257續:英語條件從句 類型1,2,3你有聽過嗎?

2022年06月30日18:00:03 熱門 1480


a 模型是:if...'+ 現在時... + will.

If it rains, the reception will take place indoors.

If we don't hurry, we'll miss the train.

The milk will go off if you leave it by the radiator.

表達一種開放式的條件,對於將要下雨還是不下雨的問題是吃開放態度的。我們一般不用 will 表達開放式的條件if it will rain這樣表達是不對的。


a 我們可以使用 will 在if從句中表達「結果「比主句中的將來還要將來

If it does/will do me more good, I'll take a different medicine.

b 我們可以用 shall 代替 will 放在I/we後面

If we don't hurry, we will/shall miss the train.

b 除了一般現在時,我們可以使用「現在進行時」或「現在完成時」

If we're having ten people to dinner, we'll need more chairs.

If I've finished my work by ten, I'll probably watch a film on TV.


If we miss the train, we can get the next one.

If Simon is hoping to borrow the car, he's going to be disappointed.

If you phone at six, they might be having tea.


If you're going out, take your key. If you drink, don't drive.

c 現在時(包括現在進行時)在if條件句里可以表「現在」:

If you like tennis, you'll be watching Wimbledon next week, I suppose. If it's raining already, I'm definitely not going out.

d 我們也可以使用 will 在if從句中表「意願」/「請求」,won』t表「拒絕」:

If everyone will help, we'll soon get the job done.—意願

If the car won't start, I'll have to ring the garage.—拒絕

If you'll just take a seat, Mr Parsons will be with you in a moment.—請求

257續:英語條件從句 類型1,2,3你有聽過嗎? - 天天要聞


a 模型是: if...+ 過去時... + would.

If I had lots of money, I would/或should travel round the world.

If Phil lived nearer his mother, he would visit her more often.

I'd tell you the answer if I knew what it was.

這裡過去時表是「虛擬條件」 If I had lots of money 意思是我並不是真的有錢,我只是想像自己有錢的樣子;我們不使用 would 來表達虛擬的條件 if I would have lots of money這種表達是錯的

b 我們一般不混合「開放條件」和「虛擬條件」If I had lots of money, I will travel round the world.這種表達是錯的

c 我們可以使用類型2表理論上的未來可能性.

If you lost the book, you would have to pay for a new one.

If we caught the early train, we'd be in Manchester by lunch time.

這裡過去時表達一種想像中的未來動作(losing the book).


類型1: If we stay in a hotel, it will be expensive.-可能性是開放的(我們可能在酒店,也可能不會在酒店,可能性高)

類型2: If we stayed in a hotel, it would be expensive.-理論上的可能性,不太現實,住酒店可能性低


類型2 表達要更禮貌和委婉一些

Would it be OK if 1 brought a friend? ~ Yes, of course.

Shall we go along the by-pass? ~ Well, if we went through the town centre, it would probably be quicker.

d 除了一般過去時,也可用進行時或could.

If the sun was shining, everything would be perfect. If I could help you, I would, but I'm afraid I can't.

除了would, 我們也可以使用情態動詞couldmight放在主句里.

If I had a light, I could see what I'm doing.

If we could roll the car down the hill, we might be able to start it.

e 也可用would 放在if從句中表「請求」:

If you wouldn't mind holding the line, I'll try to put you through.


If you'd just sign here, please.

我們也可以用 would like:

If you'd like to see the exhibition, it would be nice to go together.


a 過去時的開放式條件自然是說過去.

Perhaps Mike took a taxi. ~ Well, if he took a taxi, he ought to be here by now. I used to live near the library. If I wanted a book, I went and got one/I would go and get one.

b 用類型2當做類型1的過去.

類型1: Don't go. If you accept the invitation, you will regret it.

類型2: I told you that if you accepted the invitation you would regret it. And now you are regretting it, aren't you?

c 也可結合「過去條件」和「未來結果」:

If they posted the parcel yesterday, it won't get here before Friday.

6 類型3 條件從句

a 模型是: if... + 過去完成... + would + 完成.

If you had taken a taxi, you would have got here in time.

If I'd phoned to renew the books, I wouldn't have had to pay a fine.

The man would have died if the ambulance hadn't arrived so quickly.

We'd have gone to the talk if we'd known about it.

(= We would have gone if we had known.)

這裡過去完成表「虛擬」和想像的過去動作. Ifyou had taken a taxi 意思是你沒有真的乘taxi.

不可以用「一般過去」或「完成時」在主句中. If you had taken a taxi, you got/had got here in time這樣表達是錯的


Would have (或had have)不能用於if從句,除非在某些「非正式」場合=> If you'd have taken a taxi, you'd have got here on time.但是很多專業母語人士認為這種表達是錯的.

b 我們可用 could + 完成時在 if從句中.

If I could have warned you in time, I would have done.

也可用情態動詞couldmight+ 完成時在主句中.

If I'd written the address down, I could have saved myself some trouble.

The plan might not have worked if we hadn't had one great piece of luck.



If he hadn't been evicted by his landlord, he wouldn't have been sleeping in the streets.

c 我們可以混合類型2和3

If Tom was a bit more ambitious, he would have found himself a better job years ago.

If you hadn't woken me up in the middle of the night, I wouldn't feel so tired now.


We can also use a Type 1 condition with a Type 3 main clause.

If you know London so well, you shouldn't have got lost.


曾小賢的上司Lisa榕,現實中不僅才貌雙全,還嫁給了CEO - 天天要聞


Lisa榕做主持多年沒紅,被陳赫拉進愛情公寓爆紅,如今怎樣了 - 天天要聞

