
原創 薩古魯 Isha

Because life is an endless possibility, Sadhguru says, it can never be perfect – there is always more to do. He explains that every human being has a natural striving to move to the next notch, to become a higher expression of life.


Sadhguru: Everybody must make some striving just to bring this in the society, that every human being has a striving to at least move to the next notch from where he is. Life and social structures are always a constant… kind of a game. It』s like a see-saw game. Are the positives up or negatives up? That』s all. As a generation, if you create a huge amount of positives, negative will become small. If you create huge amount of negatives, they will become big and positive will become small.


This』s all life is. There has never been a point anytime and there never will be, where everything is perfect. Okay? There』s no such thing because life is a possibility. Because it's a possibility, it cannot be perfect. Doesn』t matter what we do, there』s still something more to do, always. That is why it』s an endless possibility.


Striving does not mean, 「I want to be a good man, I want to be a good man.」 See, being morally good is only good for the society, not good for the human being. Yes. If… If you are morally correct, it's good for people around you because you are contained. But it』s not good for this life (Referring to oneself).


So, this life (Referring to oneself) needs a little different kind of nurture. In that context, how many people in this world are going to strive? Before you and I fall dead, how many people… in how many people will we set this seed, that they will be striving to be a better life than the way they are right now? A little higher expression of life. This』s all your focus should be.
