【雙語】例行記者會/Regular Press Conference(2024-4-19)

2024年4月19日外交部發言人林劍主持例行記者會foreign ministry spokesperson lin jian’s 
regular press conference on april 19, 2024

中共中央政治局委員、中央政法委書記陳文清將於4月20日至28日應邀赴俄羅斯出席第十二屆安全事務高級代表國際會議並訪問俄羅斯。  from april 20 to 28, member of the political bureau of the cpc central committee and secretary of the central political and legal affairs commission of the cpc chen wenqing will travel to russia to attend the 12th international meeting of high representatives for security issues and visit russia at the host’s invitation.

總台國廣記者:4月18日至19日,王毅外長應邀對印尼進行正式訪問。發言人能否進一步介紹訪問情況?  cri: foreign minister wang yi is on an official visit to indonesia upon invitation from april 18 to 19. can you brief us on the visit?

林劍:4月18日至19日,中共中央政治局委員、外交部長王毅訪問印尼。印尼總統佐科、當選總統普拉博沃分別王毅外長。王毅外長同印尼對華合作牽頭人盧胡特共同主持召開中印尼高級別對話合作機制第四次會議,同蕾特諾外長舉行會談並共同會見記者。  lin jian: member of the political bureau of the cpc central committee and minister of foreign affairs wang yi is on a visit to indonesia from april 18 to 19. he met with indonesian president joko widodo and president-elect prabowo subianto respectively. foreign minister wang co-chaired the fourth meeting of the china-indonesia high-level dialogue cooperation mechanism with indonesia’s coordinator for cooperation with china luhut binsar pandjaitan. foreign minister wang held talks with indonesian foreign minister retno marsudi and they met the press together.

王毅外長表示,在習近平主席和佐科總統戰略引領下,兩國開啟共建命運共同體新篇章。中印尼關係取得令人矚目的巨大成就,關鍵在於堅持戰略自主、堅持互信互助、堅持合作共贏、堅持公平正義。雙方要持續深化戰略互信,加強發展戰略對接,以高質量共建“一帶一路”引領務實合作提質升級,推動構建具有地區和全球影響力的中印尼命運共同體。  foreign minister wang yi said under the strategic guidance of president xi jinping and president joko widodo, the two countries have opened a new chapter of building a community with a shared future. the impressive achievement that china and indonesia made in growing our relations is a result of a shared commitment to strategic independence, mutual trust, mutual assistance, win-win cooperation and fairness and justice. the two sides need to continue deepening strategic mutual trust, synergize development strategies, upgrade practical cooperation through high-quality belt and road cooperation and work to build a china-indonesia community with a shared future with regional and global impact.

印尼方表示,印尼政府高度重視發展對華關係,強調將繼續堅定奉行一個中國政策。近年來,兩國全面戰略夥伴關係保持良好發展勢頭,印尼期待同中方延續並不斷推動兩國更高水平戰略合作,堅持相互尊重,擴大互利共贏,共同為地區和全球發展繁榮貢獻更多穩定性和正能量。  the indonesian side said its government attaches high importance to growing its ties with china and underscored indonesia’s commitment to the one-china policy. in recent years, the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership has maintained a sound momentum of growth. indonesia looks forward to working with china to carry forward and further advance bilateral strategic cooperation on a higher level, uphold mutual respect, increase mutual benefits and jointly contribute more stability and positive energy for regional and global development and prosperity.

雙方一致認為,兩國要繼續弘揚優良合作傳統,相互助力走好具有各自特色的現代化道路。要堅持發展優先,倡導普惠包容的經濟全球化,反對單邊主義和保護主義。要加強多邊協作,推動平等有序的世界多極化進程,反對在本地區製造集團對立和陣營對抗,維護廣大發展中國家共同利益。  the two sides agreed that our two countries need to carry forward our fine tradition in cooperation and help each other in making steady progress in our respective paths toward modernization with distinctive characteristics. our two countries need to put development first, stand for universally-beneficial and inclusive economic globalization and oppose unilateralism and protectionism. our two countries need to enhance multilateral collaboration, move toward an equal and orderly multipolar world, oppose stoking division and bloc confrontation in the region and uphold the common interests of the vast developing countries.

