How to be a good talker.

2024年03月12日22:35:20 體育 1414

To have a good conversation is a pleasure for most people. But not every conversation is good. Sometimes there are uncomfortable silences while people try to think of something to ile. Some conversations are one-sided. One person asks all the questions and the other just gives one-word answers. A good conversation needs two or more people to keep it going.

How to be a good talker. - 天天要聞

To get the ball rolling in a conversation, ask something about the other person. "What do you do?" is a good place to start. Or simply say, "tell me about yourself." Most people love a chance to talk about themselves.

As the other person begins to respond to your question. Look for common ground. If you ask someone about their weekend, the person could talk about what they did. Then you can share what you did and even your plans for the coming weekend.

How to be a good talker. - 天天要聞

When the other person is talking, it is important to be interested in them. Listen carefully and do not cut in to add your experience. When they finish, ask some more questions Don't allow your eyes to wander around as they talk. That gives the message that you're not really interested in them. Besides, if you're answering a question, don't go on and on. Give an answer and stop. A good conversation is a little like a tennis game, in which the ball goes back and forth. Also, avoid yes/no questions. They can stop a conversation. Instead ask open ended questions using what or why.

How to be a good talker. - 天天要聞

A conversation should end well too. You can say, "I need to run now." You may also give a reason. Say something like,"I really need to gee going. My class starts in 20 minutes."

Now go out and enjoy a good conversation!


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