The strongest China-France music lineup set to stage in Shunde, Foshan

2024年05月20日23:05:08 教育 1367

On May 19th, the launch of the 2024 Shunde Summer Solstice Music Day, as a part of the China-France Cultural Spring art festival, along with the cultural tourism cooperation signing ceremony between China and France, took place in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province.

The strongest China-France music lineup set to stage in Shunde, Foshan - 天天要聞The strongest China-France music lineup set to stage in Shunde, Foshan - 天天要聞

This year marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations, the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism, and the tenth anniversary of the China-France Spring art festival in Daliang of Shunde. The event will run until the end of June, making it the longest duration event to date.

The strongest China-France music lineup set to stage in Shunde, Foshan - 天天要聞

The highly anticipated China-France music stage will be held from June 21st to 23rd at the Shunde OCT Harbour PLUS venue. This international stage will offer visitors and residents a spectacular audio-visual feast featuring a variety of music styles, including pop, rap, electronic, hip-hop, punk rock, and electronicore.

The strongest China-France music lineup set to stage in Shunde, Foshan - 天天要聞

The concert is set to deliver its most impressive stage yet, featuring the strongest lineup in its ten-year history. Six French bands—VOYOU, Simia, Samifati, Toukan Toukän, Violet Indigo, and Johnnie Carwash—will perform alongside three Chinese bands—Peach Illusion, Time Capsule, and Korsion.

The strongest China-France music lineup set to stage in Shunde, Foshan - 天天要聞

During the event, visitors can follow in the footsteps of the music bands to experience Chinese food and culture, exploring places like Shunfeng Mountain Park, OCT Harbour PLUS, Xishan Temple, Jinbang Street, and Sugang Food Gathering Area. They can also sample exclusive China-France fusion dishes at over 20 partnered restaurants or enjoy the city art exhibitions at cultural venues such as the Qinghui Garden Museum, Box Art Museum, and Dragon Boat Museum, deepening their cultural experiences and enriching their vacation.

On the same day, the China-FranceExclusive Culinary Exchange was held at the venue. Several China-France fusion restaurants showcased specially crafted dishes for the 2024 Shunde Summer Solstice Music Day of the China-France Spring art festival.

In addition, as from today, over 15 A-level scenic areas in Shunde such as 5A-level Chuanlord Tourism & Leisure Expo Garden, and other top-rated attractions like Qinghui Garden Museum, Snoopy Fun Garden, Silk Capital of Southern China Museum, and OCT Harbour PLUS will offer free entry to French tour groups until the end of the year.

"This year』s lineup is particularly rich, with more French bands performing in Shunde than ever before. Shunde is also the most diverse stop in the nationwide Summer Solstice Music Day," said Christophe Bagonneau, the Cultural Consul of the French Consulate General in Guangzhou. He expressed his eagerness to join the passionate fans in enjoying this grand musical event.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News





據了解,本次音樂會在舞台規模和布景上再度升級,迎來10年來最強舞台陣容:來自法國的VOYOU、Simia、Samifati、Toukan Toukän、Violet Indigo、Johnnie Carwash6支樂隊和來自中國的桃子假象Peach Illusion、時光膠囊、窮辛Korsion3支樂隊即將同台演出。





文 | 記者 楊苑瑩

圖 | 良宣提供

翻譯 | 趙凡


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