雙方還就中東局勢等共同關心的國際和地區問題深入溝通,強調願繼續同國際社會一道努力,為緩和地區緊張局勢發揮建設性作用。  the two sides had in-depth communication on the middle east situation and other international and regional issues of mutual interest and stressed readiness to work with the international community to play a constructive role in easing regional tensions.

法新社記者:伊朗官方媒體報道,伊朗中部省份伊斯法罕今天發生爆炸。美國官員後來告訴媒體,以色列發動了這次襲擊。請問中方對這些報道有何反應?  afp: iran’s state media reported that there were explosions in the central province of isfahan today. us officials later told media that israel launched the attack. what is china’s response to these reports?

林劍:中方注意到有關報道,反對任何導致局勢進一步緊張升級的行為。  lin jian: china noted the reports. we oppose any action that could further escalate the situation.

土耳其阿納多盧通訊社記者:美國一票否決了巴勒斯坦申請成為聯合國正式會員國的安理會決議草案。包括中國在內的12個安理會成員國投票贊成。由於美方一票否決,該草案未獲通過。中方對美國獨家否決及投票結果有何評論?  anadolu agency: the us vetoed a united nations security council resolution demanding palestine’s full membership at the un. twelve member states including china voted in favor but the resolution couldn’t be passed because of us veto. what’s china’s comment about the us veto and the outcome of the vote?

林劍:中國常駐聯合國代表已在表決後的解釋性發言中全面闡述了中方立場。獨立建國是巴勒斯坦人民幾代人的夙願,正式加入聯合國是這一歷史進程的關鍵一步。早在2011年,巴勒斯坦就提出了申請,當時就是由於美國的反對,安理會的行動被擱置。時隔13年後的今天,又是由於美國否決,巴勒斯坦成為聯合國正式會員國的申請遭到拒絕,巴勒斯坦人民幾十年的夢想被無情擊碎。歷史和世界人民將會記住美國這一倒行逆施。  lin jian: china’s permanent representative to the united nations has fully stated our position in his explanation of vote. an independent state of palestine has been a long-cherished dream for generations of palestinians. full un membership for palestine is a crucial step in this historic process. palestine first submitted a membership application as early as 2011. it was us opposition then that the council’s action was put on hold. thirteen years later, it was again us veto that denied palestine full un membership and shattered the decades-long dream of the palestinian people. history and people of the world will not forget this unconscionable act. 

本輪巴以衝突仍在延宕,造成嚴重人道主義危機。儘管美國否決了巴勒斯坦成為聯合國正式會員國的申請,但地區人民對於立即停火的迫切要求不容否決,加沙平民對於人道援助的基本需求不容否決,國際社會對於公正持久解決巴勒斯坦問題的普遍願望不容否決。國際社會要全面落實聯合國大會、安理會相關決議,充分尊重巴勒斯坦人民的意願,回歸“兩國方案”的正確軌道,儘快建立獨立的巴勒斯坦國。只有這樣,才能實現巴勒斯坦和以色列的和平共存,實現阿拉伯和猶太兩大民族和諧相處,實現中東地區的持久和平。  the palestinian-israeli conflict is still persisting. a severe humanitarian crisis continues to unfold in gaza. the us denied palestine’s full un membership, but it can’t deny the region’s call for immediate ceasefire, the gazans’ need for humanitarian aid, and the global desire for a just and lasting solution to the question of palestine. the international community needs to fully implement relevant unsc and unga resolutions, fully respect the will of the palestinian people, return to the two-state solution and establish an independent state of palestine at an early date. only by doing so can there be peace between palestine and israel, harmony between arab and jewish peoples, and lasting peace in the middle east.

中方在巴勒斯坦問題上始終站在和平一邊,站在公道一邊,站在良知一邊。我們堅定支持巴勒斯坦成為聯合國正式會員國,將繼續同有關各方一道,為早日平息加沙戰火、緩解人道局勢、推動落實“兩國方案”作出不懈努力,發揮建設性作用。  on the question of palestine, china always stands on the side of peace, justice and human conscience. china firmly supports full un membership for palestine, and will continue to work relentlessly and constructively with relevant parties to bring an early end to the fighting in gaza, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, and implement the two-state solution.

