「新刊速遞」《安全研究》(SS), Vol. 31, No.1, 2022|國政學人

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「新刊速遞」《安全研究》(SS), Vol. 31, No.1, 2022|國政學人 - 天天要聞


「新刊速遞」《安全研究》(SS), Vol. 31, No.1, 2022|國政學人 - 天天要聞

《安全研究》(Security Studies)收錄並出版具有創新性的學術稿件——無論是理論研究、實踐經驗分享還是兩者兼而有之。安全研究包含廣泛的議題,涵蓋核擴散、核威懾、軍民關係、戰略文化、種族衝突、流行病與國家安全、民主政治、外交決策以及定性與多方法研究的發展。Journal Citation Reports顯示,其2020年的影響因子為2.464。


1 鷹壺:美國、英國、法國和以色列關於核禁忌和非戰鬥人員豁免的公眾輿論

Kettles of Hawks: Public Opinion on the Nuclear Taboo and Noncombatant Immunity in the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Israel

2 網絡行動、調節信號和國際危機的降級

Cyber Operations, Accommodative Signaling, and the De-Escalation of International Crises

3 網絡武器轉讓:意義、限制和影響

Cyber Arms Transfer: Meaning, Limits, and Implications

4 微不足道的前哨部隊?:軍事能力和聯盟再保證

Trivial Tripwires? : Military Capabilities and Alliance Reassurance

5 推翻領袖,保留政體?2011年阿拉伯之春期間突尼斯埃及軍方的專制軍民關係和政變行為

Oust the Leader, Keep the Regime? Autocratic Civil-Military Relations and Coup Behavior in the Tunisian and Egyptian Militaries during the 2011 Arab Spring

6 王冠不穩:針對宗教合法性和國家間爭端軍事化的外部威脅

Uneasy Lies the Crown: External Threats to Religious Legitimacy and Interstate Dispute Militarization



題目:Kettles of Hawks: Public Opinion on the Nuclear Taboo and Noncombatant Immunity in the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Israel

作者:Janina Dill, 牛津大學納菲爾德學院研究員;Scott D. Sagan, 斯坦福大學卡羅琳S. G. 芒羅政治學教授、國際安全與合作中心高級研究員;Benjamin A. Valentino, 美國達特茅斯學院副教授。


Recent scholarship has established that a majority of Americans will support the use of nuclear weapons and violate the principle of noncombatant immunity when American lives are on the line. Some scholars contend, however, that these hawkish American attitudes are an outlier and that other Western democratic publics have more fully internalized the nuclear taboo, as well as the prohibition on deliberately killing civilians. To investigate cross-national attitudes on these important norms, we conducted a survey experiment of American, British, French, and Israeli citizens. We find that American attitudes are not exceptional. Rather, Israeli respondents display the most hawkish preferences; French and American citizens are roughly equally hawkish; and the British public is consistently the least supportive of nuclear use or targeting civilians. Categorical prohibitions—against nuclear use and targeting civilians—do little to shape public opinion in these four countries. Instead, public opinion in each state follows the same consequentialist logic: a majority or near majority of respondents are willing to support using nuclear weapons when they are more effective than conventional options, but support declines when collateral civilian deaths rise. Respondents’ preferences for compatriots over foreign civilians and respondents’ retributiveness help explain individual-level variation in attitudes.


題目:Cyber Operations, Accommodative Signaling, and the De-Escalation of International Crises

作者:Erica D. Lonergan,美國西點軍校網絡研究所助理教授、哥倫比亞大學索爾茲曼戰爭與和平研究所研究員;Shawn W. Lonergan,美國陸軍預備役軍官、普華永道網絡風險監管部門高級主管。


Signaling is a core element of international crisis bargaining and coercive diplomacy. To succeed in crises, a state must convey to its opponent that it possesses the capability to impose an advantageous outcome and that it is resolved to do so, while also managing the risks of unintended escalation and war. However, less studied in signaling literature is how states can use signals for the purposes of managing escalation risks or even de-escalating crises. In this article, we develop a theory of signaling in cyberspace. We argue that, although cyber operations are not particularly well suited as costly signals of resolve or capabilities in the context of coercive diplomacy, they have a distinct utility for signaling to manage escalation risks. We build a framework organized around the causal mechanisms of accommodative signaling in cyberspace and test it against a set of comparative case studies. We find that cyber operations can act as accommodative signaling under some conditions, particularly when decision makers are faced with managing tensions between simultaneously signaling to domestic audiences and adversary governments.


