
眾所周知,美國是對“吹哨人”保護相對完善的國家,甚至還專門有了《吹哨人保護法案》(Whistleblower Protection Act),今天我們就一起來聊一下有關“吹哨人保護”的一些問題,希望我們越來越好!

1. 關於"吹哨人"的定義


A whistleblower is a person who exposes secretive information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within a private or public organization.

The information of alleged wrongdoing can be classified in many ways: violation of company policy/rules, law, regulation, or threat to public interest/national security, as well as fraud, and corruption.

Those who become whistleblowers can choose to bring information or allegations to surface either internally or externally. Internally, a whistleblower can bring his/her accusations to the attention of other people within the accused organization such as an immediate supervisor. Externally, a whistleblower can bring allegations to light by contacting a third party outside of an accused organization such as the media, government, law enforcement, or those who are concerned.

Whistleblower, however, take the risk of facing stiff reprisal and retaliation from those who are accused or alleged of wrongdoing.


Whistleblowers are those who go beyond the call of duty, putting their jobs, their lives, and the safety of their loved ones at risk in order to expose devious behavior within an organization.



2. 《吹哨者保護法案》

In 1778, Americans passed the world's first whistleblower protection law .

1778年, 美國人在通過了世界上第一部《吹哨者保護法案》。


Benjamin Franklin became one of the first American whistleblowers in 1773 when he exposed confidential letters showing that the royally appointed governor of Massachusetts had intentionally misled Parliament to promote a military buildup in the Colonies.


In 1777, US naval officers Samuel Shaw and Richard Marven revealed the torture of British POWs by the commander-in-chief of the Continental Navy. The following year, the Continental Congress unanimously enacted the first whistleblower protection law.

In 1863, the government enacted the False Claims Act as a measure to protect whistleblowers.

1863年,美國政府出台《虛假申報法案》,保護“吹哨人” 。


This act was revised in 1986.


​In 1972,Mark Felt exposed the detail information to The Washington Post,which eventually leaded to the resignation of Nixon.


這就是歷史上著名的“水門事件,而在該事件中導致尼克松辭職的馬克.費爾特一直被媒體用“深喉(deep throat)”代稱,以期對“吹哨人”做最大保護,其真正身份直到2005年才被公布。


1989年,美國國會通過《吹哨人保護法案》(Whistleblower Protection Act)鼓勵公民(包括公職人員)通過參與到旨在維護社會公正的行動中,特別是公職人員在其履職過程中,發現存在貪腐、影響公共利益、國家安全的行為,有權以告密(包括向媒體報料)的方式進行檢舉。吹哨人不僅不會受到泄密的指控,相反的,法案規定司法機構應該為他們及他們的家人提供各種保護。




