
2022年06月30日17:43:01 熱門 1819

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

2017年7月4日 第十七期

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫布爾登網球錦標賽7月3日,網球四大滿貫之一的溫布爾登網球錦標賽正式拉開帷幕,今年亦是溫網的140周年生日。包括「大威」維納斯·威廉姆斯佩特拉·科維托娃在內的眾多 IMG 客戶將進行精彩角逐。同時,IMG 作為溫網全球版權代理公司,向中國及世界各地球迷呈現這一無與倫比的大滿貫賽事。

Wimbledon ChampionshipsOn July 3, 2017 Wimbledon Championships officially kicked off at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in London. This year also marks the Grand Slam tournament's 140th birthday. IMG clients including Venus Williams and Petra Kvitova, among others, will compete during the event. IMG handles the global media rights for the Wimbledon Championships, bringing the event to China and much of the rest of the world.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

媒體版權 近日,IMG 奪得包括2018年俄羅斯國際足聯世界盃、2019法國國際足聯女子世界盃和2017年俄羅斯國際足聯聯合會杯在內的航班及輪船的媒體直播版權,包括三個聯賽的所有集錦內容。IMG 擁有並運營的24/7 live sports 頻道、Sport 24 和 Sport 24 Extra 將全方位覆蓋世界盃內容,賽事現場直播和聯賽全部的精彩集錦都包含在該全球獨家賽事媒體版權的合作中。

Media Rights IMG has won the global inflight and inship live media rights for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia, the FIFA Women's World Cup France 2019 and the FIFA Confederations Cup Russia 2017, including highlights from all three tournaments. There will be extensive coverage on the IMG-owned and operated 24/7 live sports channels, Sport 24 and Sport 24 Extra, which will show the live action broadcast and highlights from all three tournaments as part of the exclusive match world-feed package.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

劉鈺 7月2日,IMG 簽約球員劉鈺在圖利莫爾精英賽中以三輪成績64-68-68,總桿200桿的成績一舉奪得冠軍,成就個人職業賽 LPGA 二級賽首個冠軍。在最新的 Symetra Tour 獎金榜排名中,本次比賽贏得15000美元獎金的劉鈺以42,571美元從之前的第十名一躍成為第五名,賽季末該排名前十的選手將贏得 LPGA 巡迴賽全卡。值得一提的是,劉鈺曾是杜克大學的高材生,在業餘球員時期就奪得過兩次職業比賽冠軍。

Liu Yu IMG client Liu Yu won the Tullymore Classic, the official qualifier for the LPGA on July 2, her first Symetra Tour win. The 21-year-old Chinese player closed with a 4-under 68 to finish at 16-under 200 at Tullymore Golf Resort. She earned $15,000, jumping from 10th to fifth on the money list with $42,571. The top 10 at the end of the season will earn LPGA Tour cards.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

梁文沖 7月1日,2017梁文沖高爾夫球俱樂部青少年暑期培訓班首站——江西站在廬山國際高爾夫球會舉行開班儀式。活動現場 IMG 簽約球員梁文沖耐心為孩子講解高爾夫知識,手把手指導小朋友揮杆擊球,引起小朋友陣陣歡呼。梁文沖高爾夫俱樂部青少年暑期培訓班旨在為豐富孩子們暑期活動,讓高爾夫運動帶給孩子們快樂的同時讓其學會挑戰自我、誠信、自律等紳士禮儀。同時,梁文沖也希望藉此讓孩子們獲得更多接觸高爾夫的機會,推動高爾夫運動的普及發展。

Liang WenchongThe opening ceremony of the first stop of Liang Wenchong Junior Golf Summer Camp 2017 in Jiangxi was held at Lushan International Golf Club on July 1. Famous Chinese golfer and IMG client Wenchong Liang attended the ceremony and briefed teenagers on golf fundamentals while conducting in-person coaching sessions. Liang Wenchong Junior Golf Summer Camp aims to enrich children's summers by teaching self-determination, honesty and self-control through the lens of golf, while also promoting the sport in China.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

李娜 6月29日,IMG 簽約網球巨星、國際特奧會全球形象大使李娜與演員周迅、歌手劉憲華一同到訪北京市西城培智中心學校廣安門校區,了解同學們的日常生活和成長必修課程,並藉此機會呼籲社會給這些孩子更多的關愛與包容。特奧大使李娜還向兩位同伴介紹了特奧理念-暨通過體育運動讓每一位智障人士都能發揮潛能、勇敢表現,在參與中與其他運動員、家人和公眾分享快樂、交流技藝並增進友誼。