《中國日報》記者:我們看到近期美國持續炒作中國“產能過剩”話題。請問發言人對“產能過剩”問題有何進一步評論?  china daily: we noted that recently the us has kept hyping up the issue of china’s “overcapacity”. do you have any further comment on the issue of “overcapacity”?

林劍:所謂“中國產能過剩論”並不是一個“新概念”。當年,美國曾把中國向世界出口大量物美價廉產品稱為“產能過剩”,現在又給中國向世界出口新能源產品貼上“產能過剩”標籤。按照這個邏輯,美國芯片特別是高端芯片有80%用於出口,豬肉和農產品也大量出口,這種情況是否也可以被稱為“產能過剩”呢?事實上,中國新能源汽車出口占生產的比例遠低於德國、日本和韓國等國,談不上“過剩”向海外傾銷。美方拋出的所謂“中國產能過剩論”,看似是經濟概念,背後包藏的是遏制打壓中國產業發展的禍心,旨在為本國謀求更有利競爭地位和市場優勢,是赤裸裸的經濟脅迫和霸道霸凌。  lin jian: blaming china for “overcapacity” is not new. years ago, the us accused china of “overcapacity” for exporting many high-quality, low-cost products. now it is sticking the label of “overcapacity” to china’s export of new energy products. the us exports 80 percent of its chips, especially advanced chips and is a large exporter of pork and agricultural products. is that “overcapacity” according to us logic? in fact, the ratio of export to production for chinese new energy vehicle is far lower than that of germany, japan and the rok. this is certainly not “dumping extra products into the global market”. “overcapacity” may look like an economic issue, but truth is, the us is using it to hit chinese industries and give the us itself an unfair advantage in market competition. it’s another example of us economic coercion and bullying.

當今時代,供給和需求都具有全球性,不同國家的產能高低是各自比較優勢決定的,必須從經濟規律出發,客觀、辯證、理性看待。中國的新能源產業優勢是靠真本事獲得的,是通過不斷的科技創新和充分的市場競爭塑造的。給別人開藥方治不了自身的病,以“產能過剩”為借口採取貿易保護措施,不能解決自己的問題,反而會損害全球產供鏈穩定,損害新興產業成長發展,損害國際社會應對氣候變化和綠色轉型發展的共同努力。我們敦促美方摒棄霸權思維,秉持開放心態,堅持公平競爭,切實遵守市場經濟原則和國際經貿規則,打造真正國際化、市場化、法治化的經貿合作環境,同國際社會一道,推動經濟全球化向更加普惠包容的方向發展。  in today’s world, supply and demand are both global, and the capacity of each country is determined by comparative advantage. this must be seen from an objective, dialectical and rational perspective based on the laws of economics. china’s leading edge in new energy is gained through strong performance, tech innovation and full-on market competition. a sick person doesn’t get well by forcing others to take the medicine. those who use overcapacity to justify protectionism have nothing to gain and will only destabilize global industrial and supply chains, harm emerging sectors and hinder the world’s climate response and green transition. we urge the us to abandon the hegemonic mindset, keep an open mind, play fair, observe market economy principles and international trade rules, provide a truly world-class, market-oriented and law-based environment for trade and economic cooperation, and work with the rest of the world to advance universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

新華社記者:當前,國際形勢持續緊張,局部衝突和動蕩頻發,傳統和非傳統安全挑戰層出不窮。中方提出全球安全倡議兩年來,為解決全球安全難題、促進人類共同安全作出了貢獻。發言人能否進一步介紹有關情況?  xinhua news agency: amid the tense international landscape and frequent regional conflicts and turbulence, traditional and nontraditional security challenges keep emerging. over the past two years since the global security initiative was put forward by china, we have contributed to resolving global security difficulties and promoting common security of humanity. can you share more details with us?

