原你!我多么爱你,爱人,我只能离开你。

81. For frequent tears have ___ the colors from life, and left so dead and pale a stuff, it were not fitly done to give same as pillow to your head. 我的泪涓涓不息,冲走了生命的彩色,只留下了这毫无生气苍白的身体,直至不配做个枕头,让你靠在上面休息。

82. I told my love, I told my love, I told her all my heart, trembling, cold, in ___ fears – Ah! She did depart! 我把我的爱告诉了她,把整个心迹向她表白;我颤抖、冰冷,害怕,可她呀,她竟然走开。

83. Since there is no help, come let us kiss and ___ – Nay I have done, you get no more of me; and I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart, that thus so cleanly I myself can free. 既然无可挽留,过来让我们吻别吧。 哦,不,吻别也不留下什么给你;我高兴,真心真意地感到高兴,就这样彻底解放了自己。

84. Shake hands for ever, ___ all our vows, and when we meet at any time again, be it not seen in either of our brows that we on jot of former love retain. 握手告别,前誓一笔抹去,当我们今后再一次相遇,愿彼此脸上看不到一丝往日拥有过的柔情蜜意。

85. But the tender ___ of a day that is dead, will never come back to me. 可是温柔美好的日子死了,与我已从此永诀。

86. It is better to have loved and ___ than never to have loved at all. 宁可爱过而又失却,也不愿做从未爱过的人。

87. The bitter ___ that round me blows, unheeded howls, unheeded falls: the coldness of your heart’s the cause of my care and pain, my love. 狂风在我的四周怒吹,它默默地叫,默默地坠,你那冷酷的心肠是原委,使我痛苦又悲哀,我的爱。

88. You are to me a delicious ___. 你是我美味的痛苦。

89. I loved you once; I’ll love you no more – yours be the grief as is the ___; you are not what you were before, what reason I should be the same? 我曾经爱过你,我不再爱 – 你是那哀痛正如那责难。往昔得你已不复存在,为何我必须像旧日一般?

90. Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten. If anyone asks, say it was forgotten long and long ago, as a flower, as a fire, as a ___ football in long forgotten snow. 就让它被遗忘,像一朵花不再被人记起,如果有人问起,就说它已被遗忘,那是很久很久以前的事, 像花,像火,像脚步声,在就被遗忘的雪地里沉寂。

91. Tell me, dear, why can I ___ any target I will, but not my love’s heart? 告诉我,亲爱的,为什么我可以穿透任何我想穿透的目标,却不能射穿我爱人的心?

92. O beauty, find yourself in love, not in the ___ of your mirror. 啊,美呀,在爱中找到你自己吧,不要到你镜子的诌谀中去找呀。

93. Days without love are ___ ones in bad weather. 失去爱情的日子,犹如阴天般沉闷。

94. Has the cup been ___ to the last drop? Is this, indeed, the end? 难道杯中的酒已一滴不存? 难道这真的就是结束?

95. Once an egg is broken, it is impossible to ___ it. It will remain broken forever – my sad heart is like such an egg. 像一只卵一旦破碎,万难在修补复原,而只能永远是那压碎的卵,直到永远 – 我这忧郁的心也将如此!

96. The coldness of your hand remains in my hand. The coldness of your heart ___ to my heart. You are careless about that, how can I be so? You are not serious but I am. 你手上的冰感呀,还留在我的手上,你心上的冰感呀,又移到我的心上。你虽是不关心痛痒,我怎能不痛不痒?你虽是不痛不痒,我怎能不关痛痒?

97. You hurt him that loves you. He ___ the memory of your image. It is you that make me forget you in darkness, silence and tears. 你伤害了那个人,他爱你, 久久地珍藏着你的倩影;你终于教会我去忘掉你,在黑暗中,在静中,在泪水中。

98. Between your fingers there is a wild flower close your lips. You lazily ___ the red flower apart. O, that is my heart! 你捏了一朵野花在你的指尖,懒懒地贴它在冷漠的唇边,懒懒地你将那朱红花瓣扯尽呀!那是我的心。

99. I promise you and you do the same. I try my best for it. However, when I find you are absent-___, I decisively say goodbye to the promise. 我答应了你, 你也答应了我,要始终如一尽我力去做。可当我晓得你心存两面,再见了誓言!

100. An innocent heart is so ___ that a fake promise will easily break it apart. 无暇的心儿极端脆弱,一个虚伪的誓言都会将它打碎。

101. If we have to be ___ forever, please give me a gentle word, which brings pleasant memory in spite that my heart has been broken. 如果我们必须永远分离,给我一句温馨的话语,带给我回忆和抚慰,尽管我的心儿已碎。

102. If we had never met before, I would not have had the endless heart-___ worries. Now all the efforts are made to forget each other. 或许如果我们从未遇上,我便会免掉无望的感伤,这无尽的努力为了相忘。

103. If there is something can wash away our ___, that will be lover’s tears. 世上若只有一种东西能洗去人们的憔悴,那就是情人的泪。

104. I have no time to hate and love, either. Love is a ___ to me. 我没有时间恨,也没有时间爱。爱的那点苦工,我以为对于我已够繁重。

105. I beg you to return my heart though I cannot have yours. As you want to have yours, how can you ___ mine? 我求你将我的心交回来,既然我无法有你的。因为倘若你不愿与你分开,为何你必须有我的?


辛星,张克勤等 汉英赠言精华[M]. 成都:四川辞书出版社. 2000


1 floating 2 line 3 useless 4 pupils 5 isolated 6 retreat 7 glancing 8 search 9 rolling 10 resounds 11 hearted 12 stream 13 comprehend 14 refined 15 break 16 melody 17 ray 18 splash 19 echo 20 burning 21 take 22 tuning 23 utmost 24 treasure 25 behind 26 reveal 27 brawls 28 dew 29 talks 30 infinite 31 one 32 compass 33 soul 34 reach 35 pearl 36 lad 37 run 38 dwell 39 burning 40 caress 41 barrier 42 glimmering 43 dipped 44 beats 45 grow 46 left 47 chasing 48 take 49 above 50 sunshine 51 buried 52 touch 53 spirits 54 embrace 55 melt 56 matured 57 given 58 liar 59 life 60 charm 61 pursue 62 diminish 63 world 64 which 65 adore 66 pledge 67 mean 68 prove 69 oath 70 accept 71 surer 72 plead 73 pure 74 dear 75 stain 76 ruined 77 shame 78 bitter 79 absent 80 retrieve 81 run 82 ghastly 83 part 84 cancel 85 grace 86 lost 87 blast 88 torment 89 blame 90 hushed 91 pierce 92 flattery 93 dull 94 drained 95 reform 96 removes 97 cherishes 98 tear 99 minded 100 fragile 101 apart 102 broken 103 worries 104 burden 105 keep