「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3

2022年07月12日08:33:09 熱門 1291
「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3 - 天天要聞




personality rights


In the second version of the draft, personal information included an individual's name, birthdate, identity card number, fingerprints, home address and phone number.


「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3 - 天天要聞

Email addresses and information about a person's whereabouts will be considered personal information under the latest draft section on personal rights in the civil code.


三審稿還明確“個人信息的處理”包括“個人信息的使用、加工、傳輸、提供、公開等(use, processing, transmission, supply and disclosure of personal information)”。

對於何為人格權以及隱私的定義(definitions of personality rights and privacy),草案三審稿進一步明確並完善,規定:

人格權(personality rights)是民事主體享有的生命權、身體權、健康權、姓名權、名稱權、肖像權、名譽權、隱私權(rights of one's life, human body, health, name,identity, image, reputation and privacy)等權利。

將隱私的定義修改為“自然人不願為他人知曉的私密空間、私密活動和私密信息等(the private space, activity or information that a person does not want others to know)”,並增加規定:任何組織或者個人不得搜查、進入、窺視、拍攝他人的賓館房間等私密空間(no organization or individual could search, enter, peer into or shoot others' private space, such as hotel rooms)。


loan prime rate(LPR)

The People's Bank of China (PBOC) announced Sunday that it will replace the loan benchmark interest rate with the loan prime rate (LPR) as a benchmark for setting the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans.



貸款市場報價利率(loan prime rate,簡稱LPR)是指由各報價行根據其對最優質客戶執行的貸款利率(lending rates for their best customers),按照公開市場操作利率加點形成的方式報價(submit their LPR quotations based on what they have bid for PBOC liquidity in open market operations),由中國人民銀行授權全國銀行間同業拆借中心(National Interbank Loans Center)計算得出並發布的利率。

目前,商業銀行實行的存貸款利率是根據央行公布的存貸款基準利率(benchmark deposit and lending rate)制定的。

Starting from Oct. 8, the interest rate of newly issued commercial individual housing loans will be based on lastest month's LPR of the corresponding term, while certain basis points will be added, the PBOC said in a statement. Housing loan contracts already inked or in implementation will not be affected by the new rules.


定價基準轉換後,全國範圍內新發放首套個人住房貸款利率不得低於相應期限LPR(the housing loan interest rate for first-time buyers should not be lower than the LPR of the corresponding term),按8月20日5年期以上LPR計算為4.85%;二套個人住房貸款利率不得低於相應期限LPR加60個基點(按8月20日5年期以上LPR計算為5.45%),與當前我國個人住房貸款實際最低利率水平基本相當(at the same level of the current lowest personal mortgage loan rate)。

公告表示,人民銀行省一級分支機構應按照“因城施策”原則,在國家統一的信貸政策基礎上,根據當地房地產市場形勢變化,確定轄區內首套和二套商業性個人住房貸款利率加點下限(a basis point addition floor will be decided based on the development of local property markets)。銀行業金融機構應根據加點下限合理確定每筆貸款的具體加點數值。

Interest rate policies for individual housing loans via one's housing provident fund will stay unchanged.


央行有關負責人表示,這一調整是為了落實好“房子是用來住的,不是用來炒的(housing is for living in, not for speculation)”定位和房地產市場長效管理機制(a long-term management mechanism for the real estate market),確保定價基準平穩有序轉換,維護借貸雙方合法權益。

「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3 - 天天要聞


「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3 - 天天要聞

new pilot FTZs


Setting up new pilot FTZs is "a major decision by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council and a strategic move to advance reform and opening-up in the new era," the plan said.


「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3 - 天天要聞

This will bring the total number of the country's pilot FTZs to 18, which serve as pioneers of the country's reform and opening-up as they test new styles of foreign investment management, trade facilitation and transformation of government functions to better integrate the economy with international practices.



山東自貿試驗區圍繞加快推進新舊發展動能接續轉換、發展海洋經濟,形成對外開放新高地,提出了培育貿易新業態新模式(nurture new businesses)、加快發展海洋特色產業(develop the marine economy)和探索中日韓三國地方經濟合作(explore China-Japan-Republic of Korea economic cooperation at the sub-national level)等方面的具體舉措。

江蘇自貿試驗區圍繞打造開放型經濟發展先行區(pioneer in open economy development)、實體經濟創新發展(innovative development of real economy)和產業轉型升級示範區(demonstration zone for industrial tranformation and upgrade),提出了提高境外投資合作水平、強化金融對實體經濟的支撐和支持製造業創新發展(support innovation and development of the manufacturing industry)等方面的具體舉措。

廣西自貿試驗區圍繞建設西南中南西北出海口、面向東盟的國際陸海貿易新通道(new channel for international land-sea trade targeting ASEAN),形成21世紀海上絲綢之路和絲綢之路經濟帶有機銜接的重要門戶,提出了暢通國際大通道、打造對東盟合作先行先試示範區(pilot zone of cooperation with the ASEAN region)和打造西部陸海聯通門戶港等方面的具體舉措。