林劍:2022年4月,習近平主席提出全球安全倡議這一重大理念和行動方案。兩年來,中方秉持人類命運共同體理念,與國際社會攜手同行,全面踐行全球安全倡議,取得了一系列積極重要的進展成果。  lin jian: in april 2022, president xi jinping put forward the global security initiative (gsi) which is an important concept and action plan. over the past two years, china has implemented the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and worked with the international community to fully implement the gsi and make important progress.

倡議凝聚了以團結合作謀求共同安全的國際共識。倡議倡導走對話而不對抗、結伴而不結盟、共贏而非零和的新型安全之路,迄今得到100多個國家和國際地區組織支持、讚賞,寫入多份中國與其他國家、國際組織交往合作的雙多邊文件,倡議框架下有關合作正在穩步推進。  the gsi has built up international consensus on seeking common security through solidarity and cooperation. the initiative advocates a new path to security featuring dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. two years on, the gsi has gained the support and recognition of over 100 countries and international and regional organizations. it has been written into a host of bilateral and multilateral documents of exchange and cooperation signed between china and other countries or international organizations. the cooperation under the gsi framework is advancing steadily.

倡議為化解矛盾分歧、管控風險危機提供可行良方。針對烏克蘭危機、巴以衝突、阿富汗問題等,中國專門發布立場文件,持之以恆勸和促談,為政治解決地區熱點問題發揮建設性作用。中方成功促成沙特和伊朗和解,帶動中東地區形成“和解潮”,為有關地區國家化解矛盾分歧、實現睦鄰友好樹立典範。  the gsi has provided viable solutions to solving disputes and differences, and managing risks and crisis. in particular, china released position papers on the ukraine crisis, the palestinian-israeli conflict and the afghan issue to strive for peace talks and play a constructive role for the political resolution of regional hotspots. china facilitated the reconciliation between saudi arabia and iran, and set off a “wave of reconciliation” across the middle east. we have set a good example for relevant countries in the region to resolve disputes, and uphold good-neighborliness and friendship.

倡議為維護世界和平安寧注入強勁動力。中方發布《全球安全倡議概念文件》,並在國際維和、反恐、氣候變化、防災減災、打擊跨國犯罪等領域深化國際合作。面對網絡安全、人工智能治理等新興安全領域難題,中方發起《全球數據安全倡議》、《全球人工智能治理倡議》等,引領新興領域國際安全治理進程。  the gsi has provided strong impetus to uphold global peace and tranquility. china released the global security initiative concept paper, and has deepened international cooperation on peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, climate change, disaster relief and the fight against transnational organized crime. facing security difficulties in emerging areas, such as cybersecurity and ai governance, china released the global initiative on data security and the global ai governance initiative to set the pace for international security governance in emerging areas.

倡議推動完善國際安全對話平台機制,引領地區安全合作不斷前行。中方積極推動上海合作組織、亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議機制、東亞合作機制等框架下安全領域交流合作,持續打造北京香山論壇、全球公共安全合作論壇(連雲港)、中非和平安全論壇、中拉高級防務論壇等一系列國際安全交流對話平台,匯聚國際社會應對安全挑戰的共識與合力。  the gsi has improved international security dialogue and platform and guided regional security cooperation to move forward. china has advanced security exchange and cooperation under the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization, the conference on interaction and confidence building measures in asia, and east asia cooperation. we have established a host of international platforms on security exchange and dialogue, such as beijing xiangshan forum, the global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang), the china-africa peace and security initiative and the china-latin america high-level defense forum. we have pooled the consensus and efforts of the international community to address security challenges.

作為中方為應對國際安全挑戰提供的重要公共產品,全球安全倡議的現實意義和時代價值持續顯現。中方歡迎所有愛好和平、致力發展的國際社會成員積极參与倡議合作,共同建設一個持久和平、普遍安全的美好世界。  as an important public good offered by china to address international security challenges, the gsi is increasingly relevant to the times and much more valuable. all peace-loving and development-minded countries and organizations are welcome to join in gsi cooperation with china to jointly build a better world with lasting peace and common security. 

