
2022年07月02日11:19:16 娛樂 1268


地點:Hyde Park, London海德公園,倫敦

She may come
wreathed in the glamour of Hollywood, but her patter is homegrown – and her vocal artistry has few peers她可能會沉浸在好萊塢的魅力中,但她的節奏是本土的——她的聲樂藝術很少有匹敵者。

Adele』s first line, 「Hello, it』s me, I was wondering if after all these years you』d like to meet,」 carries extra weight tonight. It』s five years to the day since the singer cancelled two Wembley Stadium shows due to damaged vocal cords and retreated from the public eye. This is her first full public concert anywhere in the world since then, so she takes nothing for granted. When 65,000 people sing the chorus to Someone Like You, there is a distinct possibility that she will melt down to a puddle of tears. 「You sounded bloody lovely,」 she says.

今晚,阿黛爾的第一句話-「你好,是我,我想知道這些年來你是否願意再見到我」承載了太多。 自從這位歌手因聲帶受損而取消了兩場溫布利球場的演出並退出公眾視線以來,已經過去了五年。 這是她自那時以來在世界任何地方的第一次完整的公開音樂會,所以她認為沒有什麼是理所當然的。 當 65,000 合唱「someone like you」時,她很可能會融化成一灘淚水。 「你聽起來非常可愛,」她說。

海德公園音樂會:阿黛爾激動地精分,湯姆克魯斯也來助陣 - 天天要聞

Adele remains a unique proposition: a torch singer who specialises in ballads about shredded hearts (「I don』t have many uptempo bangers」) yet chats away between them like a beloved family friend who always brings wine. You might imagine that five more years in Los Angeles and a swerve towards old Hollywood glamour had changed her to some extent. At the start of the show everything looks gold, her hair and jewellery chiming with the stage décor and the evening sunlight. But as soon as she starts talking it』s as if she never left Tottenham. She natters about Billie Eilish, Stranger Things, sciatica and forgetting lyrics, offers to buy one 18-year-old fan a birthday drink and swears with jolly gusto. 「My son』s here tonight,」 she says, 「so cover your ears, baby.」

阿黛爾仍然是一個獨特的話題:一個擅長唱關於心碎的民謠的火炬歌手(「我沒有很多快節奏的歌」),但他們之間卻像一個心愛的家庭朋友一樣聊天,總是帶著酒。 你可能會想像,在洛杉磯再呆五年,轉向舊好萊塢的魅力,在某種程度上改變了她。 在演出開始時,一切看起來都是金色的,她的頭髮和珠寶與舞台裝飾和傍晚的陽光相映成趣。 但一旦她開始說話,就好像她從未離開過托特納姆。 她喋喋不休地談論 Billie Eilish、Stranger Things、坐骨神經痛和忘記歌詞,提議給一位 18 歲的粉絲買一杯生日飲料,並興高采烈地發誓。 「我兒子今晚在這裡,」她說,「所以捂住耳朵,寶貝。」

海德公園音樂會:阿黛爾激動地精分,湯姆克魯斯也來助陣 - 天天要聞

Compared to Adele』s last tour, this production has more class than flash. There are simple but effective visual motifs on the high-definition screens and, towards the end, the classic troika of confetti, flames and fireworks, but most of the time the primary visual spectacle is Adele』s face. Her records give no hint as to how much fun she has on stage. There are moments when she rolls her eyes or sticks out her tongue like a tipsy fan rather than a performer, finding pockets of hilarity in songs that would seem to offer none. She talks about playing 「a good old set」 and calls Send My Love (To Your New Lover) 「a little jig」.

與阿黛爾上一次巡演相比,這部作品的檔次要高很多。 高清屏幕上有簡單而有效的視覺圖案,最後是經典的五彩紙屑、火焰和煙花三駕馬車,但大多數時候主要的視覺奇觀是阿黛爾的臉。 儘管她在舞台上並沒有看上去那麼享受,但有時,她更像醉酒的粉絲而不是表演者一樣翻白眼或伸出舌頭或者滑稽地邊唱邊翻口袋好像要給觀眾找點什麼東西似的。 她說她想表現出「一種懷舊的味道」,並稱Send My Love (To Your New Lover)這首歌就像是「一個小夾子」。

All this informality and self-deprecation means that her vocal artistry sometimes hits like an ambush: the barnstorming roar of Rolling in the Deep, the Bond melodrama of Skyfall, the perfectly controlled tenderness of Make You Feel My Love. One minute she is tucking her microphone into her cleavage and firing T-shirts into the audience; the next she is waist-deep in her divorce on Easy on Me. Fans may be used to this unusual dichotomy by now – imagine if Aretha Franklin had been a regular on EastEnders – but it takes an exceptional combination of charm and talent to pull it off.

她的這種不羈和自嘲似乎是在訴說自己的聲音藝術遭到了一場伏擊的打擊:如穀倉咆哮般的Rolling in the Deep,如邦德情節電影般的Skyfall,如受到完美控制的溫柔似的Make You Feel My Love。 前一秒她把麥克風塞進她的cleavage(這個不敢直譯怕審核通不過)並向觀眾扔T 恤; 後一秒,她又唱著《Easy on Me》來深情地訴說著他的離婚往事。 粉絲們現在可能已經習慣了她這種不同尋常的「精分」—-想像一下即使艾瑞莎·富蘭克林曾經是 EastEnders 的常客——但他也需要非凡魅力和才華都結合才能實現

For two hours a spirit of giddy celebration sweeps across Hyde Park. Somewhere in the crowd, one woman alternates between shuddering with sobs and wielding a wine bottle as if it were a microphone. That right there is the Adele experience.在兩個小時內,一種令人眩暈的慶祝精神席捲了海德公園。 人群中的某個地方,一個女人時而抽泣,時而顫抖,時而揮舞著酒瓶,彷彿它是一個麥克風。 那正是阿黛爾。


海德公園音樂會:阿黛爾激動地精分,湯姆克魯斯也來助陣 - 天天要聞


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