河北自貿試驗區圍繞建設國際商貿物流重要樞紐(key hub for international trade and logistics)、新型工業化基地、全球創新高地和開放發展先行區,提出了支持開展國際大宗商品貿易(international commodity trade)、支持生物醫藥與生命健康產業開放發展(the opening up of biomedicine- and healthcare-related industries)等方面的具體舉措。

雲南自貿試驗區圍繞打造“一帶一路”和長江經濟帶互聯互通的重要通道(build an important channel of connectivity for the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River economic belt),建設連接南亞東南亞大通道的重要節點,推動形成我國面向南亞東南亞輻射中心、開放前沿,提出了創新沿邊跨境經濟合作模式(innovate modes of cross-border economic cooperation)和加大科技領域國際合作力度等方面的具體舉措。

黑龍江自貿試驗區圍繞深化產業結構調整(deepen industrial structure adjustment),打造對俄羅斯及東北亞區域合作的中心樞紐,提出了加快實體經濟轉型升級、推進創新驅動發展和建設面向俄羅斯及東北亞的交通物流樞紐(build a transportation and logistics hub to facilitate cooperation with Russia and Northeast Asia)等方面的具體舉措。

方案強調,自貿試驗區建設過程中,要強化底線思維和風險意識,完善風險防控和處置機制(improve mechanism of risk control and response),實現區域穩定安全高效運行,切實維護國家安全和社會安全(safeguard national and social security)。充分發揮地方和部門積極性,抓好各項改革試點任務落實,高標準高質量建設自貿試驗區(build high-quality free trade pilot zones with high standards)。


new Chinese textbooks


"The new Chinese textbooks boast a selection of 67 classic works of ancient poetry and prose that account for 49.3 percent of all articles," said Wen Rumei, editor-in-chief of the new Chinese textbooks, at a press conference held by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Tuesday.




據悉,語文新教材精選了反映中華優秀傳統文化的經典名篇(classic articles featuring traditional Chinese culture),從古風、民歌(folk music)、絕句(quatrains)、律詩(metrical verse)到詞曲,從諸子散文到歷史散文(proses),從兩漢論文、魏晉辭賦到唐宋明清古文,從文言小說(classical novels)到白話小說(vernacular novels),均有呈現。

The textbook puts special emphasis on China's revolutionary history, including five articles written by late Chinese leader Mao Zedong and five articles by prominent modern Chinese writer Lu Xun, who was a leading figure in the New Culture Movement in the 1910s, Wen said.


It also includes more than 10 foreign classic articles as well as those reflecting China's achievements, he added.





the Medal of the Republic

今年是中華人民共和國成立70周年,黨中央決定,首次開展國家勳章(the Medal of the Republic)和國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)集中評選頒授,隆重表彰一批為新中國建設和發展作出傑出貢獻的功勛模範人物。

Chinese scientist Tu Youyou, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, has been nominated for China's Medal of the Republic.


「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3 - 天天要聞

Besides Tu, seven other role models have been nominated for the honor, including Zhang Fuqing, a 94-year-old war hero who served as a soldier in the Chinese People's Liberation Army during the Liberation War (1946-49) and was twice awarded the title of "Combat Hero", and Yuan Longping, a Chinese agricultural expert who is also called the "father of hybrid rice".


Another 28 figures have been nominated for a national honorary title.


Among the candidates are Nan Rendong, the founding scientist of China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST); Tung Chee-hwa, the first chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; and Cheng Kaijia, a nuclear weapons expert who participated in experiments of the country's first atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and the combination of the two bombs.





“五章”是指“共和國勳章(the Medal of the Republic)”、“七一勳章(the July 1 Medal)”、“八一勳章(the August 1 Medal)”、“友誼勳章(the Friendship Medal)”以及國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor);“一簿”是指功勛簿(Book of Merit)。

“共和國勳章(the Medal of the Republic)”

授予為黨、國家和人民的事業作出巨大貢獻、功勛卓著的傑出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people),這是根據憲法法律規定,由全國人大常委會決定、國家主席簽發證書並頒授的國家勳章,是國家最高榮譽(the highest honor of the country)。

“七一勳章(the July 1 Medal)”

授予在中國特色社會主義偉大事業和黨的建設新的偉大工程中作出傑出貢獻的黨員(CPC members who have made great contributions to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the construction of the CPC),這是由中共中央決定、中共中央總書記簽發證書並頒授的黨內最高榮譽(the highest honor of the CPC)。

“八一勳章(the August 1 Medal)”(於2017年7月28日首次頒授)