路透社記者:我的問題與以色列襲擊伊朗伊斯法罕市有關。伊朗方面在上周末發動襲擊後向王毅外長表示,無意進一步升級中東局勢。鑒於以色列最新襲擊行動,中方是否會與中東各方尤其是以色列展開進一步討論?  reuters: this is regarding israel’s attack of iran’s isfahan city. iran this week told minister wang yi that it has no intention to further escalate tensions in the middle east after its attack over the weekend. given this latest attack by israel, would china engage in further discussions with parties in the middle east? in particular, will china talk to israel?

林劍:中方反對任何導致局勢進一步緊張升級的行為,將繼續為推動局勢緩和發揮建設性作用。  lin jian: china opposes any action that further escalates tension in the middle east and will continue to play a constructive role in easing the situation.

總台央視記者:日前,美國總統拜登在匹茲堡發表公開講話,聲稱中國政府長期大量補貼中國鋼鐵企業擴大產能,以不公平的低價向全球市場傾銷,對美造成損害。表示美貿易代表正在調查中國鋼鋁行業,威脅將自華進口鋼鋁關稅稅率調整為當前3倍。美國政府正認真審視中國政府針對造船業的產業政策做法,若證實中國政府實施了不公平行為破壞自由和公平貿易,美方將採取行動。中方對此有何評論?  cctv: us president biden said in his speech in pittsburgh that for too long, the chinese government has poured state money into chinese steel companies, pushing them to make so much steel and it ends up dumping the extra steel into the global markets at unfairly low prices, which caused damage in america. he said the us trade representative is investigating china’s steel and aluminum sectors and threatened to triple the tariff rates for both steel imports and aluminum imports from china. he said that the administration is also taking a real hard look at the chinese government’s industrial practices when it comes to global shipbuilding, and that if the chinese government is doing that and the unfair tactics to undermine free and fair trade competition in the shipping industry, the us will take action. do you have more comments on that?

林劍:美方有關說法完全不符合事實,損害中美經貿關係,與兩國元首舊金山會晤共識背道而馳。中方對此嚴重關切、強烈不滿。  lin jian: those comments are far-fetched. they hurt china-us trade ties and deviate from the common understandings between the two presidents in san francisco. china expresses grave concern and dissatisfaction over those comments.

第一,中國鋼鐵行業主要立足於滿足國內市場需求,沒有任何刺激出口的補貼政策,且長期以來出口比例保持在5%左右,遠低於日本、韓國等鋼鐵生產國,對國際市場影響十分有限。反倒是美國為本國產業提供數千億美元的歧視性補貼,還以“國家安全”為借口濫用出口管制措施,阻礙芯片等產品的正常國際貿易。美方指責中方採取所謂“非市場行為”,是典型的“賊喊捉賊”,倒打一耙。  first, china’s steel sector is mainly aimed at meeting domestic demand and receives no export-oriented subsidies. only 5 percent of our steel is exported, far lower than japan, the rok and other steelmakers, which means the influence of our steel exports on the international market is very limited. the us, on the other hand, spends hundreds of billions of dollars on discriminatory domestic subsidies and abuses export controls citing “national security”, which hinders normal international trade in chips and other products. what a double standard for the us to accuse china of “non-market practices”.

第二,美方多份研究報告顯示,美國的造船業因過度保護在多年前就已失去競爭優勢。中國相關產業發展是企業技術創新和積极參与市場競爭的結果,得益於自身完整的工業製造體系和巨大的國內市場。美方將自身問題歸咎於中國,既缺乏事實依據,也有悖經濟常識。  second, various us studies show that the us shipbuilding industry lost its competitive advantage many years ago due to over-protection. the growth of relevant industries in china is a result of companies’ tech innovation and participation in market competition. it also benefits from china’s fully-fledged industrial manufacturing system and vast domestic market. blaming us’s own industrial woes on china lacks factual basis and economic common sense.

