
2022年07月13日18:21:24 科學 1268

James Webb: Nasa space telescope delivers spectacular pictures

雙語|NASA:韋伯望遠鏡首發壯觀的天文照片 - 天天要聞

圖片來源,美國宇航局/歐空局/南航局/科技戰略 NASA/ESA/CSA/STSCI


The cosmic dance of five galaxies viewed by Webb's Mid-Infrared Instrument


Stunning images of a "stellar nursery" and a "cosmic dance" have been acquired by Nasa's new $10bn space telescope.


The two pictures, and others, were presented to the world on Tuesday to mark the James Webb observatory's readiness to begin science operations.


The facility has spent the past six months since launch undergoing testing.


Viewed as the successor to the famous Hubble telescope, Webb is expected to be a dominant force for discovery for at least the next 20 years.

雙語|NASA:韋伯望遠鏡首發壯觀的天文照片 - 天天要聞

新的天文台是美國,歐洲和加拿大航天機構的一個聯合項目 - 由NASA牽頭。

The new observatory is a joint project of the US, European and Canadian space agencies - with Nasa in the lead.

韋伯經過專門調整,可以通過紅外線觀察天空 - 這些光的波長比我們肉眼可以感知到的更長。

Webb has been specially tuned to see the sky in the infrared - that's light at longer wavelengths than can be sensed by our eyes.

這將使它能夠比其前身(哈勃)更深入地觀察宇宙,並因此能夠檢測更久遠的天文現象 - 超過135億年前發生的事情。

This will give it the ability to look deeper into the Universe than its predecessor and, as a consequence, detect events occurring further back in time - more than 13.5 billion years ago.


Astronomers will also use its more advanced technologies to study the atmospheres of planets in our Milky Way Galaxy in the hope that signs of life can be detected.

最初的一批圖像只是對接下來的工作的嘗試,英國研究員Gillian Wright教授說,他是韋伯四種紅外儀器之一的聯合首席研究員。

The initial batch of images were just a taster of what would follow, said Prof Gillian Wright, the British researcher who's co-principal investigator on one of Webb's four infrared instruments.

「每當你以一種新的方式看待天空時,你都會看到你意想不到的東西。"Whenever you look at the sky in a new way, you see things that you didn't expect.

「事實上,這些新數據是如此之好,它們的質量如此之好,以至於它們在短短几個小時的觀測中就被捕獲 - 這告訴你,這些發現只是坐在那裡等待被做出,」英國天文技術中心主任告訴BBC新聞。

"The fact that these new data are so good, that they're of such good quality, that they've been obtained in just a few hours of observations - that's telling you that the discoveries are just sitting out there waiting to be made," the director of the UK Astronomy Technology Centre told BBC News.

卡里納星雲 Carina Nebula

雙語|NASA:韋伯望遠鏡首發壯觀的天文照片 - 天天要聞

圖片來源,美國宇航局/歐空局/南航局/科技戰略 IMAGE SOURCE,NASA/ESA/CSA/STSCI

Carina星雲是哈勃望遠鏡的經典目標 - 韋伯的前身 - 儘管在這個韋伯版本中,我們得到了一個非常不同的渲染。

The Carina Nebula was a classic target of the Hubble telescope - Webb's predecessor - although in this Webb version we get a very different rendering.


Carina is one of the largest and brightest nebulae in the sky, located roughly 7,600 light-years from Earth.


Nebulae are stellar nurseries. They are a massive clouds of gas and dust in which new stars are forming.

除了這張韋伯的圖像,我們不僅看到了星星 - 我們的眼睛被所有的氣體和塵埃所吸引。天文學家在這裡指的是「宇宙礁」或「宇宙懸崖」 - 下半部分的塵埃和上半部分的氣體之間的一種寬闊的分界線。

Except in this Webb image, we not only see the stars - our eyes are drawn to all that gas and the dust. Astronomers refer here to a "cosmic reef", or "cosmic cliff" - a kind of broad demarcation between dust in the bottom half, and then gas in the top half.


One of Webb's key scientific goals is to study how stars form, and Carina is an excellent place to do that.

