
2022年07月01日09:31:09 娱乐 1987

读BBC学英语:美国歌手R.Kelly因性侵被判30年 - 天天要闻

  1. 30 years in jail 30年监禁
  2. sex abuse 性虐待

The R&B artist, 55, was convicted last September in New York of racketeering and sex trafficking crimes.

  1. be convicted of 被判有罪
  2. racketeering [ˌrækəˈtɪrɪŋ] 敲诈勒索
  3. sex traffic 性交易

He had faced years of allegations and the judge on Wednesday said he had an "indifference to human suffering".

  1. allegation [ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn]指控;(无证据的)说法
  2. indifference to 冷漠;对…漠不关心

Lawyers for the singer, whose real name is Robert Sylvester Kelly, say he will appeal.

  1. appeal [əˈpiːl] 上诉

Ahead of his sentencing, a handful of women took the stand to confront Kelly.

  1. ahead of 在…之前
  2. a handful of 一把;一小撮;少数
  3. take the stand 出庭作证
  4. confront [kənˈfrʌnt] 与(某人)对峙

A woman identified only as Angela called the singer a Pied Piper who "grew in wickedness" with every new victim, while others who were not named testified he had broken their spirits.

  1. be identified as 被称作;被识别为…,被确认为…
  2. Pied Piper 到处乱许诺又从不兑现的人和有意误导别人以敛财的人
  3. wickedness 邪恶;不道德
  4. testify 作证
  5. spirits 精神;心灵

"I literally wished I would die because of how you made me feel," said one.

  1. literally ()真正地,确实地,简直
  2. because of 由于

Dressed in prison khakis and dark glasses, Kelly declined to make a statement of his own and did not react as the verdict was handed down.

  1. be dressed in 穿着…衣服
  2. khakis 卡其
  3. decline to 拒绝…
  4. hand down 下发,公布(决定)

US District Judge Ann Donnelly said the celebrity had used sex as a weapon, forcing his victims to do unspeakable things and saddling some with sexually transmitted diseases.

  1. celebrity [səˈlebrəti]名人
  2. unspeakable 难以启齿的
  3. saddle with 强迫(某人)承担
  4. transmit 传染

"You taught them that love is enslavement and violence," she said.

  1. enslavement 奴役;束缚;约束

The court heard how Kelly - known for hit songs like I Believe I Can Fly and Ignition - used his influence to lure women and children into sexual abuse over two decades.

  1. known for 以…出名
  2. hit songs 热歌
  3. lure into 诱惑


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