
2021年03月22日02:45:02 科學 1067


Science, 19 March 2021 Vol 371, Issue 6535


《科學》(20210319出版)一周論文導讀 - 天天要聞


Generating arbitrary topological windings of a non-Hermitian band


▲ 作者:Kai Wang, Avik Dutt, Ki Youl Yang, Casey C. Wojcik, Jelena Vučković, Shanhui Fan

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▲ 摘要




▲ Abstract

Controlling the topology of a system provides a route to develop devices that are robust against defects. Whereas earlier developments of topological band theory focused on Hermitian (closed) systems, recent efforts have been toward non-Hermitian (open) systems. K. Wang et al. report on the measurement and control of topologically nontrivial windings of a non-Hermitian energy band. By implementing non-Hermitian lattice Hamiltonians along a frequency synthetic dimension formed by optical frequency modes in a modulated ring-resonator, they directly visualized the nontrivial topological band winding and showed that the winding can be controlled. Such control provides a route for the experimental synthesis, characterization, and control of topologically nontrivial phases in open physical systems.

Tuning electron correlation in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene using Coulomb screening


▲ 作者:Xiaoxue Liu, Zhi Wang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Oskar Vafek, J. I. A. Li

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▲ 摘要



▲ Abstract

Elucidating the nature of the superconducting state in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) has proven tricky. To study the role of electron-electron correlations in this state, Liu et al. placed another graphene bilayer, this one having a conventional arrangement of the graphene sheets, in the immediate vicinity of a sample of MATBG. By varying the carrier density in the conventional bilayer, the researchers controlled the strength of interactions in MATBG. Weakening the interactions strengthened superconductivity, consistent with scenarios in which the electron-phonon coupling competes against Coulomb interactions to stabilize the superconducting phase.


Detection of two interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons via spectral matched filtering


▲ 作者:Brett A. McGuire, Ryan A. Loomis, Anthony J. Remijan, Michael C. McCarthy. Etc.

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▲ 摘要



▲ Abstract

Midinfrared spectroscopy has shown that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are abundant in many astronomical objects, but this technique cannot determine which specific PAH molecules are present. Radio astronomy could provide individual identifications if the molecule is sufficiently abundant and has a large dipole moment, but PAHs are expected to produce large numbers of very weak lines. McGuire et al. performed a stacking and matched filter analysis to search for PAHs in radio observations of TMC-1, located within the interstellar Taurus Molecular Cloud. They identified emission from two isomers of the small PAH cyanonapthalene, two fused benzene rings with a CN group attached.

Tandem In2O3-Pt/Al2O3 catalyst for coupling of propane dehydrogenation to selective H2 combustion


▲ 作者:Huan Yan, Kun He, Izabela A. Samek, Dian Jing, Macy G. Nanda, Peter C. Stair, Justin M. Notestein

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▲ 摘要




▲ Abstract

Catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene and water become less selective with increasing conversion because propylene itself is more readily oxidized than propane. Yan et al. created nanoscale tandem catalysts by growing an ∼2-nanometer shell of indium oxide, a selective hydrogen combustion catalyst, over a propane dehydrogenation catalyst, platinum nanoparticles supported on alumina spheres. This overcoat exposed the platinum nanoparticles for propane dehydrogenation. Surface hydrogen atoms were oxidized at the indium oxide–platinum interface. This approach boosted yields of propylene to up to 30%.

地球科學Earth sciences

Record-breaking aerosol levels explained by smoke injection into the stratosphere


▲ 作者:Eitan Hirsch, Ilan Koren

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▲ 摘要



▲ Abstract

Intense, widespread bushfires in Australia injected huge amounts of smoke into the stratosphere in 2020. Hirsch and Koren found that this smoke caused record-breaking levels of aerosols over the Southern Hemisphere, as much as that from a moderate volcanic eruption. The severity was caused by a combination of the vigor of the fires and their location at a latitude with a shallow tropopause and within the midlatitude cyclones belt. This aerosol increase caused considerable cooling over oceanic cloud-free areas.

Manta-like planktivorous sharks in Late Cretaceous oceans


▲ 作者:Romain Vullo, Eberhard Frey, Christina Ifrim, Margarito A. González González, Eva S. Stinnesbeck, Wolfgang Stinnesbeck

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▲ 摘要


具體來說,這種鯊魚(Aquilolamna milarcae)顯示出許多與現代蝠鱝相似的特徵,特別是細長的鰭和似乎適合濾食的嘴,這表明它是以浮游生物為食。


▲ Abstract

Modern sharks occupy marine ecosystems across the world but display little morphological diversity, being mostly streamlined predators. Vullo et al. describe a new species of shark from the late Cretaceous that shows that the lack of current variation is not due to limited morphological “exploration” in the past. Specifically, Aquilolamna milarcae displays many features similar to modern manta rays, notably long, slender fins and a mouth seemingly adapted to filter feeding, suggesting that it was planktivorous. This finding indicates both that elasmobranchs evolutionarily experimented with other forms and that the planktivorous “soarers” emerged in this group at least 30 million years earlier than previously recognized.


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