SMACS 0723

雙語|NASA:韋伯望遠鏡首發壯觀的天文照片 - 天天要聞

SMACS 0723是一個巨大的星系團。它被天文學家稱為「引力透鏡」,因為星團的質量彎曲並放大了更遠的物體的光。

SMACS 0723 is a huge cluster of galaxies. It's known to astronomers as a "gravitational lens" because the mass of the cluster bends and magnifies the light of objects that are much further away.

你在各處都能看到一個紅色的弧狀結構 - 那是一個星系 -在非常遙遠的地方,和更久遠的時間。其中一些弧中的光已經花了超過130億年的時間才到達我們的星球。

Everywhere you see a red arc-like structure - that's something - a galaxy - way off in the distance and far further back in time. The light in some of those arcs has taken over 13 billion years to reach us.

這裡有一件有點奇怪的事情 - 圖像兩側的一些弧線實際上是同一個物體。他們的光在不只一條路徑上彎曲穿過了SMACS 0723。

And here's the slightly bizarre thing - some of those arcs on either side of the image are actually the same object. Their light has been bent through SMACS 0723 on more than one path.

南環 The Southern Ring

雙語|NASA:韋伯望遠鏡首發壯觀的天文照片 - 天天要聞

圖片來源,美國宇航局/歐空局/南航局/科技戰略 IMAGE SOURCE,NASA/ESA/CSA/STSCI


You'll have seen versions of this in those coffee table books of stunning Hubble images.


The Southern Ring, or "Eight-Burst" nebula, is a giant expanding sphere of gas and dust that's been lit up by a dying star in the centre.


As stars age, they change the way they make energy and eject their outer layers. And then, when the star gets very hot again, it energises all that material it had previously spurned.


The Southern Ring is nearly half a light-year in diameter and is located about 2,000 light-years from Earth.


This type of structure is called a "planetary nebula", but it actually has nothing to do with planets. It's a misnomer from the early days of telescopes when they didn't have anything like the resolution they have today.


Just as Webb wants to see how stars are born, it wants to see how they die, also.

斯蒂芬的五重奏 Stephan's Quintet

雙語|NASA:韋伯望遠鏡首發壯觀的天文照片 - 天天要聞


About 290 million light-years away, Stephan's Quintet is located in the constellation Pegasus.


It's notable for being the first compact galaxy group ever discovered. Four of the five galaxies within the quintet are locked in a cosmic dance of repeated close encounters.

這張韋伯圖像乍一看與哈勃版本沒有什麼不同,但新望遠鏡的紅外靈敏度將提供不同的特徵供天文學家研究。這是最大的希望 - 我們將讓韋伯與哈勃一起工作。它們具有不同的優勢,能夠進行比較和對比將為科學家的研究提供新的維度。

This Webb image doesn't look that different from the Hubble version at first glance, but the new telescope's infrared sensitivity will pull out different features for astronomers to study. And this was the great hope - that we would have Webb working alongside Hubble. They have different strengths and being able to compare and contrast will give scientists a new dimension to their studies.


We don't know for how much longer Hubble will operate. It's 32 years old and prone to technical glitches. But the officials at Nasa who are in charge of the old warhorse have just submitted a five-year budget plan. Keep your fingers crossed.

黃蜂-96b WASP-96b

雙語|NASA:韋伯望遠鏡首發壯觀的天文照片 - 天天要聞


This is not a pretty picture. This is a spectrum.

韋伯將要做的大約一半是光譜學研究。這涉及將光區分出他的組成「顏色」,以揭示目標的屬性 - 它是由什麼組成的,它移動的速度有多快,它有多熱,等等。

About a half of what Webb will do is spectroscopy. This involves splitting light into its component "colours" to reveal something about a target's properties - what it's made of, how fast it's moving, how hot it is, etc.

這是W ASP-96b大氣層獲得的光譜,WASP-96b是我們太陽系外的一顆巨型行星,距離地球約1,150光年。

This is a spectrum obtained for the atmosphere of WASP-96b, a giant planet outside our Solar System, about 1,150 light-years from Earth.


WASP-96b is a bit like Jupiter; it has a big gaseous shroud.


And Webb is able to identify with stunning precision molecules in the atmosphere. You see clear markers for water vapour.


WASP-96b is not the right kind of planet to host life; it's too close to its parent star and therefore too hot.


But Webb will be looking for planets that have atmospheres similar to Earth. When that happens, we will be asking: could those planets be habitable?

資料來源 Jonathan Amos
BBC Science Correspondent


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