題目:Cyber Arms Transfer: Meaning, Limits, and Implications

作者:Max Smeets,斯坦福大學網絡安全研究員G。

摘要:網絡領域武器轉讓的動機和機會是什麼?儘管學術界未能系統地解決這個問題,但準確的答案對於理解網絡指揮和情報聯盟的運作、二十一世紀北大西洋公約組織的運行以及網絡軍備控制的可實施性至關重要。第一,本文介紹了一個新的概念框架——人員—行為—工具—基礎設施—組織(PETIO)框架——以了解進攻性網絡能力的要素。第二,本文解釋了網絡武器轉讓的動機在 PETIO 框架的不同元素中有何差異。儘管可以毫不費力地複製這類行為和工具,但它們轉瞬即逝的特性和運行跟蹤的可能性意味着實際上轉讓這些資產的動機很小。如果說國家間轉讓(武器)存在任何動機,那就是促進其他國家行為體發展自己的進攻能力——即通過提供專業知識、基礎設施和組織能力來適應和創新——因為這不會減少自己國家武器的效能。第三,本文認為,與網絡間諜能力相比,網絡武器轉讓能力的動機較弱,並且歸因動態為這些轉移動態增加了額外的複雜性。

What are the motivations and opportunities for arms transfer in the cyber realm? Although scholarship has failed to systematically address this question, having an accurate answer is crucial for understanding the operationalization of cyber commands and intelligence alliances, the functioning of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the twenty-first century, and the viability of cyber arms controls. First, this article introduces a new conceptual framework—the people-exploits-tools-infrastructure-organization (PETIO) framework—to understand the elements of an offensive cyber capability. Second, I explain how the incentives of cyber arms transfer differ across the different elements of the PETIO framework. Though exploits and tools can be effortlessly replicated, their transitory nature and potential for operational tracking means there is little incentive to actually transfer these assets. If any incentives exist for state-to-state transfer, it would be in facilitating other state actors to develop their own offensive capabilities—that is, by providing expertise, infrastructure, and organizational capacity to adapt and innovate—as this does not reduce the effectiveness of one’s own arsenal. Third, I argue that the incentives for transferring cyber effect capabilities are weaker compared to cyber espionage capabilities, and attribution dynamics add an additional layer of complexity to these transfer dynamics.


題目:Trivial Tripwires? : Military Capabilities and Alliance Reassurance

作者:Brian Blankenship,邁阿密大學助理教授、哥倫比亞大學政治學博士;Erik Lin-Greenberg,麻省理工學院政治科學系助理教授。


How can states most effectively reassure their allies? Existing studies assessing signals of commitment focus on the role of resolve in making assurances credible. This sidelines important questions about the role of capability. We argue that reassurance effectiveness is the product of both capability and resolve, and suggest that high resolve cannot offset low capability. We introduce a new typology of reassurance measures based on the interaction of military capability and resolve, and test which types of measures are most reassuring using an original survey fielded on European foreign policy experts and a case study of US and North Atlantic Treaty Organization reassurance initiatives in the Baltics. We find that high-resolve, low-capability signals such as tripwire forces in allied territory are not viewed as any more reassuring than high-capability, low-resolve signals such as forces stationed offshore. Our study casts doubt on the reassurance value of tripwires and contributes to scholarship on interstate signaling.


題目:Oust the Leader, Keep the Regime? Autocratic Civil-Military Relations and Coup Behavior in the Tunisian and Egyptian Militaries during the 2011 Arab Spring

作者:Risa Brooks,馬凱特大學政治學副教授、西點軍校戰略與國際研究中心國際安全項目非常駐高級研究員;Peter B. White,悉尼大學副教授。


We present a theory for how variation in autocratic civil-military relations affects the type of coups to which autocratic leaders are vulnerable. Dictators rely on alternative strategies of control that involve tensions across two imperatives—governance and coup prevention. In a “grand bargain,” leaders cede prerogatives to the military and compromise on the governance imperative. This insulates them from regime-change coups but still renders them vulnerable to reshuffling coups that result from bargaining failures. Alternatively, political leaders may rely on “containment,” in which they marginalize the military. Although they make fewer concessions on the governance imperative, the military is more likely to oust the entire regime when the former has the opportunity to engage in a coup, not just reshuffle the leader. We evaluate this theory using within-case process tracing and paired case studies of Tunisia and Egypt, and conduct descriptive quantitative analyses to demonstrate the generalizability of our theory.


題目:Uneasy Lies the Crown: External Threats to Religious Legitimacy and Interstate Dispute Militarization

作者:Ariel Zellman,以色列巴伊蘭大學政治學系講師;Davis Brown,貝勒大學宗教研究所非常駐學者。


Although often argued that religion should significantly influence international conflict, the empirical record is mixed. For every recurrent interreligious conflict, there are numerous examples of sustained interreligious cooperation. Conflict also frequently mars the oft-assumed peaceful relations between shared-religion states. We argue that religion is an important intervening factor in interstate dispute militarization, especially between internally threatened rivals. In mixed-religion dyads, conflict often follows oppression of cross-border coreligionists, whereas in shared-religion dyads, conflict occurs as one side disproportionately increases its official support for that religion. In both instances, dispute militarization is primarily an effort to undercut domestic competitors, whose challenge is augmented by external threats to leaders’ religious legitimacy. We test these propositions using new, long-term data on religious demography and state-religion policy, identifying rivalries via antecedent interstate territorial disputes. The findings largely confirm our hypotheses, substantially clarifying the conditions under which religion contributes to international militarized conflict.

編譯 | 崔育淶

審校 | 張曼娜

排版 | 邱意雯

文章來源於《安全研究》(Security Studies)。文章評譯內容為公益分享,服務於學術科研教學工作,不代表國政學人觀點。

「新刊速遞」《安全研究》(SS), Vol. 31, No.1, 2022|國政學人 - 天天要聞


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