Li Na IMG client and global ambassador of Special Olympics International Li Na visited Beijing West-town Special School with actor Zhou Xun and singer Henry Liu. They learned about the daily life and courses of the children, and used the opportunity to raise awareness and support for their special needs. As the global ambassador of SOI, Li Na promotes its mission to advocate for the potential of all children, encourage them to practice bravery through sports and help them build strong relationships.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

Taste of London 今年,IMG 的年度美食盛典 Taste of London 美食節在倫敦攝政公園圓滿落幕,為期四天的活動迎來了5萬餘名賓客。美食節匯聚了全球頂尖的廚師和餐廳,以及豐富多樣的美食及飲品。廚師們在現場展示精湛廚藝的同時,品牌活動在參與這一具有14年歷史的活動中也得到了最充分和最具深度的整合推廣,許多業內人士稱讚這是有史以來最成功的一屆 Taste of London 美食節

Taste of LondonFifty thousand guests gathered in Regent's Park for Taste of London, the annual four-day IMG event. The festival featured leading chefs and restaurants, as well as a wide range of food and drink tastings. Chefs held showcases and live demonstrations while brand activations saw some of their highest engagement levels in the event's 14-year history, with many industry insiders calling it the most successful Taste of London to date.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

UFC近日,UFC 與馬克·沃爾伯格擁有的運動營養產品 Performance Inspired 達成合作,將在 UFC 訓練學院設置「Performance Inspired 加油站」為 UFC 選手供應其全線產品。值得一提的是,位於拉斯維加斯的 UFC 訓練學院是專為現役 UFC 選手設計打造的訓練基地。

UFC UFC announced a new partnership with Mark Wahlberg's Performance Inspired, which will supply its line of products to the UFC Performance Institute at the "Performance Inspired Fueling Station." The facility in Las Vegas was created for athletes currently competing under the UFC banner.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

獎項提名 UFC 冠軍選手康納·麥克格雷格和」大力鼠「約翰遜入選了 ESPY 舉辦的年度體育大獎「最佳格鬥選手」提名,兩名綜合格鬥選手將與另外三名職業拳擊運動員爭奪該獎項。此外康納還獲得了今年「最佳國際運動員」獎項提名。

Awards NominationUFC champioins Conor McGregor and Demetrious Johnson, are among the five nominees for the 2017 ESPY "Best Fighter" award. The mixed martial artists are up against professional boxers Andre Ward, Gennady Golovkin and Terence Crawford for the award. Conor McGregor is also up for the Best International Athlete" award.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

哥倫比亞大學 近日,哥倫比亞大學體育部宣布與 IMG 及 JMI Sports 成立新公司,該公司將成為學校的官方運動員多媒體版權合作夥伴。該合作於2017年7月1日正式啟動,新公司獅子體育營銷機構將結合 JMI Sports 的運營經驗和 IMG 強大的銷售運營能力,為哥倫比亞大學體育部提供無與倫比的銷售和服務平台。

Columbia University Columbia University Athletics announced on Wednesday that the joint venture between IMG and JMI Sports will become its new official athletics multimedia rights partner. Commencing on July 1, 2017, the newly formed Lions Sports Marketing team will combine JMI Sports' boutique operating experience with IMG's unmatched national sales operation to provide Columbia Athletics a superior sales and services platform.

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞

新簽約 近日,Lucky Blue Smith 與 IMG Models 簽約,他10歲時就被星探發掘,截止2015年,他已拍攝過眾多雜誌封面並曾為 Versace, Marc Jacobs, Fendi 等知名品牌走秀。

New Signings Lucky Blue Smith signed with IMG Models. Lucky was scouted at the age of 10, and by 2015, he had shot a dozen magazine covers and walked the runways of Versace, Marc Jacobs and Fendi.


溫網開幕;劉珏LPGA次級賽首冠;IMG獲FIFA航班及輪船媒體版權 - 天天要聞


曾小賢的上司Lisa榕,現實中不僅才貌雙全,還嫁給了CEO - 天天要聞


Lisa榕做主持多年沒紅,被陳赫拉進愛情公寓爆紅,如今怎樣了 - 天天要聞