授予在維護國家主權、安全、發展利益,推進國防和軍隊現代化建設中建立卓越功勛的軍隊人員(servicemen and women who have strongly safeguarded the country's sovereignty, national security and benefit, and who have made outstanding contributions to the development of national defense and the modernization of the military),這是由中央軍委決定、中央軍委主席簽發證書並頒授的軍隊最高榮譽(the highest honor of the military)。


“友誼勳章(the Friendship Medal)”(於2018年6月8日首次頒授)

授予為我國社會主義現代化建設和促進中外交流合作、維護世界和平作出傑出貢獻的外國人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and helped maintain world peace),為國家最高榮譽。


國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)

授予在經濟、社會、國防、外交、教育、科技、文化、衛生、體育等各領域各行業作出重大貢獻、享有崇高聲譽的傑出人士(prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy, society, national defense, diplomacy, education, science, culture, health and sports)。

功勛簿(Book of Merit)

為記載上述功勛榮譽獲得者及其功績(to keep a record of these medal recepients and their achievements),還專門設立了黨、國家、軍隊功勛簿。



celebration events on National Day



「8月最熱新聞關鍵詞」Part 3 - 天天要聞

President Xi Jinping will attend a grand gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) on Oct. 1. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will deliver an important speech at the event, said Wang Xiaohui.


A military parade and mass pageantry will be held following the gathering, Wang said.



The parade will be larger than those marking the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the PRC's founding and the 70th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) in 2015.


The Tian'anmen Square parade will debut advanced weapons and equipment, he said, adding that all equipment displayed is domestically developed and in service. It will consist of square formations of marching soldiers from different forces and types of vehicles and equipment as well as air formations.




10月1日,以中共中央、全國人大常委會、國務院、全國政協、中央軍委名義在北京天安門廣場隆重舉行慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年大會(a grand gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China),中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平發表重要講話。慶祝大會後,將舉行盛大的閱兵式(military parade)和群眾遊行(mass pageantry)。


10月1日晚,在北京天安門廣場舉辦首都國慶聯歡活動(a grand evening gala in Tian'anmen Square)。黨和國家領導人同首都各界代表一起聯歡並觀看文藝演出和焰火表演(watch performances and a fireworks show)。


在人民大會堂舉行隆重頒授儀式,對在中國特色社會主義建設和保衛國家中作出重大貢獻、建立卓越功勛、道德品質高尚、群眾公認的傑出人士,在中國社會主義現代化建設和促進中外交流合作、維護世界和平中作出傑出貢獻的外國人,在各領域各行業作出重大貢獻、享有崇高聲譽、道德品質高尚、群眾公認的傑出人士,分別授予“共和國勳章”(the Medals of the Republic)、“友誼勳章”(Medals of Friendship)和國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)。中華人民共和國主席習近平將親自頒授勳章、獎章,簽發證書。


9月30日烈士紀念日(Martyrs' Day),在北京天安門廣場人民英雄紀念碑(the Monument to the People's Heroes)前,舉行向人民英雄敬獻花籃儀式(present flowers to deceased national heroes),緬懷英雄烈士。黨和國家領導人和首都各界群眾代表參加。


以中華人民共和國主席習近平名義,在人民大會堂舉辦盛大國慶招待會(National Day reception),中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平發表重要講話。


在人民大會堂舉辦慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年文藝晚會(an evening gala featuring music and dance),這次晚會將以大型音樂舞蹈史詩形式呈現,名稱叫《奮鬥吧 中華兒女》。


9月起,在北京展覽館舉辦慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年大型成就展(a large-scale exhibition on the achievements of the PRC in the past seven decades)。


以中共中央、國務院、中央軍委名義,向中華人民共和國成立前參加工作的、健在的老戰士老同志(living veterans and comrades who participated in the work on the revolution before the founding of the PRC),中華人民共和國成立後獲得國家級表彰獎勵及以上榮譽並健在的人員(living individuals who received honors and awards at the State level and above after the founding of the PRC),中華人民共和國成立後因參戰榮立一等功以上獎勵並健在的軍隊人員(含退役軍人)(living service personnel and veterans who received honors above the first-class merit citation for fighting wars after the founding of the PRC)以及為中華人民共和國成立作出傑出貢獻的國際友人(foreign friends who have made outstanding contributions to the founding of the PRC),頒發“慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年”紀念章(medals in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the PRC)。


以中華人民共和國成立70年來取得的輝煌成就為主要內容,製作播出大型文獻專題片(documentary on the achievements of the PRC in the past seven decades),國慶前夕在中央電視台一套黃金時間播出。同時,我們還將推出一批慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年、具有較高思想藝術水平的戲劇、音樂、舞蹈、美術等各類優秀文藝作品(outstanding works of art in traditional opera, music, dance and fine art),展映一批重點主題電影和電視劇,推出一批重點出版物。


以慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年為題材,發行一套紀念幣和一套紀念郵票(commemorative coins and stamps)。

(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)

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