
Filipina beauty queen wins major transgender pageant

Filipina beauty queen Fuschia Anne Ravena has been named winner of Miss International Queen 2022, a contest described by organizers as the world's largest beauty pageant for transgender women.
賓選美皇后 Fuschia Anne Ravena 被評為 2022 年國際皇后小姐選美大賽的獲勝者,該比賽被組織者描述為世界上最大的跨性別女性選美比賽。

The 27-year-old entrepreneur, who hails from Cebu province in the Philippines, won the crown during a televised finale in the Thai city of Pattaya on Saturday.
周六,在泰國芭堤雅市舉行的電視轉播決賽中,這位來自菲律賓宿霧省的 27 歲企業家摘得了桂冠。

Launched in 2004, Miss International Queen is open to transgender women who were assigned male at birth. Usually held annually, the event was canceled in 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This year's event was timed to coincide with Pride month, and was themed "Pride Together."
國際皇后小姐選美大賽於 2004 年推出,向出生時被分配為男性的跨性別女性開放。該活動通常每年舉行一次,但由於新冠肺炎疫情,2021年的活動被

Winner Fuschia Anne Ravena (center) flanked by first runner-up Jasmine Jimenez (left), from Colombia, and second runner-up Aëla Chanel (right), from France.
獲勝者 Fuschia Anne Ravena(中),旁邊是來自哥倫比亞的亞軍 Jasmine Jimenez(左)和來自法國的季軍 Aëla Chanel(右)。

Ravena was among 23 contestants participating in pageant, with Colombia's Jasmine Jimenez and France's Aëla Chanel finishing second and third, respectively. She is the third Filipina to win the title, according to CNN affiliate CNN Philippines.
Ravena 是參加選美比賽的 23 名選手之一,哥倫比亞的 Jasmine Jimenez 和法國的 Aëla Chanel 分別獲得第二和第三名。
美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)旗下的菲律賓有線電視新聞網(CNN Philippines)報道,她是第三位贏得這一頭銜的菲律賓人

Saturday's finale, which was broadcast live on Thai television, saw contestants take the stage in evening gowns and national costumes from their respective countries. In a question-and-answer segment, Ravena said that the goal of being a transgender beauty queen was "to inspire other people."

"I always think that the most beautiful asset of being a human and being a trans woman is not just a head that's full of knowledge -- (it) should be a heart that's full of love and respect, an ear that's ready to listen and hands that (are) willing to help other people," she said on stage.

Contestants on stage at the Miss International Queen 2022 beauty contest in the Thai city of Pattaya.
在泰國芭堤雅市舉行的 2022 年國際皇后小姐選美比賽的舞台上的參賽者。