Guangzhou Lanpu Park receives praise from Metropolis

2023年12月12日23:16:22 教育 1508

The 2023 Global Mayors' Forum concluded on December 9th. On the next day, the staff of Lanpu Park in Guangzhou received a thank-you letter from the World Association of Major Metropolises (Metropolis).

Guangzhou Lanpu Park receives praise from Metropolis - 天天要聞Guangzhou Lanpu Park receives praise from Metropolis - 天天要聞

This English thank-you letter, signed by Jordi Vaquer, Secretary General of Metropolis, expresses gratitude to all the staff of Guangzhou Lanpu Park for their meticulous, thoughtful, and safe reception services during the 2023 Global Mayors' Forum. Their support has greatly contributed to the successful organization of various dialogues between the association's secretary general and the members of the international city network.

From December 7th to 9th, the beautiful park environment, rich cultural atmosphere, vivid and accurate explanations, and meticulous service in Lanpu Park left a deep impression on Jordi Vaquer and his colleagues, who think highly of the beautiful ecological environment and high-quality reception service.

During the forum, Lanpu Park prepared two special places as conference rooms for exchange activities: the representative Chinese garden, Fanghua Garden and the Tongxin Hall, which have received foreign guests such as America's former president Richard Milhous Nixon, Cambodia's former King Norodom Sihanouk, and the founding prime minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew. Jordi Vaquer held four interviews with Mayor Kang Gi-jung of Gwangju (South Korea), Mayor Asmaa Rhlalou of Rabat (Marocco), Mayor Mauricio Rodas of Quito (Ecuador, 2014-2019), and Mayor Claudia Lopez of Bogota (Colombia) for urban innovation.

Guangzhou Lanpu Park receives praise from Metropolis - 天天要聞

Jordi Vaquer, Secretary General of Metropolis, communicated with Mayor Asmaa Rhlalou of Rabat in Marocco at the Tongxin Hall of Lanpu Park in Guangzhou

According to the staff of Lanpu Park, the park has served as an "international representative place" and a "diplomatic arena" since the 1980s. As early as 1983, the "China Garden", modeled after the Fanghua Garden in Lanpu Park, won two gold medals at the 16th World Horticultural Exposition held in Munich, Germany. It was the first and the highest award obtained by China in large-scale international exhibitions since the reform and opening up.

In recent years, Lanpu Park has focused on improving the quality of the landscape, exploring the cultural connotation of orchid flowers and showcasing the ancient charm of Lingnan gardens. This year, it has received delegations of foreign guests from countries such as Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, the United States, Colombia, Ecuador, South Korea, and Morocco. The 2023 Global Mayors' Forum was also held in Lanpu Park, making it a window for the world to know Guangzhou and introduce Chinese Lingnan garden culture to the world.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News




Guangzhou Lanpu Park receives praise from Metropolis - 天天要聞





文|記者 馬思泳 通訊員 林園軒 陳欣



來源 | 羊城晚報·羊城派

責編 | 王瑜瑛

校對 | 蘇敏


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