開幕回顧 Event Review | 平凡之下 ENTER THE ORDINARY


A space within the Ordinary.

《平凡之下》 開幕回顧 Exhibition Event Review (video)


---- Sasa Jeremic

Sasa Jeremic: "Artists make something so deeply personal and then present it to the world with an open heart. Not everyone is so fearless. Art can help us escape to different lands without taking a step."

"塞爾維亞藝術家蒂亞·里斯蒂奇(Mateja Ristic)博士的展覽在一定程度上質疑了我們與科技和社交媒體的扭曲關係,提供了一種微妙的論述,探討了技術上連接、情感和認知上斷開的無處不在的舞蹈。另一部分是藝術家與自我的對話,目的是在自己的孤獨和自我與存在的獨立中尋找平靜。"

---- Jelena Grubor Stefanovic

Jelena Grubor Stefanovic: "The exhibition by Serbian Artist Dr. Mateja Ristic in part interrogates our distorted relationship to technology and social media offering a subtle discourse about the everpresent dance of being technologically connected and emotionally and cognitively disconnected. In another part, it showcases the artist's conversation with self, and aim at finding peace in ones own solitude and independence of self and being."


---- Dr. Alex McConville

Dr. Alex McConville: "This exhibition goes beyond the surface of ordinary life and into an exploration of spaces and places behind awareness and control; that which often precedes thought and feeling."

開幕回顧 | Event Review

2022年7月2號下午4點,一場名為《平凡之下》的 展覽在上海 H Gallery 順利展出開幕。展覽將會持續到7月31日。

At 4pm on July 2nd, 2022, an exhibition named "Enter The Ordinary" opened smoothly at H Gallery in Shanghai. The exhibition runs until

Photo by @H Gallery

展覽「 平凡之下」展出了塞爾維亞藝術家特亞·里斯蒂奇 Mateja Ristic 博士兩個系列的作品:《平凡之下》與《平衡》。前者是在布滿網路媒體的社會環境下,對我們繁忙生活進行的反思。後者通過視覺的方式去自我觀察與感受,讓自己在困難的時期下尋求慰藉和平衡。

在生活中,網路媒介指引著我們注意力的方向,社會角色指揮著我們如何生活。通過這兩個方面,平凡的生活好像就能被安排地明明白白。然而,藝術家 Mateja Ristic 意識到這裡沒有情感狀況和自我的真相。藝術家用視覺語言將內在精神上升到畫面,再與之相互作用和對話,呈現了自我面對媒介系統和社會系統的反思。

Mateja Ristic 的作品跨越了單一的文化屬性,能夠給觀眾呈現一種全新的精神模式。同時,這個展覽藏著一個秘密,期待您的發現。

Mateja presents two series of works: A Portrait of the Ordinary, and (Un)Balanced. The former is an exploration of our busy, media-saturated lives characterized by an absence of awareness and lack of attention. The latter is a visual autoethnography; a search for solace in troubling times. Respectively, both showcase the artist』s reflections around ordinary, everyday life in visual language.

Mateja's works transcend cultural singularities, and presents a critical approach for the audience to consider. At the same time, this opus of works leaves room for everyone to work through their own perspectives. We are looking forward to your discovery.

《平凡之下》 開幕現場

Exhibition Event Scene

策展人劉麗君與H Gallery藝術總監於恆


Curator Liu Lijun and Art Director Michael Yu speaks


塞爾維亞領事館 Sasa Jeremic 先生髮言

Honored Guest, Serbia Consulate Vice Consul Sasa Jeremic speaks

畫廊主 Anya 女士發言致辭

Gallery owner Anya Li speaks


心理學博士 Dr. Alex McConville 發言

Dr. Alex McConville speaks

藝術家 Dr. Mateja Ristic 發言

Artist Dr. Mateja Ristic speaks

開幕現場的觀眾 Exhibition Event Scene

開幕現場的觀眾 Exhibition Event Scene

開幕現場的觀眾 Exhibition Event Scene

開幕現場的觀眾 Exhibition Event Scene

開幕現場的觀眾 Exhibition Event Scene

開幕現場的觀眾 Exhibition Event Scene


Exhibition Event Scene


Exhibition Event Scene

展覽現場 Exhibition Event Scene

展覽現場 Exhibition Event Scene

展覽現場 Exhibition Event Scene

展覽現場 Exhibition Event Scene

展覽現場 Exhibition Event Scene



The exhibition runs through July 31. We look forward to seeing you at H Gallery to explore the world from a new perspective.