【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布

2022年06月30日14:00:27 教育 1985
【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞

844th article844期雙語推文

【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞

Photo: Li Xinhua

【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

On June 21st, the Information Office of Zhengzhou Municipality held a news conference to introduce a package of policy measures to further stabilize the economy. Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the plan to coordinate COVID-19 control measures with economic and social development, the Zhengzhou Finance Bureau has taken effective measures to speed up the implementation of economic stabilization policies issued by the national, provincial, and municipal governments to achieve the goals of preventing pandemics, stabilizing the economy and developing safely.


A series of tax support policies


By the end of May, 27.02 billion yuan in VAT credits and outstanding VAT credits in Zhengzhou has been refunded to businesses, 12.4 billion of which was returned to small and micro businesses in an effort to quickly inject liquidity and tide them over. In addition, Zhengzhou has reduced rent by a total of 26.215 million yuan to reduce the financial burden for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses and self-employed individuals, ensuring that tenants conforming to the support policies can get policy dividends more conveniently.


【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞

Photo: Li Xinhua

Promote the prosperity of consumer market with financial funds


By the end of May, Zhengzhou increased the financial subsidies and incentives, with 4.73 billion yuan allocated to enterprise-related funds, 1.92 billion yuan invested in emergency on-lending funds, 230 million yuan of loans put into the foreign trade loan and export tax rebate cash pool, as well as 100 million yuan to set up a risk compensation reserve for science and technology loans. To promote prosperity in the consumer market, the government attaches importance to the role of financial funds. It has invested 410 million yuan in handing out the vouchers for catering, takeaway, department stores, e-commerce, automobiles, etc., and supported the trade-in activities of home appliances and the campaign for more green and low-carbon units and households. As a next step, the Zhengzhou Finance Bureau will release 10 billion yuan of financial deposits to ease corporate financing difficulties.


【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞

Photo: Li Xinhua

"Pro-Qing Online" transfers funds directly to enterprises and individuals


In 2021, the Zhengzhou Finance Bureau launched the Pro-Qing Online platform in conjunction with the Big Data Bureau to enable online direct payments to benefit enterprises and individuals. In 2022, the Zhengzhou Finance Bureau has allocated 810 million yuan for high-quality development of manufacturing industry to 712 projects of 502 enterprises, and 790 million yuan for science and technology innovation to 4,052 enterprises through the Pro-Qing Online platform. In terms of government procurement, in accordance with the policy of promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the government will offer these enterprises preferential price deduction for goods and services procurement.


【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞

Photo: Li Xinhua

The government should focus on firmly stabilizing the economy by making use of financial resources, budgetary funds and assets and the mechanism to directly allocate budgetary funds to prefecture and county-level governments, and ensure the stability of people's livelihood by implementing corresponding policies.

強化財政資源統籌,大力盤活存量資金資產,充分運用財政資金直達機制,加快轉移支付下達速度,集中財力保基本、保戰略,紮實穩住經濟的同時,確保各項民生政策及時落地,兜牢民生底線。【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞



【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞

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【雙語聽讀】Our efforts to fire up the economy 鄭州市財政穩經濟政策發布 - 天天要聞


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