







美國網友 休伯特的回答

Why did China only take a month to bring covid-19 under control while our states suffer so much for so long?I am a Dutchman living in China. I was here throughout the entire outbreak and still am. I have witnessed the rise and the fall of covid19 in China.

為什麼中國只用了一個月就控制住了 COVID-19(新冠疫情),而我們的州卻遭受了這麼長時間的痛苦?我是住在中國的荷蘭人。在整個爆發期間我都在這裡,現在仍然如此。我見證了新冠病毒在中國的興衰。

What I CAN tell you is that CCP took some extreme (by western standards) steps all along the way to ensure the country would get through the ordeal. These steps include strict quarantine, social health codes, mandatory masks and others. The country went into lockdown and slowly started reopening after about 6 weeks.

我可以負責任地說,中國政府在整個過程中採取了一些極端的(按照西方標準)步驟來確保這個國家能夠度過難關。這些步驟包括嚴格的檢疫、社會健康規範、強制戴口罩等。該國進入封鎖狀態,並在大約 6 周后慢慢地開始重新開放。

中國戴口罩 接受核酸檢測

None of these step have been taken by western government to the same degree as they have here for various feeble reasons: 「masks don't work,」 「social distancing is fake new,」 「we have rights…」 China has taken these steps and they work. Get that through your head!


I have been travelling through China for the past 2 months without issues. Events have started to take place again and life is back to normal.



When a risk is spotted, like a surge in cases, the CCP swiftly takes action to quash it. The CCP puts the benefits of the many over the sacrifice of the few. That's their way and it works. Mind you, a surge in USA is considered to be 50k new infections in a day. In China, a surge is considered more than 2 new infections in a day.

在疫情的處理上,中國和美國截然不同。當發現風險時,例如傳染數增加,中國政府會迅速採取行動。將大多數人的利益置於少數人的犧牲之上,這就是東方處理的法則,快速有效,短時間內就會達到目的。要知道,在新冠最肆虐的時候,美國的激增標準是一天內新增 5 萬例感染。而在中國一天內有超過 2 例新冠感染病例,就被視為是大事情。

Hope governments around the world start waking up soon to smell the coffee, because this global pandemic is making a mockery of you!


印度網友 西拉的回答

China has Three Massive Advantages


(A) Even Spread of Population : China controls how many people stay in the Cities and how many people stay and are confined to their villages. This prevents overcrowding and prevents too many cramped quarters which are the easiest place to spread Covid 19. Over 360,000 People have been sent to the Rural Outlying Areas back from the Cities which has also helped and worked well.


(B) Tough Laws and Brutal Efficiency : Wear a mask!!! Its not a request. Its an ORDER. You could end up losing a big chunk as a fine. Unlike India which says Rs. 250/- or Rs. 100/- - In China the masking fine is entirely related to how much money you have.

Judges could randomly fine you 25000 Yuan (1000 Yuan for not masking and 24000 Yuan for Disregard for Public Safety) or even 250000 Yuan (1000 Yuan for not masking and 249000 Yuan for Disregard for Public Safety). A Chef was fined 7 Million Yuan for Disregard for Public Safety and was bankrupted.



(C) Discipline - The Discipline in Authoritarian Countries is excellent. The Chinese are disciplined and meticulously follow the Mask Rules and Rallies and Gatherings. Everyone has a Sanitizer in their pockets and keep washing their hands whenever they enter and leave any building including their own homes.

紀律 -中國百姓的紀律性很強。早在疫情爆發後,這裡的人便開始遵循嚴格的消毒、殺菌程序。一絲不苟地按照要求和人保持安全距離,甚至每個人的口袋裡還會裝上消毒濕巾,不管去哪裡,都會出示健康碼,勤通風勤洗手。

We have none of these.Our Urban Population is terribly overcrowded.Our Laws are terribly lax with pittance in fines.Our Discipline is really really bad.