第三,美國上屆政府以“國家安全”為由對部分世貿成員的鋼鋁產品選擇性加征關稅,對華進行301調查並加征關稅,都是徹頭徹尾的保護主義行徑,已經被世貿組織裁定違背世貿規則。美方不但不糾正錯誤做法,還要威脅提高關稅,宣布啟動新的301調查,這是在錯上加錯。  third, according to wto ruling, the former us administration was wrong to impose additional steel and aluminum tariffs on certain wto members and launch section 301 investigation and raise tariffs on china. instead of correcting its mistake, the us chose to double down on it by threatening with new tariff hikes and announcing a new section 301 investigation.

中方將密切關注調查進展,要求美方謹言慎行,停止在選舉年操弄中國議題,停止將經貿問題“泛安全化”,取消對華加征關稅措施,停止加征新的關稅。中方將採取一切必要措施堅決捍衛自身權益。  china will closely follow how the investigation proceeds. we urge the us to be prudent in its words and deeds, stop manipulating issues on china in the election year, stop turning economic and trade issues into security ones, lift additional tariffs on china and stop imposing new ones. china will take all steps necessary to firmly defend our own rights and interests.

《環球時報》記者:據報道,菲律賓外交部昨天發表聲明,回應中方對美日菲領導人峰會的立場,稱美日菲是促進印太地區和平穩定與經濟穩定的夥伴關係和合作框架,任何愛好和平的國家都不應該將其視為威脅,中國無端提及冷戰,曲解美日菲合作的和平目的。中國應該反思自己在南海的所作所為,遵守國際法,維護地區和平穩定。請問中方對此有何評論?  global times: it’s reported that the philippines’ department of foreign affairs issued the statement in response to chinese statement on the ph-jp-us trilateral summit. it said that the trilateral cooperation is a partnership and a cooperative framework for the promotion of peace, stability and economic prosperity in the indo-pacific region. it should not be considered a threat by any peace-loving country. china’s unwarranted references to the cold war misrepresent the peaceful purpose of the trilateral cooperation. china should reflect upon its actions in the south china sea, observe international law and promote regional peace and stability. what’s china’s comments?

林劍:關於美日菲三邊峰會,中方已表明嚴正立場。這個峰會的真正目的是什麼,三方究竟是在尋求地區和平與合作,還是操弄集團政治、搞封閉排他的“小圈子”,明眼人都看得清清楚楚。菲方有關聲明顛倒是非,不僅無視根本問題所在,反而對中方無理指責,真正應當深刻反思的恰恰是菲方自身。  lin jian: china has made its position clear on the trilateral summit between the us, japan and the philippines. what’s the true purpose of the summit? are they seeking regional peace and cooperation or engaging in group politics and forming exclusive groupings? the people are not blind. the philippine statement in response to china’s stance on the ph-jp-us summit has little truth in it. it says nothing about what truly caused the problem, but tries to make the philippines look like the victim and blame china. it’s the philippines who should reflect on its own actions.

中方在南海問題上的立場是一貫的、明確的。一段時間以來,中菲涉海爭議持續升溫,根源在於菲方違背自身承諾,頻繁在海上挑釁生事,侵犯中方領土主權和海洋權益。菲方還企圖拉外部勢力給自己撐腰、給中方施壓。任何挑釁和脅迫都阻擋不了中方捍衛自身主權和權益的堅定決心與意志。  china’s position on the south china sea is consistent and clear. over the past few months, maritime disputes between china and the philippines have heated up. the root cause is the philippines’ breach of its commitments, frequent provocations and infringement on china’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. the philippines has even attempted to get forces outside the region on board to embolden itself and put pressure on china. no provocation or coercion will deter china from safeguarding its sovereignty and rights and interests.

我們奉勸菲方,挾美以自重,不會有出路。維護本國安全發展、維護地區和平穩定,唯一正確的選擇是堅守睦鄰友好、回歸對話協商、堅持戰略自主。  the philippines needs to know that it will not get its way by leaning on the us. the only path to a peaceful and stable region lies in commitment to good-neighborliness, returning to dialogue and consultation and maintaining strategic independence.

中新社記者:今天上午,中國野生動物保護協會與美國舊金山動物園簽署了《大熊貓國際保護合作意向書》,發言人能否介紹更多情況?  china news service: the china wildlife conservation association and the san francisco zoo of the us signed the letter of intent on international cooperation of giant panda conservation this morning. can you share more about this?

