
2022年07月02日00:07:07 熱門 1326

盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


It is one of the great honors that can be afforded to an athlete to be a flag bearer.


盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


32-year-old Lei Sheng has been named China's flag bearer at the Rio Olympic Games opening ceremony.

Lei became China's first male foil Olympic champion four years ago in London.

在2014年的仁川亞運會上,雷聲曾作為中國代表團的旗手,引領中國體育代表團進入亞運主體育場。 此次奧運會上,他將成為我國歷史上首位奧運冠軍旗手。

盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Yane Marques, a modern pentathlon athlete, will bear the Brazilian flag at the Olympics Opening Ceremony for the first time.

Marques is the second woman to be granted the honor in Brazil.

She will be the country's first flag-bearer not to have won a gold medal since 1988.


盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Michael Phelps will carry the U.S. national flag at the Olympics opening ceremony for the first time.

Phelps owns a record 22 Olympic medals, including 18 golds. He is now going to his fifth consecutive Olympics.

It will also be the first time he's ever participated in an Olympic Opening Ceremony.

對,沒錯,這將是菲爾普斯第五次參加奧運會,但是將是他第一次參加開幕式。 對於同時要參加多個項目角逐的菲魚來說,要耗費大量時間、精力去參加開幕式可能確實安排不過來吧。

盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Team Great Britain has announced that Wimbledon champion Andy Murray will be the flag bearer at the Olympic Games opening ceremony in Rio.

In response to the decision, Murray said, "To represent your country at the Games is an unbelievable experience, but to lead out Team GB will be an incredible honour, the biggest in sport.」

Murray won an Olympic gold for Great Britain in 2012.


盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Russia's titled volleyball champ Sergey Tetyukhin has been officially named the national Olympic team's flag bearer at the opening ceremony in Rio.

40-year-old Tetyukhin was the winner of the Olympic gold in 2012. He also won the Olympic silver in 2000 and two bronze medals at the Olympic Games in 2004 and 2008.

He is said to be the only volleyball player in the world with four Olympic medals who has all three types of those awards.

盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞

The Rio Games will be his sixth Olympic trip.



盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Anna Meares has been one of the greatest track riders in history, winning two Olympic and 11 world championship gold medals.

She will become the 7th female athlete to be named as the national team's flag bearer at an Olympics.

在2004年雅典奧運會上, 米爾斯獲得500米計時賽冠軍; 2008年北京奧運會前夕,她意外受傷,但通過艱苦訓練,獲得了銀牌;2012年倫敦奧運會上,她又再次獲得一枚金牌。

盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Lee Chong Wei, a two-time Olympic silver medalist, will carry the Malaysian flag at the opening ceremony of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

It is believed that 33-year old Lee is unlikely to go for a fifth Olympic campaign in Tokyo in 2020.


盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Spain's tennis star Rafael Nadal will have a second chance to be Spain's Olympic flag-bearer.

Nadal was selected to carry the Spanish flag at the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. Unfortunately, he had to pull out of the games with an injury.


盤點奧運開幕式各國掌旗手,牛! - 天天要聞


Swimming world-record holder Federica Pellegrini has been selected as Italy's flag-bearer for the Rio Olympics.

Pellegrini took gold in the 200 free at the 2008 Beijing Games and silver at the 2004 Athens Olympics as a 16-year-old. However, she struggled to fifth-place finishes in both the 200 and 400 free at the 2012 London Games.



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