外國網友 奧茲的回答


Shutting down Wuhan, a 11 million city, which also happens to be a major infrastructure and economic hub in China, without a blink.Implementing low level measures everywhere else in China with its ~1.4 billion people.Moving 10% of entire China』s medical personnel to Wuhan to help.Tripling medical personnel』s salary.Mobilizing all state resources and commandeering private resources as necessary.The amazing feat of building a 1000 bed hospital in 10 days. With 5G of course.



Free tests and treatment for everyone.Using big data and technology to track contagion.Replacing majority of the Wuhan regional administration officials who have been inefficient in dealing with the outbreak.Providing help and food to people in lockdown.



Providing $71 million to Wuhan residents to just go out and spend after the lockdown to stimulate local economy.The list of things to pay attention to in China』s impeccable response to the pandemic is way too long to list in one single answer.To summarize, it was a conscious mobilization of an entire country by a government which put the lives of its people at #1 priority, not sparing anything to save anyone and everyone. People over profits.




美國網友 尼克的回答

Arrogant USA pollies had spent too much time gloating and slandering, taking nothing to fight against covid-19. Once they had wasted and missed out the best fighting opportunities to contain the viruse and be well-prepared for it, no-surprisedly they, as always, brazenly and shamelessly started their political witch-hunting and scapegoat-hunting through throwing all filthy dirt at China and its people.



This self-deceiving and inciting hatred won't help them, also will have done nothing good or positive for the urgent fight, but they will pay the price. It』s disgusting and shameful to see that some prominent republican politicians have deliberately and publicly shouted out vicious racial slur over covid-19 pandemic without any consequence or punishment, the US political atmosphere is grossly sickening and filthy. Shame on them!


美國紐約官員 約瑟夫的回答

The US, like Western Europe, has been slow to learn the lessons of how to successfully deal with this virus and has wasted the two month head start China has given us. It may be explained, in part, due to Western arrogance regarding China』s scientific and medical community. Also the US health care system, battered by decades of austerity and shutdowns, is far less prepared to deal with a crisis of this magnitude, than was China』s.


美國網友 拉赫曼的回答

The simple answer: For China, the well-being of its people is more important than the economy. So they were willing to close down the economy and lock down the country when the infections were still quite low.



The US under Trump, on the other hand, cares for the economy more than the well-being of the people. That is why Trump virtually took no action until thousands of people were infected in mid-March. Even then, the economy was more important. Many of those who were tested positive were told to go home and quarantine themselves. Those who were hospitalized were charged a huge amount for it. In China, every person who tested positive was placed in hospital free of charge.

而美國就不同了,特朗普治下的政府滿腦子都是錢,老百姓的安全被拋到了一邊。這就是為什麼特朗普在 3 月中旬之前幾乎沒有採取任何行動的原因,在這位前任總統眼裡,經濟永遠都是第一位的。因為不作為,一些檢測呈陽性的人被告知回家自我隔離,甚至還要支付巨額的費用在住院上。要知道同一時間的中國,都會為感染者提供免費的醫院。

美國醫生 余偉的回答

These questions rarely can be answered by a single answer but I will highlight one angle, arrogance!


For the length of time the US political elites and Deep State has been demonising China around the world and drumming this message amongst its population, it』s hardly surprising if the US can not stand the simple idea that China has managed to rewrite the textbook in public health and epidemiology management.



WHO』s praise of China』s COVID-19 response has been questioned, demonised, seen even here on Quora. So how can the US possibly follow the lead of China in combating this epidemic but to further differentiate it in terms of authoritarian vs liberal societies, painting the national quarantine measures as draconian and authoritarian. Following those framing, how can the US follow? It』s as for admitting one』s defeat in front of China.

世衛組織對中國新冠疫情的應對措施一經得到讚揚,就會被美國媒體大肆抹黑。甚至在Quora 上也能看到許多不和諧的評論。正是這些歪理,讓美國不願效仿中國,去治理疫情。看似自由、民主的美國,其實早就困在權威、傲慢的主義框架里無法自拔了。如若繼續下去,在防疫的道路上會越走越窄。