林劍:我們注意到中國野生動物保護協會發布了有關消息,很高興看到雙方合作單位就開展大熊貓保護合作達成意向。據了解,雙方合作單位將推進各項籌備工作,力爭2025年一對大熊貓落戶舊金山動物園。  lin jian: we noted that china wildlife conservation association released relevant information. we are glad to see the two sides reach a letter of intent on the cooperation on giant panda conservation. it is learned that the two sides will make various preparations and try to send a pair of giant pandas to san francisco zoo in 2025.

大熊貓不僅是中國的“國寶”,也深受世界各國人民的歡迎和喜愛,是友誼的使者和橋樑。美國是最早和我國開展大熊貓保護合作的國家之一,自20世紀90年代以來,在中美雙方科研人員共同努力下,成功繁育成活17隻大熊貓幼仔,為大熊貓保護繁育作出積極貢獻。同時,雙方在大熊貓野外保護、飼養繁育、疾病防控、疾病救治等方面共同開展研究,聯合攻克了系列技術難題,推動了雙方在大熊貓等瀕危野生動植物保護領域的科技交流和能力建設,對提升大熊貓保護總體水平、促進兩國民心相通、增進民間友好等方面發揮了積極作用。  giant pandas are not only a national treasure of china but also welcomed and loved by people across the world. they are emissaries and bridges for friendship. the us is one of the first countries to carry out cooperation with china on giant panda conservation. since the 1990s, the chinese and us researchers have worked together to successfully breed 17 giant panda cubs, contributing to the conservation and breeding of giant pandas. meanwhile, the two sides have conducted joint study on the conservation of giant pandas in the wild, their feeding and breeding, and disease prevention, control and treatment. together, the two sides cracked a number of difficult technical issues, enhanced sci-tech exchanges and capacity building in the conservation of giant pandas and other endangered wildlife, and played a positive role in improving the overall conservation of giant pandas, building closer bond between the two peoples and deepening people-to-people friendship.

據悉,本次合作研究將繼續充分發揮雙方集體智慧、資源疊加和知識分享的優勢,進一步提高瀕危物種和生物多樣性保護的能力和水平,為增進兩國人民友誼作出積極的貢獻。  as we understand, this round of cooperation will continue to fully tap the collective wisdom, resources and knowledge of the two sides, improve the capability and level of the conservation of endangered species and biological diversity, and contribute to the friendship between the two peoples.

路透社記者:歐盟昨日稱,有跡象表明,中國正在向俄羅斯提供可能用於製造武器的零部件。美國財長耶倫和英國財政大臣亨特就中國支持俄軍工進行了討論。中方對於西方大國間的討論有何評論?  reuters: yesterday, the european union said it sees signs that china is supplying components to russia that could be used to make weapons. us treasury secretary janet yellen as well as uk finance minister jeremy hunt also had a discussion on china’s role in supplying russia’s military. how does china view these discussions happening among the western powers?

林劍:中方不是烏克蘭危機的當事方、參與方。我們始終秉持客觀公正立場,積極勸和促談,從不拱火澆油、藉機牟利。中俄有權利開展正常的經貿合作,這種合作不應受到干擾和限制。事實上,美歐和其他一些國家也仍在同俄開展貿易。有關方應反思危機根源,為實現和平做些實事,而不是向中國甩鍋推責。  lin jian: china is not a party to or involved in the ukraine crisis. china’s position is fair and objective. we actively promote peace talks and never fuel the flame or seek selfish gains. china and russia have every right to normal economic and trade cooperation, which should not be interfered with or restricted. the us and some european countries, among others, also trade with russia. what’s important is to reflect on the root cause of the crisis and do something that will actually bring back peace.

總台華語環球節目中心記者:近日,美國務院發布2024年《軍控、防擴散與裁軍遵約報告》,指責中國未遵守“暫停核試驗”承諾、開展敏感生物軍事活動等。請問中方對此有何評論?  cctv: the us department of state released its report on adherence to and compliance with arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and commitments days ago, accusing china of failing to adhere to its nuclear testing moratoria and conducting sensitive biological activities for military purposes. what’s china’s comment?

