
2022年07月05日07:53:17 教育 1950

关于疫情期间简化外国人工作许可事项的通知 - 天天要闻

To employers, responsible agencies, and foreign talents concerned:


Considering the recent grim situation of the epidemic, in order to fulfill the requirements of epidemic prevention, continuously optimize the business environment, ensure people’s health and foreigners’ work in Beijing, we adopt the following measures to facilitate Foreigner’s Work Permit service.


First, tax records can be exempted. In applications for permit extension, cancellation, and other matters that involve salary commitments, foreign applicants who cannot go to the tax bureaus to get the required tax records due to Covid-19 can upload an explanation in the online system and promise to cooperate with the authorities in possible checks later. Meanwhile foreign applicants still need to provide the screenshot of personal tax withholding details from the Natural Person Electronic Tax Bureau (Withholding End).


Second, the Online Approval Process for Foreigner’s Work Permit is expanded. Besides work permit extension, information change, cancellation, reissue, change of employers, and the application for work permit after entry, foreign high-end Talents’ (Category A) applications in China (except those scoring 85 points and above in Category A) can also be handled online. Applicants do not need to make a trip to the responsible agency to submit the documents required.


Third, chip data update of foreigner’s work permit on-site at the premises of the responsible agency can be deferred. After the application is approved, the employer can download from the system the Decision on Approval of Administrative License with the electronic seal of the government authorities concerned. And the QR code information on foreigner’s work permit will be updated synchronously. In principle, the chip data should be updated on-site at the premises of the responsible agency. Considering the grim situation of the epidemic, employers and foreign talents can defer the chip update until the epidemic is alleviated.

三、可延缓前往受理机构更新外国人工作许可证芯片。 业务决定通过后,用人单位可在系统自行下载带有决定机构电子印章的《准予行政许可决定书》,外国人工作许可证上的二维码信息也已同步更新;原则上芯片也应至受理机构现场更新,但考虑疫情形势严峻,用人单位和外籍人才可延缓更新芯片,等疫情缓解再至现场更新。

Fourth, the electronic signature of a foreign applicant on application documents is accepted. The applicant can provide his or her electronic signature on application documents such as the labor contract, employment separation certificate and application form. Both the employer and the applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity and legality of the electronic signature.


Fifth, the scope of simultaneous work and residence permit application is expanded. We further implement the policy that allows applicants to submit the applications for work and residence permits at the same counter and collect both permits simultaneously, and expand the scope of the service from foreign high-end talents (Category A) to foreign professionals (Category B). The service is now available at 8 district-level counters citywide. For more information, please visit the “Work Permit for Foreigners in China” section on the website of Beijing Overseas Talents Center (https://www.8610hr.cn/).


Under the guidance of Beijing Municipal Talent Work Bureau, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park, and Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Beijing Overseas Talents Center will respond to the needs of employers and foreign applicants in a timely manner and provide high-quality and efficient services.北京海外学人中心将在市人才工作局、市科委中关村管委会、市人力资源和社会保障局的指导下,及时回应用人单位和外籍申请人的需求,切实提供更加优质高效的服务。


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