
2022年06月30日18:02:03 熱門 1679

由GRAS Arquitectos設計的“網球梯田”(Tennis Terraces)是馬略卡女子網球公開賽的新主場,每年六月,它將彙集圈內最優秀的球員,在馬略卡島上的世界級賽場中一較高下。

GRAS Arquitectos designs “Tennis Terraces”, the new headquarters of the Mallorca Open, first tennis tournament to play on grass courts in southern Europe, with the support of the All England Cub, home of the Wimbledon Championships.The tournament, a WTA 250, will bring together every June the best players of the circuit, in order to compete with the best conditions at a Mallorca prime new facility.


“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞


White concrete cantilevered slabs define a new tennis club in the middle of the nature that combines a social building together with tennis courts; a total of 17 courts of all surfaces: grass, clay and hard. A Master series facility. The strong natural context defines the concept of the project. The topography of the land demands a terracing strategy in order to place the different courts at different levels following the slope of the hill; The building itself is therefore conceived as a continuation of that terracing: 2 floating terraces, white concrete slabs, overlooking the tennis compound. By positioning the building at the highest point of the land, it works as the last terrace of the project and as a great viewpoint, balcony to the rest of the plot, specially to the Centre court, the heart of the project.

▼網球俱樂部外觀,exterior view of the new tennis club in the middle of the nature

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞


The Centre Court is the heart of the project. A series of terraces are carved in the hill to create a natural stone stadium, a sort of “XXI century Greek Epidaurus tennis theatre”. The “stadium” can seat up to 1500 spectators. The terraces are built with traditional stone masonry, using solid blocks of a Mallorcan natural stone called Mares. A natural scenario combining the stone and the natural grass is created following the context of the site.

▼一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場,a series of terraces are carved in the hill to create a natural stone stadium

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼這些台階採用堅固的Mares天然石材以傳統方式砌築而成,the terraces are built with traditional stone masonry, using solid blocks of a Mallorcan natural stone called Mares

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼台階細部,terraces detailed view

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞


The clubhouse is designed not just as a social building, also as a viewing platform to watch the tennis games at the Centre Court. The building leans out to the court in order to enjoy views from all floors. White exposed concrete slabs cantilevers are created to maximize those views.

▼白色的混凝土板構成了兩個漂浮的露台,2 floating terraces, white concrete slabs, overlooking the tennis compound

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼露台向球場的方向凸出,能夠將各層級的景緻收入眼底,the building leans out to the court in order to enjoy views from all floors

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞


A fully glazed ground floor welcomes the visitor with a lounge and a restaurant. The whole facade can be opened having a continuous space “in and out” so the user can enjoy the terraces, the gardens and the pool, always surrounded by the tennis courts. At the back of the lounge, the dressing rooms and service areas are located. An open steel staircase leads up to the first floor, an open plan multipurpose room with a balcony around the whole floor. Since the room can also be used as a gym, the balcony offers the possibility to install a jogging circuit around the building. A metallic mesh wraps the whole floor to protect the runners from falling.

▼首層公共空間,ground floor interior view

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼二層多功能空間,the first floor, an open plan multipurpose room with a balcony around the whole floor

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼環繞着二層空間的露台可作為慢跑跑道使用,the balcony offers the possibility to install a jogging circuit around the building

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞


The balcony “enlarges” when facing Centre Court to create an extra wide terrace to seat spectators during the tournament. The full floor works as a terrace overlooking the surrounding tennis courts. In connection with the deck utility of the project, the rooftop is also accessible and can be used by the general public, offering extensive views of all the courts and surroundings.

▼露台在比賽期間可提供一個額外的看台,the balcony “enlarges” when facing Centre Court to create an extra wide terrace to seat spectators during the tournament

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼總平面圖,master plan

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼首層平面圖,ground floor plan

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼二層平面圖,first floor plan

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞


“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼剖面圖A,section A

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼剖面圖B,section B

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼看台剖面圖,grand stand section

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

▼看台結構細部,grand stand details

“網球梯田”,西班牙:一系列台階在山地間圍合出天然的體育場 - 天天要聞

Project info:

GRAS arquitectos, Guillermo Reynés, Álvaro Pérez, Mayca Sánchez, Xim Barceló, Laura Purlyté, Marta Wieczorkiewicz and András Papp.

Site: Santa Ponsa, Mallorca, Spain

Year: 2016

Size: 10.000 m2 tennis courts, 1.130 m2 clubhouse

Engineer: Andreu Ortiz

Site Manager: Vicente Juan

Fotos: José Hevia

Builder: EGOS

文章轉載自GRAS arquitectos,如涉及侵權請聯繫刪除。


曾小賢的上司Lisa榕,現實中不僅才貌雙全,還嫁給了CEO - 天天要聞


Lisa榕做主持多年沒紅,被陳赫拉進愛情公寓爆紅,如今怎樣了 - 天天要聞