林劍:美國年年發布所謂《軍控、防擴散與裁軍遵約報告》,其內容一向是罔顧事實,預設立場,一方面對美方軍控、裁軍與防擴散領域斑斑劣跡避而不談,另一方面又對他國履約情況進行毫無事實依據的抹黑指責。中方對此堅決反對。  lin jian: year after year, the us releases the so-called report on adherence to and compliance with arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and commitments. the report ignores facts and is full of preconceptions. on one hand, the report says nothing about the us’s poor record on arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation. on the other hand, the report smears other countries with baseless accusations on their compliance. china firmly opposes it.

在國際軍控和防擴散領域,中方堅持真正的多邊主義,堅定維護以聯合國為核心的國際體系和以國際法為基礎的國際秩序,認真履行各項國際義務和承諾,以實際行動為維護國際軍控和防擴散體系作出中國貢獻。  on international arms control and nonproliferation, china is committed to true multilateralism and upholds the international system with the un at its core and the international order based on international law. china has faithfully fulfilled its international obligations and commitments and contributed to upholding the international arms control and nonproliferation system with concrete actions.

反觀美方,頑固堅持冷戰思維,肆意挑動大國對抗,放手發展軍力,極力謀求絕對安全優勢,嚴重破壞全球和地區戰略穩定。為轉移焦點、逃避責任向其他國家潑髒水是美方一貫伎倆,國際社會對此有目共睹。我們敦促美方停止對他國指手畫腳,認真檢視自身在軍控、裁軍和防擴散領域的所作所為,積極回應國際社會對美方在遵約方面的合理關切。  in contrast, the us continues to follow a cold war mentality and keeps stoking major-country confrontation. the us has little restraint in its military build-up and relentlessly seeks absolute advantage in the field of security. this has seriously jeopardized global and regional strategic stability. to sling mud at other countries in order to deflect attention and shirk responsibilities has become the us’s go-to tactic. the international community is clear-eyed about this. we urge the us to stop pointing fingers at other countries, take a hard look at its track record in arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation, and earnestly respond to the legitimate concerns of the international community on the us’s compliance.

東方衛視記者:據報道,4月19日,日本東京電力公司啟動第五批福島核污染水排海,預計將持續至5月7日,計劃排放約7800噸核污染水。請問中方對此有何評論?  dragon tv: it’s reported that tokyo electric power company started to dump the fifth batch of fukushima nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean on april 19. the discharge is expected to last until may 7 and reach nearly 7,800 tonnes. what’s china’s comment?

林劍:日本罔顧國內外反對、單方面啟動排海以來,迄未解決利益攸關方對核污染水排海安全性、凈化裝置長期可靠性、監測安排有效性等關切。在此情況下,日方執意啟動第五批核污染水排海,這是將風險轉嫁給全世界,極其不負責任,中方對此堅決反對。  lin jian: since the unilateral launch of the discharge, despite international and domestic opposition, japan has yet to resolve stakeholders’ concerns on the safety of nuclear-contaminated water discharge, the long-term reliability of the purification system and the effectiveness of monitoring arrangement. even so, japan went ahead with the fifth round of discharge, essentially spreading the risk of contamination worldwide. this is rather irresponsible. china firmly opposes it.

福島核污染水排海事關全人類健康、全球海洋環境、國際公共利益,日方應嚴肅對待國內外正當合理關切,本着負責任和建設性態度妥善處理。中方敦促日方全面配合建立周邊鄰國等利益攸關方實質參與、獨立、有效的長期國際監測安排,防止核污染水排海造成不可挽回的後果。  the ocean discharge of the fukushima nuclear-contaminated water bears on the health of all humanity, the global marine environment and the global common good. japan needs to take seriously domestic and international concerns and handle the discharge properly with a responsible and constructive attitude. china urges japan to cooperate fully in creating an independent, effective and long-term international monitoring scheme with substantive participation of japan’s neighbors and other stakeholders, so as to avoid irrevocable consequences stemming from the ocean discharge.